


The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)accredits programs upon the recommendation of the CoA-ATE. The CoA-ATE is sponsored by the American Society of Anesthesia Technologists & Technicians (ASATT).

Programs preparing self-studies will be required to complete this self-study under the Standards and Guidelines for the Accreditation of Educational Programs in Anesthesia Technology.

December 2013

* Failure to fully comply with one or more of these criteria is considered to be of critical concern in

decisions regarding anesthesia technologyprogram accreditation.




  1. Description of the Self-Study Report
  2. Directions for Completing the Self Study and Self-Study Report
  3. Self-Study Format Instructions

PART BCAAHEP REQUEST FOR ACCREDITATION SERVICES FORM (copy of completed form to be inserted by sponsor)









1. Description of the Self-Study Report (SSR)

The Self-Study Report is designed to provide programs with a tool by which they can assess and record the quality of their program and its educational activities in relation to national standards, their institution's mission, the program's goals and objectives, the appropriateness of the curriculum and measured outcomes.

The Report is divided into sevenparts:

  1. INTRODUCTION AND INSTRUCTIONS presents a descriptionof the:
  2. Self Study process.
  3. Format of the Self-Study Report.
  4. General directions for completing it.
  1. CAAHEP REQUEST FOR ACCREDITATION SERVICES (RAS) form requires the sponsor to include a signed copy of the RAS.
  1. SELF STUDY PROGRAM STATEMENT requires the sponsor to include a statement as to how the self study was conducted, including a list of participants and their assignments.
  1. DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATIONrequiresinstitutional and programmatic demographic information.
  1. NARRATIVE ANALYSIS OF COMPLIANCE BY STANDARDincludes Standards language in black bold print and questions/information that programs must address/provide in blue print. This section requiresa program to narratively describe, assess and document the program’s compliance with the evaluation criteria for each of the five Standards sections.
  1. SELF-STUDY CERTIFICATION is a signature page for program officials to certify the self-study process and the contents of the Self-Study Report.
  1. APPENDICES AND FORMS contains the documentation that verifies compliance with the Standards. Any standardized forms required in this self-study are included in this section.

This format provides programs with an opportunity to assess and document qualitative and quantitative educational assets, utilize a systems approach to evaluate their program, and, when necessary and appropriate, to institute change.

2. Directions for completing the Self-study and the Self-Study Report

The self-study process should begin well in advance of the scheduled date for a program's review by the CoA-ATE.The conducting institution should appoint a committee for overseeing the completion of the self-study, as well as a project director to coordinate all aspects of this self-assessment. The project director is often the director of the anesthesia technology program.

Each faculty member involved in the program at both conducting and affiliating institutions should be informed that the self-study process is being conducted by the program and, when appropriate, be given a copy of the entire Accreditation Manual to study in detail, especially those parts for whichhe/she has responsibility. The project director should make every attempt to keep both the self-study committee and other key institutional and program personnel fully informed of the progress being made toward completion of the Self-Study.

To facilitate completion of the Narrative and Appendices Tabs, the Self-Study Committee should closely review the Standards and determine what data it needs to provide. For Outcomes Data and Reporting, a system should be identified whereby the required data are collected, collated, tabulated, analyzed and recorded in appropriate areas of the Self-Study. The report should be organized in a logical manner.

Expectations of each Narrative response:

1) Is written on a criterion-by-criterion basis, with both the Standard number and the Standard statement preceding each narrative response. The narrative response is an explanation of how the program meets the Standard;

2) Addresses each component or segment of a Standard separately;

3) Provides reference to any documentation which directly supports the narrative responses to a specific Standard.

Expectations for the Outcomes Measures/Tools and Reporting:

1) Presents sufficient information about each outcomes tool and document (templates);

2) Demonstrates how students are helped to learn effectively;

3) Assures the program is functioning under sound administrative, budgetary, curricular andethical


4) Utilizes the glossary to insure proper meaning of terms.

The Appendices are not meant to be mutually exclusive or inclusive. Each program is expected to:

1) Respond in writing to each segment of the Standard.

2) Meet certain criteria which have been determined to have major significance regarding

educational quality.

Failure to comply with one or more of these criteria is considered to be of critical concern

in decisions regarding anesthesia technology program accreditation and is marked with

an asterisk (*).

3) Select only those additional documents which lend support to and/or provide verification for

what is being discussed in its narrative responses.

Documentation submitted as evidence of compliance must be clearly indexed, tabbed and appended in the Appendices and Forms Tab. Place each supportive document in the most appropriate section of the Self-Study Report. If documents are cited several times in the Narrative, it is not necessary to duplicate the document, simply reference the document to its respective tab, state how the document provides evidence for compliance with the Standard and where this supportive document can be found in the Appendices and Forms Tab, (i.e., tab, page number, and paragraph). The appendices do not preclude other materials from being included by the program. The key word is “essential”. The Self-Study itself should define the program activities as they relate to specific Standards, and be stated clearly, cogently and succinctly. Supportive materials should be included only to the extent that they are needed to provide substantive clarification of program activities.

