Why things stay the same:

A sample cultural web analysis and potential actions to address identified issues

Consider the following worked example of a cultural web analysis.

How might it assist in addressing cultural issues?

Web element / Identified factors / Potential actions /
Stories / Grapevine tales of:
Ø  Delays in getting information and financial updates
Ø  The time a wrong project was debited
Ø  Lack of trust in the university systems / Ø  Investigate the reasons for delays in receiving information and address the causes
Ø  Review the systems and their effectiveness to address areas requiring refinement
Ø  Promote the changes, highlighting the benefits of the improved systems /
Routines / Ø  High use of personal spreadsheets to keep financial records
Ø  No project management practices in place
Ø  Projects often running over budget and being bailed out / Ø  Develop common routines that are easy to use and readily understood by people
Ø  Build checks and balances into the routines to ensure projects are controlled
Ø  Ensure staff are trained in the required processes /
Controls / Ø  Chief Investigators not accountable for expenditure
Ø  Research budgets do not follow a standard financial template allocation
Ø  No annual review of expenditures
Ø  Examples of misappropriation have been found / Ø  Provide clearer guidelines for investigators as to their responsibilities and obligations
Ø  Ensure all CIs employ the standard financial template
Ø  Undertake regular audits
Ø  Investigate misappropriations as soon as they are identified /
Organizational structures / Ø  No role has responsibility for oversight of the department research budget expenditure
Ø  Projects do not include a research manager role / Ø  Assign responsibilities to an official role and ensure that individual has the resources and authority to provide the necessary quality assurance /
Power structures / Ø  Chief Investigators see the funding as their money
Ø  Information about expenditure is kept confidential
Ø  The right to spend is jealously guarded / Ø  Develop guidelines on financial expenditure, including the responsibility of CIs as to fund dispersals
Ø  Provide ongoing education /
Symbols / Ø  Research funding is a high-status activity – more money means you are a better researcher, and only high-status people should be involved / Ø  Assist early-career staff to obtain funding
Ø  Encourage sponsorship and mentorship of newcomers to help them gain funding /

Source: Adapted from Johnson. G., & Scholes, K. (2008) Exploring corporate strategy: Text and cases (8th edition), p. 198. © Simon and Schuster Europe Ltd 1998. © Pearson Education Limited 2002, 2008. Used with permission.

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