Protection and Permanency MEMORANDUM PPM 04-10

TO:Service Region Administrators

Service Region Administrator Associates

Regional Program Specialists

Family Services Office Supervisors

FROM:Barbara Carter, Director

Division of Protection and Permanency

DATE:April 12, 2004

SUBJECT:Links added to Chapters 7C – CPS Case Planning, 7F – CPS In-Home Services and 7G – CPS Aftercare Planning referencing SOP 7E.1.1(B) – Involvement of Fathers and Paternal Family Members

The purpose of this memorandum is to notify staff of links added to Standards of Practice (SOP) referring them to SOP 7E.1.1(B) – Involvement of Fathers and Paternal Family Members.

The SOPs referenced back to SOP 7E.1.1(B) are found in:

Chapter 7C - CPS Case Planning

SOP 7C - Introduction

SOP 7C.3 - Maintaining Cultural Connections

SOP 7C.4 - Negotiating Objectives and Task

SOP 7C.4.1 – Primary Family Level Objectives (FLO)

SOP 7C.4.3 – Individual Level Objectives (ILO)

SOP 7C.4.6 – Required Objectives for In-Home Status Offense Cases

SOP 7C.4.7 - Required Objectives for Domestic Violence Cases Involving Child(ren) (CPS/DV Combined)

SOP 7C.5 - Timeframes for All In-Home Services

SOP 7C.6 - Participants and Notification for All In-Home Cases

SOP 7C.7.1 - Five (5) Day Conference, Family Team Meeting (FTM)

SOP 7C.7.1(A) - Consideration/Implementation of Concurrent Planning for Permanency

SOP 7C.7.2 – Three (3) Month FTM Case Review

SOP 7C.8 - Participants and Notification for All OOHC Cases

SOP 7C.9 – Distribution of Case Plan for All OOHC Cases

SOP 7C.10 - Permanency Goal in OOHC

SOP 7C.10.5 – Permanent Relative Placement

SOP7C.15 - Visitation Agreement

Chapter 7F - CPS In-Home Services

SOP 7F.1 - Process Overview: Opening an In-Home Case

SOP 7F.2 - Formation of the Family Team

SOP 7F.4 – General Guidelines for Service Delivery

SOP 7F.5.1 - Family Preservation Program

SOP 7F.6 - Case Closure

Chapter 7G - CPS Aftercare Planning

SOP 7G - Aftercare Planning

If you have any questions concerning this memorandum, please contact Jeff Wright at or (502) 564-6852 (x-4464).