3. Self-Study Formatand Instructions

This Word document serves as the foundation of the program’s self-study report. Program information and responses should be inserted directly into this document.The self study report must include the following sections, in the order listed:

1.Self–Study cover page and Table of Contents

2.Part A: Introduction and Instructions (provided herein)

3.Part B: CAAHEP Request for Accreditation Services form.

4.Part C: Self Study Program Statement

5.Part D: Demographic Information

6.Part E: Narrative Analysis of Compliance by Standard

7.Part F: Self Study Certification

8.Part G: Appendices and Forms

Submit one electronic copy of the self-studyand all enclosures, includingfee, to:


1361 Park Street

Clearwater, FL 33756

* Failure to fully comply with one or more of these criteria is considered to be of critical concern in

decisions regarding anesthesiatechnologyprogram accreditation.


(Insert copy of CAAHEP Request for Accreditation Services form)


(Insert statement as to how the self study was conducted, including a list

of participants and their assignments.)




(To be given to the on-site Reviewer)

1. Official Name of the Institution______


City______State ______Zip______

2. Type of Institution

[]Academic Health Center/Medical School

[] Four-year College or University

[] Two-year College

[] Vocational or Technical School

[] Hospital or Medical Center

[] Department of Veterans Affairs

[] U.S. Dept. of Defense

[] Consortium (if applicable, complete Consortium data form; include in Appendix 1)

3. Nature of Institution

[] Public [] Private, not-for-profit [] Private, for-profit

4. Chief Administrative Officer of Institution

Name______Administrative Title ______

Address______City______State & Zip ______

5. Dean or Director of Allied Health Education

Name______Administrative Title______

Address______City______State & Zip______Telephone ______FAX______

6. Program Director or Director of Allied Health Education

Name______Administrative Title______


State & Zip______

Telephone ______FAX ______

7. Is the institution legally authorized under applicable state law to providepostsecondaryeducation?

[] Yes [] No [] No applicable state law

8. Educational programs in the institution operate on a:

[] Semester System [] Trimester System [] Quarterly System

9. Does the institution publish a general bulletin or catalog on its educational programs?

[] Yes [] No

10. Where does the institution publish information on tuition rates and refunds?

[] General Bulletin or Catalog

[] Individual Program Bulletin or Brochure

[] As a separate document

[] Does not publish this information

11. Does the institution have a student grievance policy?

[] Yes[] No

12. Does the institution have a faculty grievance policy?

[] Yes[] No

  1. Name of academic affiliation: (If the conducting institution is not an academic institution)


  1. Program Coordinator:
  1. Department Dean:
  1. Chief Executive Officer:

14. Curriculum program design:

  1. Type of program (Check all that apply)
  2. Associate ______
  3. Associate with Certificate ______
  4. Bachelors ______
  5. Program Design (Check One)
  6. Initial didactic, later clinical ______
  7. Integrated didactics/clinical ______
  8. Other (Describe) ______
  9. Duration of the entire program (Enter number of months)
  10. ______Months.
  11. For a new program projected starting date (Enter month and Year)

Starting date ______

  1. Specific degree awarded as shown on diploma: ______

15. Number of anesthesia technology studentcapacity: ______

  1. Summary of available clinical experience: (Include all clinical sites)

Name of facility: (use additional pages as needed)

  1. Length and purpose of affiliation:______
  2. Clinical coordinator: (name and title) ______
  3. Chairman of anesthesia department (if applicable):______
  4. Administrator for anesthesia department:______
  5. Student/faculty (trainer) ratio: ______
  6. Number of surgical procedures per year:______
  7. Specialty procedures per year:
  8. Pediatric: ______
  9. Cardio-Vascular:______
  10. Trauma:______
  11. Other: ______
  12. Number of Technology students assigned to facility:______


(Standards and Instruction)


A.Sponsoring Educational Institution

A sponsoring institution must be a post-secondary academic institution accredited by an institutional accrediting agency that is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, and must be authorized under applicable law or other acceptable authority to provide a post-secondary program, which awards a minimum of an Associate Degree at the completion of the program. *

Quote the mission of the sponsoring institution.

Comment on the extent to which the sponsoring institution meets this standard/requirement. Include type of institution, name of accrediting agency and date(s) of accreditation.

Place in APPENDIX A a copy of the letter or certificate of institutional accreditation.

Place in APPENDIX B an organizational chart.

B.Consortium Sponsor

1. A consortium sponsor is an entity consisting of two or more members that exists for the purpose of operating an educational program. In such instances, at least one of the members of the consortium must meet the requirements of a sponsoring educational institution as described in I.A.

2.The responsibilities of each member of the consortium must be clearly documented as a formal affiliation, agreement or memorandum of understanding, which includes governance and lines of authority.

Quote the mission of the sponsoring institution

Comment on the extent to which the sponsoring institution meets this standard/requirement. Include type of institution, name of accrediting agency and date(s) of accreditation.

Place in APPENDIX A a copy of the letter or certificate of institutional accreditation.

Place in APPENDIX B a copy of the consortium agreement and organizational chart.

