1stQuarter English Journal
During the 1st quarter, you will be asked to write 2 journal entries per week. You will find all the topics for each week listed below. Choose two for each week. Some willbe assigned topics and others will be free choice. For each journal, you should write at least a page. You may always write more. Please remember to date all of your entries and list the topicon the top line of each entry. We will typically have time to write one journal entry in class per week. The 2nd entry is up to you to complete during the week either during free time in class or for homework. Please do not fall behind. Journals will be collected every 3 weeks or so to check for completion. You will be graded on completion and content. I will be looking for growth in your writing throughout the year.
Week of 9/4 (1 entry only this week)
-How do you learn best? What strategies do you like? Where do you study?
-How did you feel about the start of this new school year? Were you excited or nervous? How do you feel about it now that school has started?
Week of 9/11
-Write a fictional story about the day it rained apples.
-Do you think homework is important? Why or Why Not?
-There are many reasons why people like you. Everyone is unique and special. What makes you a good friend?
Week of 9/18
-Qualities of a Good Student Council Leader
-A Funny True Family Story
-Free Choice
Week of 9/25
-My Dream Vacation
-Our school is an awesome place because...
-Write about three things that are going right (or wrong) for you this week.
Week of 10/2
-Picture Prompt Writing (see what is on the Smartboard and write about it; it will also be on website)
-What is your favorite museum to visit and why?
-Imagine you are a fall leaf. Write a story about the day you changed colors.
Week of 10/9
-Imagine you are on Shark Tank. What is the product you would try and sell. Draw pictures of the product and explain why the sharks should invest in your company.
-Free Choice
-What is your favorite thing to do in the fall?
Week of 10/16
-Favorite Things About October (Be sure to include all your senses in your writing.)
-Describe several ways a person your age can earn money.
-Imagine you opened your own restaurant. Tell the name of your restaurant. Explain what the restaurant looks like, who works there, and what you serve.
Week of 10/23
-Write about your weekend – best and worst parts
-Would you rather visit Alaska or Hawaii and why?
-What makes you happy? Why?
Week of 10/30 Journals will be due 11/2 for the first quarter grade
-If I could break the Guinness Book of Records I would…
-Would you rather be born in the past or in the future and why?
-If you could be anyone in the past, who would be and why?