Supplementary Table S2.The origin of country, host and GenBank accession numbers of the MP and CP genes of PNRSV isolates used for phylogenetic analyses

Isolates / Country / Host / Accession no.
AprIt.caf1 / Italy / Apricot / AJ306810 / AJ133199
AprIt.nap1 / Italy / Apricot / AJ306811 / AJ133200
AprIt.try1 / Italy / Apricot / AJ306812 / AJ133201
Almlt.pre1 / Italy / Almond / AJ306813 / AJ133202
Almlt.cor1 / Italy / Almond / AJ306814 / AJ133203
PchIt.may1 / Italy / Peach / AJ306815 / AJ133204
PchTu.unk1 / Tunisia / Peach / AJ306816 / AJ133205
PchIt.mry1 / Italy / Peach / AJ306817 / AJ133206
NctSp.mur1 / Spain / Nectarine / AJ306818 / AJ133207
ChrIt.lam1 / Italy / Cherry / AJ306819 / AJ133208
ChrIt.mrs1 / Italy / Cherry / AJ306820 / AJ133209
ChrIt.bla1 / Italy / Cherry / AJ306821 / AJ133210
PlmAl.unk1 / Albania / Plum / AJ306822 / AJ133211
PlmIt.clf1 / Italy / Plum / AJ306823 / AJ133212
PlmIt.mrb1 / Italy / Plum / AJ306824 / AJ133213
AlmCl.car1 / Chile / Almond / EF565224 / EF565247
ChrCl.cor1 / Chile / Cherry / EF565225 / EF565248
ChrCl.bin1 / Chile / Cherry / EF565226 / EF565249
ChrCl.swe1 / Chile / Cherry / EF565227 / EF565250
ChrCl.roy1 / Chile / Cherry / EF565228 / EF565251
NctCl.ear1 / Chile / Nectarine / EF565229 / EF565252
NctCl.aug1 / Chile / Nectarine / EF565230 / EF565253
PchCl.pom1 / Chile / Peach / EF565231 / EF565254
PchCl.ric1 / Chile / Peach / EF565234 / EF565257
PchCl.aug1 / Chile / Peach / EF565235 / EF565258
PchCl.sum1 / Chile / Peach / EF565236 / EF565259
PlmCl.mrb1 / Chile / Plum / EF565237 / EF565260
PlmCl.bla1 / Chile / Plum / EF565238 / EF565261
PlmCl.fri1 / Chile / Plum / EF565239 / EF565262
PlmCl.dag1 / Chile / Plum / EF565240 / EF565263
PchBr.unk1 / Brazil / Peach / EF565241 / EF565264
PchBr.unk2 / Brazil / Peach / EF565242 / EF565265
PchBr.unk3 / Brazil / Peach / EF565243 / EF565266
PlmUy.gol1 / Uruguay / Plum / EF565244 / EF565267
PchUy.ear1 / Uruguay / Peach / EF565245 / EF565268
PchUy.jun1 / Uruguay / Peach / EF565246 / EF565269
CH61 / USA / Cherry / AF034989 / AF034989
CH39 / USA / Cherry / AF034990 / AF034990
CH38 / USA / Cherry / AF034991 / AF034991
CH9 / USA / Cherry / AF034992 / AF034992
CH57 / USA / Cherry / AF034993 / AF034993
CH30 / USA / Cherry / AF034994 / AF034994
CH71 / USA / Cherry / AF034995 / AF034995
Mission / USA / Almond / AF013285 / AF013285
Prune / USA / Plum / AF013286 / AF013286
I-23 / Poland / Rose / DQ003584 / DQ003584
RosIn* / India / Rose / AJ969095 / AJ969095
RosCh* / China / Rose / FJ010344 / FJ010344
PchMx.Unk1 / Mexico / Peach / FJ546092 / FJ546092
30﹣4 / USA / Peach / U57046 / U57046
PV-96 / Germany / Mahaleb / S78312 / S78312
PV32 / USA / Apple / Y07568 / Y07568
PE-5 / USA / Peach / L38823 / L38823
Chr3 / Canada / Cherry / JN416773 / JN416773
Pch12 / Canada / Peach / JN416776 / JN416776

*Note: RosIn and RosCh are designated for isolates with GenBank accession numbers AJ969095 and FJ010344 as no names were given for these two isolates.