Early Childhood Applicant DayProgramme

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Applicants and Guests
10:00-12:30 / Information Fair, Campus Tours, Finance talks and Accommodation Tours
Please see back of programme for further details
12:30-13:00 / Welcome – Becky Kingsley-Jones
Acting Associate Head of Department – 3S710
13:10-13:55 / Group 1 - Sample lecture – ‘Playing with ideas’
Sarah Chicken, senior lecturer – 3S710 / Group 2 - Taster Session – ‘What is Play’
Sharon Friend, senior lecturer – 2S704
14:00-14:45 / Group 1 - Taster Session – ‘What is Play’
Sharon Friend, senior lecturer – 2S704 / Group 2 - Sample lecture – ‘Playing with ideas’
Sarah Chicken, senior lecturer – 3S710
14:45 / Cream Tea and Networking
An opportunity to talk to programme staff and current students and ask any questions you may have
15:30 / Depart

Applicant Day Optional Morning Programme

Money Advice and Funding Talk*
An introduction to financial support with the opportunity for Q&A / 10:15-11:15
11:30-12:30 / Severn, ECC
(Student Ambassadors will also be collecting visitors from the designated meeting point in the Students’ Union before each talk)

*There will be Money Advice and Funding leaflets in the Ask the Experts area, but please attend the talk if you would like a detailed overview

Ask the Experts
This is an opportunity to talk to University experts who will be on hand to answer your queries
Accommodation / 10:00 to 12:30 / Zone D, ECC
Disability and Wellbeing
Student Advisors
Tours and Visits from/on the Frenchay Campus
Frenchay Campus Tour
A walking tour with Student Ambassadors including a visit to our brand new Faculty of Business and Law building / 9:30 to 12:30
Allow 45 minutes / Zone D, ECC
Visit the Centre for Sport
Make your own way there - ask a Student Ambassador for directions / 10:00 to 12:30 / Centre for Sport
Student Accommodation Tour
A tour to visit some of our student accommodation on Frenchay Campus / 10:00 to 12:30
Allow 30 minutes / Zone D, ECC