C.Responsibilities of Sponsor

The Sponsor must ensure that the provisions of these Standards and Guidelines are met.

Comment on how this is being achieved.

*Failure to fully comply with one or more of these criteria is considered to be of critical concern in

decisions regarding anesthesia technologyprogram accreditation.


A. Program Goals and Outcomes

There must be a written statement of the program’s goals and learning domains consistent with and responsive to the demonstrated needs and expectations of the various communities of interest served by the educational program. The communities of interest that are served by the program must include, but are not limited to, students, graduates, faculty, sponsor administration, employers, physicians, and the public.*

Program-specific statements of goals and learning domains provide the basis for program planning, implementation, and evaluation. Such goals and learning domains must be compatible with both the mission of the sponsoring institution(s), the expectations of the communities of interest, and nationally accepted standards of roles and functions. Goals and learning domains are based upon the substantiated needs of health care providers and employers, and the educational needs of the students served by the educational program. *

Provide the program’s goals and learning domains, and a brief statement of how they were established.

Describe how program goals and learning domains are consistent with the mission of the institution and responsive to community needs.

B.Appropriateness of Goals and Learning Domains

The program must regularly assess its goals and learning domains. Program personnel must identify and respond to changes in the needs and/or expectations of its communities of interest. *

An advisory committee, which is representative of at least each of the communities interest named in these Standards, must be designated and charged with the responsibility of meeting at least annually, to assist program and sponsor personnel in formulating and periodically revising appropriate goals and learning domains, monitoring needs and expectations, and ensuring program responsiveness to change.

Describe the frequency of advisory committee meetings and how it assists with program review, monitors needs and expectations, and ensures appropriate change,

Place in Appendix C a list of advisory committee members, including the community of interest that each represents.

Place in Appendix D a copy of advisory committee meeting minutes from the past 2 meetings.

*Failure to fully comply with one or more of these criteria is considered to be of critical concern in

decisions regarding anesthesia technologyprogram accreditation.

C.Minimum Expectations

The program must have the following goal(s) defining minimum expectations:

“To prepare competent entry-level Anesthesia Technologists in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains."

Programs adopting educational goals beyond entry-level competence must clearly delineate this intent and provide evidence that all students have achieved the basic competencies prior to entry into the field.

If the program adopted educational goals beyond entry-level, summarize the intent and identify how the students have achieved the basic competencies.


A.Type and Amount

Program resources must be sufficient to ensure the achievement of the program’s goals and outcomes. Resources must include, but are not limited to: faculty; clerical and support staff; curriculum; finances; offices; classroom, laboratory, and ancillary student facilities; clinical affiliates; equipment; supplies; computer resources; instructional reference materials, and faculty/staff continuing education.

Provide a brief statement regarding the overall adequacy of the program’s resources to support the number of students enrolled. Identify the program’s equipment (e.g., computers, lab/simulation equipment,and classroom and distance education technology).


The sponsor must appoint sufficient faculty and staff with the necessary qualifications to perform the functions identified in documented job descriptions and to achieve the program’s stated goals and outcomes.

1.Program Director

a. Responsibilities

The Program Director must ensure achievement of the program’s goals and outcomes, and is responsible for all aspects of the program, including the organization, administration, continuous review, planning, development and general effectiveness of the program. The Program Director must provide supervision, administration and coordination.*

Place in Appendix E a copy of the job description for the program director.

b. Qualifications

1. Possess a degree equal to the degree for which the students are being


2.Possess a minimum of five years full time or equivalent experience as a

Certified Anesthesia Technologist, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, Anesthesiologist Assistant or Anesthesiologist.*

State whether program administrators meet the requirements noting any deviations. Indicate how any deviations affect the program.

Provide in Appendix E a copy of the CV for the program director.

*Failure to fully comply with one or more of these criteria is considered to be of critical concern in

decisions regarding anesthesiatechnologyprogram accreditation.

2. Medical Advisor

a. Responsibilities

The Medical Advisor of the program must provide the input necessary to ensure that the medical components of the curriculum, both didactic and supervised practice, meets current standards of medical practice.

Place in Appendix E a copy of the job description for the medical advisor.

b. Qualifications

The Medical Advisor must be a currently practicing, licensed physician, Board certified in anesthesiology.

Provide in Appendix E a copy of the CV for the medical advisor.

3.Faculty and/or Instructional Staff

a. Responsibilities

In classrooms, laboratories, and all clinical facilities where a student is assigned, there must be (a) qualified individual(s) clearly designated as liaison(s) to the program to provide instruction, supervision, and timely assessments of the student’s progress in meeting program requirements. All faculty members, regardless of the extent of their participation, must be familiar with the goals of the program and must be able to demonstrate the ability to develop a plan of instruction and evaluation. *

Place in Appendix E a copy of the job description for the faculty and staff.

Describe how faculty and staff will be made familiar with program goals.

b. Qualifications

Faculty and clinical preceptor liaisons must possess appropriate credentials and knowledge in subject matter by virtue of training and experience, in fulfilling their responsibilities.