Hulland Ward Parish Council

Minutes of meeting held on Monday 2 March 2015 at 7.00 pm

In the Millennium Village Hall, Hulland Ward

Present: Cllr B Potts (Chair) Cllr P Birkbeck (Vice-Chair)

Cllr D Lewis Cllr L Neale

Cllr D Astle Cllr J Morgan

Cllr Spencer Cllr R Bright (DDDC)

Cllr I Ratcliffe (DCC) 6 Members of the public

Mrs B Kirkham (Clerk)

Item / Action
Speed Sign Demonstration
Unfortunately this didn’t go ahead but will be rescheduled.
2  Apologies
Apologies were received from PCSO Dales.
3  Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting held on 2 February 2015 were agreed as a true record proposed by Cllr Birkbeck and seconded by Cllr Neale.
Outstanding Items from previous minutes/matters arising
Clerk reported that there was no money available from the County Council for snow clearing, but if the Parish Council joined the Snow Warden Scheme then they would receive up to 1 tonne of grit, shovels and Hi-Vis jackets free of charge, the Council agreed to discuss this again in the Autumn.
With regard to work at Common End Farm, the District council had advised that a planning application would be received shortly.
Cllr Bright said he was concerned that the Carsington Bypass was not a priority gritting route, several accidents had occurred recently. Cllr Bright to raise the matter with the County Council.
Discussion took place with Cllr Ratcliffe regarding whether or not the Parish Council should accept the gift of the existing speed signs from the County Council. Cllr Ratcliffe agreed to speak to Simon Tranter at the County Council regarding this matter. Cllr Ratcliffe also mentioned that there would be funds available to help towards the cost of the new speeding signs.
John Millhouse a Planning Consultant, addressed the meeting. Mr Millhouse was representing the owner, Mr John Yates, of land off Biggin View. Mr Millhouse was proposing to submit a planning application for up to 32 houses on the upper part of 3 fields at the back of Biggin View. An exhibition and public consultation would be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 10 March from 5-7 pm. Up to 45% of the application could be for affordable homes. Members of the Village Committee asked why the application was being done now just when the other application had been turned down. Mr Millhouse explained that these proposals had been going ahead for sometime and it was a response to the District Council’s need for more housing.
The Council had not received a speeding report, Clerk to follow up with PCSO Dales.
Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest in any items on the agenda.
Village Committee
The planning application for land off Wheeldon Way had been turned down at the District Council planning meeting.
Neighbourhood Plan
Joe Dugdale from Rural Action Derbyshire joined the meeting and gave the following information on producing a Neighbourhood Plan:
Ø  The Localism Act had given communities the opportunity to plan locally by means of a Neighbourhood Plan which is a formal planning document which is adopted by the District Council and adds to the Local Plan at a local level, it is not strategic and cannot contradict the District Plan
Ø  Neighbourhood Plan must be a plan for development
Ø  District Council has to plan realistically and the Neighbourhood Plan must fit in with the District
Ø  Neighbourhood Plan area can be beyond the Parish area
Ø  The boundary lies with the District Council and then there is a 6 week consultation on the boundary
Ø  The boundary needs to be agreed by other parishes/areas
Ø  Parish Council would be the qualifying body to own the Neighbourhood Plan
Ø  The map of the area takes into account the electoral roll
Ø  The first step is to decide on the Neighbourhood area and submit to District Council and then there is a 6 week consultation period
Ø  If the area is agreed then it becomes a ‘Neighbourhood Plan Development Area’ and the qualifying body would be Hulland Ward Parish Council
Ø  The scope and scale of the plan should align to the Derbyshire Dales District Council Local Plan to 2030
Ø  Need to collect evidence – create a reasonable picture of the future, include new development control ie siting, guidance, standard, density etc
Ø  Neighbourhood Plan cannot revise previous planning applications
Ø  All the work needs careful consideration
Ø  Neighbourhood Plan can be broad or narrow, can include: transport; employment; business development; range of various issues and can include more detail than there is in the Local Plan
Ø  Neighbourhood Plan is very often not done by a Parish Council, as it often too much work for the Council, but recommended to recruit enthusiasts it needs to be a community led initiative
Ø  Must be evidence based, why is it a good idea? Give evidence
Ø  Usually takes 18 months
Ø  When referendum is held it must be agreed by 50% of those people who vote (not 50% of those eligible to vote)
Ø  Neighbourhood Plan is funded by the District Council who pay for the referendum and inspection.
