Bukit Panjang Primary School

Home-Based Learning (HBL): Thursday 19 October to Tuesday 24 October 2017

HBL Plan for Primary 3

Task / HBL-P3-EL-Task 1 / HBL-P3-EL-Task 2 / HBL-P3-EL-Task 3 / HBL-P3-EL-Task 4 / Total Hours
English / Spelling and Writing Riddles / Synonyms and Vocabulary Cloze / Connectors and Conditionals / Visual Text Comprehension / 4 hours
Spelling Lists/
@ Lesson / Resource
@ Lesson / Resource
@ Lesson / Resource
@ Lesson
Children will revise the spelling and meaning of words learnt for the year. They can print the hard copy if they have misplaced the copies issued earlier.
Children will also complete the ‘Writing Riddles’ lesson on AsknLearn. / Instruction
Children will read the online notes and attempt the quiz.
The solutions will be shared online as HBL-P3-EL-Task 2 Solutions. / Instruction
Children will read the online notes and attempt the quiz.
The solutions will be shared online as HBL-P3-EL-Task 3 Solutions. / Instruction
Children will read the online notes and attempt the quiz.
The solutions will be shared online as HBL-P3-EL-Task 4 Solutions.
1 hour / Duration
1 hour / Duration
1 hour / Duration
1 hour
Task / HBL-P3-MA-Task 1 / HBL-P3-MA-Task 2 / HBL-P3-MA-Task 3 / HBL-P3-MA-Task 4 / Total Hours
Maths / SA2 Revision
[SA2 2013, Q1-16] / SA2 Revision
[SA2 2013, Q17-33] / SA2 Revision
[SA2 2014, Q1-16] / SA2 Revision
[SA2 2014, Q17-33] / 4 hours
@ Quiz / Resource
@ Quiz / Resource
@ Quiz / Resource
@ Quiz
Children will complete the sums online. / Instruction
Children will complete the sums online. / Instruction
Children will complete the sums online. / Instruction
Children will complete the sums online.
1 hour / Duration
1 hour / Duration
1 hour / Duration
1 hour
Task / HBL-P3-SC-Task 1 / HBL-P3-SC-Task 2 / HBL-P3-SC-Task 3 / HBL-P3-SC-Task 4 / Total Hours
Science / Diversity / Systems / Magnets / SA2 Revision / 4 hours
@ Course / Resource
@ Course / Resource
@ Course / Resource
Science Textbooks and Notes
Children will read the online notes and attempt the quiz. / Instruction
Children will read the online notes and attempt the quiz. / Instruction
Children will read the online notes and attempt the quiz. / Instruction
Children will revise the work learnt for the year.
1 hour / Duration
1 hour / Duration
1 hour / Duration
1 hour
Task / HBL-P3-CL-Task 1 / HBL-P3-CL-Task 2 / HBL-P3-CL-Task 3 / HBL-P3-CL-Task 4 / Total Hours
Chinese / SA2 Revision / SA2 Revision / SA2 Revision / SA2 Revision / 4 hours
Textbook 3A
(Unit 1 – 9),
Glossary / Resource
Textbook 3B
(Unit 10 – 16),
Glossary / Resource
eZhishi / Resource
Children will revise the words they have learnt in the units stated. / Instruction
Children will revise the words they have learnt in the units stated. / Instruction
Children will revise the units stated above and complete related tasks online. / Instruction
Children will revise the units stated above and complete related tasks online.
1 hour / Duration
1 hour / Duration
1 hour / Duration
1 hour
Task / HBL-P3-ML- Task 1 / HBL-P3-ML- Task 2 / HBL-P3-ML- Task 3 / HBL-P3-ML- Task 4 / Total Hours
Malay / Comprehension / Kata Seerti 1 / Imbuhan 1 / Idioms / 4 hours
Worksheet/ AsknLearn
@ Lesson / Resource
@ Lesson / Resource
@ Lesson / Resource
Idioms List/ AsknLearn
@ Lesson
Children have been issued with the worksheet on Friday, 14 October. Those who have lost the paper will need to reprint it. / Instruction
Children will complete assigned task online. / Instruction
Children will complete assigned task online. / Instruction
Children have been issued with the Idioms List on Friday, 14 October. Those who have lost the paper will need to reprint it.
1 hour / Duration
1 hour / Duration
1 hour / Duration
1 hour
Task / HBL-P3-TL-Task 1 / HBL-P3-TL-Task 2 / HBL-P3-TL-Task 3 / HBL-P3-TL-Task 4 / Total Hours
Tamil / SA2 Revision / SA2 Revision / SA2 Revision / SA2 Revision / 4 hours
Revision Paper 1/ AsknLearn
@ Lesson / Resource
Revision Paper 2/
@ Lesson / Resource
Revision Paper 3/ AsknLearn
@ Lesson / Resource
Revision Paper 4/
@ Lesson
Children have been issued with this paper on Monday, 16 October. Those who have lost the paper will need to reprint it.
The solutions will be shared online as HBL-P3-TL-Task 1 Solutions. / Instruction
Children have been issued with this paper on Monday, 16 October. Those who have lost the paper will need to reprint it.
The solutions will be shared online as HBL-P3-TL-Task 2 Solutions. / Instruction
Children have been issued with this paper on Monday, 16 October. Those who have lost the paper will need to reprint it.
The solutions will be shared online as HBL-P3-TL-Task 3 Solutions. / Instruction
Children have been issued with this paper on Monday, 16 October. Those who have lost the paper will need to reprint it.
The solutions will be shared online as HBL-P3-TL-Task 4 Solutions.
1 hour / Duration
1 hour / Duration
1 hour / Duration
1 hour


All tasks are identified with the title ‘HBL-P3-Subject-Task 1/2/3/4’. Please complete all tasks by Tuesday 24 October 2017. Refer to the instructions on the HBL Plan to know if the tasks need to be completed on hard copy or online.

For students without PC/Internet access, they can use the laptops in BPPS Computer Lab 1 from 8.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon from 19 to 24 October 2017, only when they are accompanied by a parent/guardian.