Nerve Centre Coderdojo Creative Bursary – Guidance Notes

Programme Name: Nerve Centre Coderdojo Creative Bursaries 2014

Project Description

The Nerve Centre has secured funding from DCAL to provide 10x bursaries of up to £500 of hardware for use in Coderdojos in Northern Ireland. Hardware supplied will include Arduino Starter Kits and Lego Mindstorms EV3.

Coderdojos are encouraged to apply for the bursaries to supply equipment for use by young people to develop their understanding of programming, computing and technology.

Application Process

The Nerve Centre will advertise an application form open for all registered CoderDojos in Northern Ireland. Application will be solely by the approved form.

Application forms must be returned to by 5pm on Friday 11th April 2014 No late submissions will be accepted.

Selection Criteria

The Nerve Centre will provide specified hardware to the value of £500 to each of the successful applicants.

CoderDojos must demonstrate demand for the hardware both in terms of their geographical area and their planned programme activity.

Priority will be given to those Coderdojos who can demonstrate that the Bursary will sustain and grow their work as a Dojo.

Agreement with Selected Coderdojos
Coderdojos will be expected to set up and manage this equipment and agree to maintain the upkeep of the hardware to ensure its longest possible life.

Coderdojos must also provide any additional software and peripherals required for the delivery of their projects. For the avoidance of any doubt, the Nerve Centre will not supply any additional equipment or software other than the specified hardware.

The Nerve Centre reserves the right to recall the hardware from the Coderdojos at any point in the 12 months following delivery if it is not being used in furtherance of the application submitted to the Coderdojo Creative Bursaries.

The Nerve Centre has no liability over the use of the equipment supplied under the terms of this Bursary. It is the responsibility of each Dojo to ensure that all equipment is used in accordance with the instructions and in a safe, supervised environment.

Reporting Requirements

Coderdojos will be expected to provide two reports on the usage of the hardware, after 6 and 12 months. The Nerve Centre will provide a reporting template. A failure to provide a report will result in the hardware being recalled from the school.

Coderdojos will be provided with guidance on PR requirements regarding funders logos.

Coderdojos must also agree to take part in any post project evaluation of the project.