Parish Hill Middle/ High School

School Wide Writing Rubric

Exemplary / 3
Proficient / 2
Developing / 1
Insufficient / Self-Score / Score
Central Idea & Support
Information) / Clearly presents a strong central idea with well developed and relevant facts, details, and/or explanations / Presents a central idea with
some adequately developedand/or
relevant facts, details
and/or explanations / Suggests a central idea
with limited facts, details
and/or explanations / Suggests a central idea
with few facts, details
and/or explanations
Central Idea & Support
Scientific Method Information) / Clearly presents a strong central idea with well developed and relevant facts, details, and/or explanations / Presents a central idea with
some adequately developedand/or
relevant facts, details
and/or explanations / Suggests a central idea
with limited facts, details
and/or explanations / Suggests a central idea
with few facts, details
and/or explanations
Tone / Demonstrates a clear understanding of purpose and audience / Demonstrates an acceptable understandingof purpose
and audience / Demonstrates a limited
understandingof purpose
and audience / Demonstrates little
understanding of purpose
and audience
Fluency / Uses a broad and appropriate variety of sentence types / Uses an acceptable varietyof
sentence types / Uses a limited varietyof
sentence types / Uses a narrow variety of sentence types
Organization / Maintains a consistent point of view, focus, and logical organizational structure; uses transitions effectively / Maintains a consistent
point of view, focus, and
logical organizational
structure; uses some transitions / Attempts to maintain a
consistent point of view,
focus, and logical
organizational structure;
uses few transitions / Attempts to maintain a
consistent point of view,
focus, and logical
organizational structure;
does not usetransitions
Mechanics &
Grammar / Free of errors in sentence structure, grammar, usage, punctuation, capitalization, or spelling / Makes few, if any, errors in sentence structure, grammar, usage, punctuation, capitalization, or spelling; errors do not interfere with the reader’s understanding of the writing / Makes someerrors in
sentence structure,
grammar, usage,
punctuation, capitalization
and/or spelling; errors somewhat
interferewith the reader’s
understanding of parts or all of the
writing / Makes several seriouserrors
in sentence structure,
grammar, usage,
punctuation, capitalization
and/or spelling; errors
interfere with the reader’s
understanding of most of the
MLA/APA format / Complies with all MLA/APA formatting guidelines / Complies with all MLA/APA formatting guidelines / Errors in MLA/APA formatting / MLA/APA formatting not present
Completion / Addresses all parts of the writing task in an original fashion / Addresses all partsof the
writing task / Addresses some parts of the writing task / Addresses few partsof the
writing task

32 points =A+24 points =B+

18-20 points = C+/B-16 points =C

10-12 points =D+/C-8 points = D

Name: ______Period: ______

Grade 7- Research Paper: A Human Disease

Final Grade

Assessment:Possible Points:Your Score:

Parent Signature Completed20______

3 Pages of Notes on time40______

Paper Ready for Peer Review40______

Rough Draft (on time and quality)

with peer review attached40______

Research Paper200______

Rough Draft Attached to paper10______
