Biology Cell Division Homework Packet #1

Name ______Hour ______

DUE: ______

HW #1

Mitosis / Questions / _____
Lab / Diagram / _____
HW #2
Time for / Analysis / _____
Mitosis Lab / Graph / _____
HW #3
Cell Division / Questions / _____
Read chapter 7.1
_____ /5 possible points

Biology Homework #3: Cell Division

1. Label the following diagram with the following terms: chromosome, chromatid, centromere. Also, add spindle fibers to the drawing on the left.

2. At what stage of mitosis does this step happen?

3. Cell division is extremely important to an organism. If cell division doesn’t work properly, there can be severe consequences.

A. What is the cell cycle?

B. What is meant by “checkpoints”?

C.  What can happen if the cell ignores these checkpoints?

Mitosis is the process in which a cell duplicates its chromosomes to generate two identical cells. It is generally followed by cytokinesis which divides the cytoplasm and cell membrane. This results in two identical cells with an equal distribution of organelles and other cellular components.

4.  Using one body cell with four chromosome draw the products of mitosis. Be sure to include the correct number of cells with the proper number of chromosomes in each.

5. Recognizing the steps of mitosis will be something that you are quizzed on (count on it!). Label the following pictures with the correct stage of mitosis.

6. During a trip to Devil’s Lake, you discover a new variety to tree frog. To learn more about these frogs, you decide to study their skin cells. When you look at the skin cells under a microscope, you see the following image:

A. Based on the evidence, which stage in these tree frog skin cells takes the longest to complete? Explain.

B. You do a little research on tree frog cell reproduction and find that their cells con complete the cell cycle in 10 hours (600 minutes). How long does it take for tree frog cells to complete anaphase? Show your work.

7.  While you and your lab partner are studying for the quiz, your lab partner comments that you don’t need to study the events that occur during interphase. “So much happens during the other stages of mitosis, but interphase is boring – nothing happens”, he says. Your gut reaction is to tell your lab partner that he is crazy. Are you right? Is there more to interphase? If so, describe two events that occur during interphase.

In addition to the above questions, type or neatly hand-write a response to the following questions in your book – Read Chapter 7.1 first:

8. Page 181 #2

8.  Page 181 #3

9.  Page 194 #4