Ø  www.mycommunityrights.org.uk/neighbourhood-planning for guidance
Ø  National Planning Policy Framework is useful reading, gives regulations – how/what/can/can’t do etc
Ø  Inspector checks regulations have been followed properly and that the local community has been consulted.
Ø  Many other bodies need to be consulted including Marine Conservation, Derbyshire Wildlife Trust etc. Environmental Impact Assessment will also need to be done.
Ø  Important to form working groups and sub-groups
Ø  Templates are available – checkout the locality road map
Ø  So far approximately 250 plans have been approved, all similar but unique in context
Ø  Anyone in the agreed boundary can vote businesses on the boundary may be able to vote
Ø  When adopted by District Council it is considered ‘made’
Ø  Grants of up to £8,000 area available once the area has been agreed, grant money is given in stages and needs to be spent quite quickly
Ø  Rural Action Derbyshire charge for Joe Dugdale’s services would be £250 per day and this would include facilitating the launch and help setting up steering groups.
Ø  The group would need to work with the local Planning Officers and they have a duty to cooperate with the Parish Council
Ø  Professionals will need to be employed ie for producing plans etc, extra admin time will also be needed
Village Development
Planning Applications outstanding:
Erection of agricultural storage building – Halter Devil Farm, Intakes Lane, Turnditch – the Council had no objection to this application.
Planning Applications - Decisions Received: - Erection of summer house & garage/car port – Highwood House, Main Road, Hulland Ward – granted with conditions. / Clerk
10  Village Image
Cllr Birkbeck reported that the Parish Council had received some good publicity for the trial of the speeding signs. More publicity would follow when the daffodils were flowering.
Speed Checks on A517
A meeting was planned for the 17 March for the Council and other interested parties to receive feedback on the speeding trial. Cllr Spencer questioned whether this would bring about any real change to the speeding problem.
Order for Planters for Summer 2015
The Council agreed that the Clerk should place an order for planters and hanging baskets as last year. / Clerk
11  Parish Council Land at Shiney Row
Cllr Neale had inspected the land at Shiney Row and found that the lie of the land would make it difficult to install new gates. The tenant had already put a gate on to the field entrance and was happy with the situation. The Council decided to leave this matter in abeyance for the time being.
12  Rent Increases for 2015
The Council agreed to increase the rents on Parish Council owned land in line with the December 2014 CPI at 0.5%.
13  Finance & Administration
Approval of Invoices & Expenses
The Council unanimously agreed to make the following payments totalling £833.54:
Grasstrack - Feb invoice / 200.50
CPRE / 36.00
Lester Lowe / 132.00
DALC / 234.06
Clerk's Salary / 201.47
Clerk's Expenses (see below) / 21.31
Inland Revenue / 8.20
Feedback from Parish Clerk Liaison Meeting
This meeting had been cancelled.
Appointment of Internal Auditor
The Council agreed to appoint Jo Taylor, an approved DALC internal auditor, to carry out the audit for 2014/15.
The Clerk had been contacted by Derbyshire County Council as the Parish Council’s photocopier was under contract with the County Council. Although the photocopier is possibly approaching the end of its working life, at present it is still working well and Councillors agreed to take no further action at present. / Clerk
14  Review & Update on Capital Projects
No further update at present, however discussion took place about possible sponsorship for the speed signs.
15  Councillors Reports & Observations
Cllr Lewis reported that the library van relocation from Alport Close to the Playing Field Car Park would be reviewed in April
School Parking signs had not been erected yet.
Cllr Neale had inspected Snappers Knowe but there was no dangerous trees at the moment. The flooding issues had been passed to the Highways Department.
A settee had been fly tipped near Masseys Barn. Clerk to report.
Clerk to ask District Council for ‘No Dog Fouling’ signs.
Cllr Astle reported that the wooden supports holding the play area signs had rotted. The area near the MUGGA is damp. In the corner of the football field a manhole has sunk, this could cause trip hazard, this matter to be addressed when weather permits. / Clerk
16  Correspondence
All items of correspondence had been distributed electronically.
17  Date of next Parish Council Meetings
Due to the Easter Bank Holiday the next meeting was arranged for Monday 13 April at 7 pm with a presentation on speeding signs from SWORCO. The May meeting would be held on Monday 11 May at 7.30pm.
The meeting closed at 9.35 pm

Signed………………………………………….. Monday 13 April 2015

Parish Clerk: Mrs Brenda Kirkham – Tel 07938 808730
