Dear Prospective Intern,

The entire staff of Lake Champion is grateful for your interest in our Summer Seasonal Hire (Intern) Program for the summer of 2012. We hope that this letter provides insight to our high standards of service and answers basic questions.

Our team is seeking exceptional individuals who have an authentic and committed relationship with Jesus Christ, desire to help others grow in their faith and who are prepared for a demanding work schedule. Lake Champion Interns play a vital role as servant leaders while overseeing the daily operations of camp and are expected to guide others into a closer walk with our Lord.

·  Similar to your walk with Christ, the Intern Program requires faith, self discipline and grace, which will build your character and equip you for life.

·  You will have the privilege to live and work in a community of devoted believers who are living out their faith in word and deed.

·  You will have the opportunity to discover the freedom and joy of trusting Christ; our prayer is that your life will be forever changed.

·  We ask every Intern to commit him/herself to spiritual growth while at Lake Champion. You will be required to meet regularly with the interns and property staff for fellowship, Bible study and prayer.

·  Your work will be demanding and hours will be long. As needed, you will be asked to serve in areas outside of your primary job.

·  Your monetary compensation will be a small stipend, paid monthly.

·  Interns are to refrain from the use of alcoholic beverages on or off camp during their time at Lake Champion.

·  Interns are asked not to use tobacco products in camp facilities or near campers, work crew, summer staff or assignment team members.

·  Housing is gender separate and not especially roomy. Depending on the breakdown, the guys will be downstairs and the ladies will be upstairs.

·  Beginning a new dating relationship or dating another intern during your assignment is not an option.

·  While offering your time and talent back to Jesus, you will experience the satisfaction of watching kids’ lives change forever. Hundreds of kids meet Christ at camp each summer.

Applications are being accepted at this time. We will begin reviewing them in December, with the intention of all placements being made by March 1st.

The following positions are available for the summer of 2012: Waterfront Intern (2), Ropes Intern (4), Mountain Bikes, EMT, Video Intern, Sound & Program Intern,Hospitality Intern, Kitchen Intern (2), Baker Intern, Dining Hall Intern, Retail Intern, Maintenance Intern and Landscape Intern.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

Sincerely Yours,

Chad Mayr

Camp Manager

Lake Champion Summer Intern Mission Statement

Young Life is a mission community of Christ-centered people committed to reaching and introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them to grow in their faith.

We do this by building personal relationships with young people, by sharing our lives and participating with them in a variety of experiences through which the Gospel can be heard and experienced.

Lake Champion is devoted to providing a distinctive camping experience through beauty, facilities and service. We are designed to function as a platform through which the Gospel can be presented and experienced powerfully. It is our goal that guests and staff who come to this property would realize a significant, life-changing experience through adventure, excellence in service, quiet time, challenges, good friendships and the dynamic presentation of the Gospel in the spectacular setting of God’s awesome creation!

Lake Champion’s Intern Program is designed to equip young adults to grow spiritually and relationally through hard work, servant leadership and living in community.

In accordance, the Summer Interns at Young Life Lake Champion are committed to the following:

¨  Pursue spiritual growth though prayer, fellowship and reading His word.

¨  Perform vital tasks in a manner consistent with Lake Champion’s goal to present the Gospel.

¨  Provide servant leadership in relationship to Summer Staff, Work Crew, Assignment Team, Property Staff and other interns.

¨  Portray an example of love, commitment, responsibility, maturity and hard work.

¨  Participate actively in weekly Bible studies, and develop relationships with property staff and other interns.

¨  Prepare for using one’s gifts to further God’s kingdom.

The Summer Seasonal Hire (Intern) Application Process

Thank you for your interest in a Summer Seasonal Hire (Intern) position at Lake Champion.

The requirements and expectations for a Summer Intern exceed those of Summer Staff. Along with commendable leadership skills and maturity, in many cases, they require a skill level in a specified area. Thus, our application process has many steps, which are as follows:

1)  Fill out a Summer Seasonal Hire (Intern) Application.

2)  Have a Young Life staff person fill out a Young Life Staff Recommendation for All Summer Camp Intern.

3)  Have someone (other than a Young Life staff person and NOT a parent or other relative) who knows you from a spiritual perspective fill out the Recommendation- Properties Summer All Summer Intern.

4)  Read the enclosed “Lake Champion Summer Intern Mission Statement.”

5)  Read and sign the enclosed paper “The High Calling of Being a Young Life Leader.”

When you have completed all the above items, please send your application to Lake Champion one of two ways.

Mail: Young Life Lake Champion Email: Kyle Young

Summer Intern Program

247 Mohican Lake Road

Glen Spey, NY 12737

Applications are being accepted now. Please have completed applications returned by December 15th. A complete application, which includes both recommendations, is required for consideration. The selection process will start in late December, with the intent of all placements being made by March 1st. Although we will start reviewing applications in December, we will accept applications until all positions are filled.

After we receive your completed application, you can expect the following:

1)  An email confirming we have received your completed application.

2)  A brief phone call from our Intern Coordinator, Kyle Young, followed by an email questionnaire that needs to be completed before moving forward.

3)  What happens next depends on how far into the hiring process each individual goes.

o  An in-depth phone interview with the department you are applying for. You may be interviewed by more than one department, at different times, depending on your application.

o  A final, in-depth interview will be done by the Camp Manager, Chad Mayr.

If you have any questions about interning or the application process, please feel free to call Young Life Lake Champion at 845.856.6871 and ask to speak with Kyle.



DIRECTIONS: Please type or print clearly. Both recommendations: Recommendation for Properties Summer Seasonal Hire and Young Life Staff Recommendation must be sent with this application to Lake Champion in order to be considered for a position. We will start looking at applications in December, please try to have all parts of your application back to Lake Champion no later than December 15th. It is our intent to have completed the selection process by March 1st.

