SLE Pen Portrait

Name: Claire Johnson

Current position: Year 6 Class Teacher, Phase Leader for years 5/6, Computing Leader and CEOP Ambassador

Quote from SLE:

‘Technology is moving at such a rapid pace: sometimes it can be hard to keep track of recent developments and prepare children for the skills they will require in the business sector. Having developed long term planning, assessment and monitoring resources, including exemplars, I have shared outstanding computing practice across the Halesowen network and have consequently contributed towards the attainment and development of future generations. As a CEOP Ambassador, I have supported in the delivery of e-safety and child exploitation workshops for teachers, pupils and parents. I give teachers and leaders the tools and confidence to improve practice and attainment in their own schools and keep children safe in the digital world.’

SLE Specialisms:

·  Leadership of curriculum: Computing, e-safety and child exploitation

·  Pupil achievement in English and Maths: Years 5/6

Current Responsibilities:

·  Senior leader - leading and managing years five and 6 in a three form entry school

·  Year six teacher – rapid progress and closing the gap to maximise attainment.

·  School Improvement through coaching and mentoring teachers to deliver outstanding practice.

·  Improving teaching and learning across computing, English and maths

·  Monitoring, including assessment and leading pupil progress meetings

·  Supporting other leaders within and across schools

·  Lead professional development training

Leadership Experience:

·  Acting Assistant Head teacher to cover maternity leave.

·  Delivery of CEOP, e-safety and computing.

·  Facilitate observations for ITP, RQT and OTP.

·  School to school support with the curriculum and e-safety.

·  Appraiser and Chair of computing teach meets.

·  Mentoring newly qualified teachers.

·  Delivering Assessment training to local schools.

·  Established a digital leader network across Halesowen.

·  Qualified NPQML.