Name Date

Permanent Address

City State Zip

Home Phone Cell Phone

Email Date of Birth

School Attending Major

Year in School Career Interest

Present occupation Full-time Part-time

School or Present Address


City State Zip

Use this address until (date)

Young Life Background

Are you currently a Young Life leader? Yes No

If yes, Young Life area where you lead Area #

Have you completed the Young Life Leader Training Program? Yes No

Date completed

Have you been on work crew or summer staff? Yes No

If so, where? When?

Name of your WC boss or SS Coordinator (most recent)

Do you play a musical instrument? Yes No

If yes, which one(s)?

Summer Seasonal Hire positions vary at each property. Room and board are provided. Assignments at each property are for the entire summer. Applicants are asked to be on Property by May 15th or earlier if possible and stay until Labor Day or as close to it as possible. We do realize that there may have school commitments before that and special arrangements can be made.

Following is a list of Summer Seasonal Hire positions at Lake Champion. Check those you feel qualified for and/or are interested in. Please rank your top three choices. Waterfront and EMT require special certification. Certification information is required for consideration. From this information and that of the recommendation, applicants will be assigned.

Kitchen/Cook Mtn. Bikes Maintenance

Baker EMT Waterfront

Dining Hall Hospitality Ropes

Sound/Program Video

Retail Landscaping

Certification(s) held

Date(s) Issued

The Summer Seasonal Hire positions with Young Life properties require leadership skills and acceptance of responsibility beyond a typical summer staff role. Those who will be teaching and leading others will be expected to adhere to high standards. Your answers to the questions below will help us to evaluate your readiness for such a position.

1.  What are your reasons for applying for a property Summer Seasonal Hire position?

2.  What other involvement have you had in Young Life? If you have ever been on work crew or summer staff, please list the property where you served and what job you performed.


3.  What did you learn from your previous summer staff experience that would better equip you to serve in a Summer Seasonal Hire position? What would you change about your summer staff experience to make it better?

4.  What is your definition of a Christian? How long have you been a Christian? Describe your Christian Experience.

5.  How would you describe your spiritual walk this last year?

6.  Are there other aspects of your Christian journey since your summer staff assignment that you would like to comment on?

7.  What is Young Life from your perspective?

8.  Describe your strengths and weaknesses in the area of leadership.

9.  What position do you feel you would be best suited for? Why? What previous work experience have you had that would be applicable.

10.  Are you able to apply for this position on a volunteer basis or will you require a salary for the summer? If so, what will your financial need be?






Dear Staff Member,

I understand that an All Summer Camp Internship is an experience which is intended to develop spiritual growth, while at the same time provide the camp with the basic work force needed to carry out the program. Qualified intern candidates will have a solid and maturing faith in Jesus Christ and proven leadership potential. I am recommending this person because I believe in him or her. He or she should work well now and have a level of maturity which will be commensurate with the responsibility.

Young Life Area Name

Young Life Area Number

Young Life Staff Person’s Name

Signed, Area Staff Person or Regional Director

* This recommendation is for the information needed by the property staff in order to hire the

best possible person. Please answer questions in detail.

To your knowledge, how long has he/she been a Christian?

How will this person benefit from the All Summer Camp Internship experience?

List what you have observed to be this person’s strengths and weaknesses. Please be specific – physical, emotional, and spiritual.

Have you specifically observed his/her acceptance of responsibility? In what ways?

What has been your personal involvement this year with him or her?

What has been his/her involvement in Young Life—in the past and this year?

Would there be any limitations – physical, emotional, or spiritual – which would impair this person’s effectiveness?

Have you specifically observed his/her response to leadership? Describe his/her leadership roles?

Does he/she have a problem with authority?

Did applicant successfully complete the Young Life Leader Training Program?

Would you have this person counsel campers from your area?

For what job do you feel this person is best suited? Please explain.



Give to someone who knows you from a spiritual perspective but is not on Young Life staff and is not a parent or other relative.

Name of applicant Date

Name of individual completing this recommendation

Phone Number

Email Address

1. What is your relationship to the applicant? How long have you known the applicant?

2. To your knowledge, how long has the applicant been a Christian?

3. What have you observed to be this person's strengths and weaknesses in the area of leadership?

4. How would you describe this person's spiritual walk in the past year?

5. Have you specifically observed this person's acceptance of responsibility? Explain.

6. How does this person respond to authority?

7. List what you know about this person’s strengths and weaknesses in the following areas. Please be specific.

Any limitations?

Physical Condition:

Social Maturity:

Emotional Maturity:

Spiritual Maturity:

8.  If you are familiar with Young Life's camping program, for what job do you feel this person is best suited? Please explain.

(Intern positions at Lake Champion are: Video Intern, Maintenance Intern, Landscaping Intern, Hospitality Intern, Sound/Program Intern, EMT Intern, Ropes Course Intern, Waterfront Intern, Mountain Bikes Intern, Food Service Intern, Bakery Intern, Dining Hall Intern and Retail (store/snackbar/gameroom) Intern.)

"The High Calling of Being a Young Life Leader"

(Please read and sign the acknowledgement on page two.)

My wife reminded me that I should preface these remarks by saying there is no one incident or current situation that has prompted these comments. Rather, this is an area we really haven't talked about recently. It's vitally important and unfortunately, often not dealt with in the body of Christ.

We don't elevate ourselves as leaders, but we do need to be aware of the high calling it is to follow Christ and lead high school people.

Jesus characterized his followers in Matthew 5:1 - 16 - what a standard - purity of heart, passion for Him - a righteousness from within that only He can give. We recognize that these qualities are "graces" - "gifts" - as are friends, disciples and "ministry". Everything we have and are comes from Him.