NIH Proposal Submission Confirmation Email to PI Template

Instructions: This template is to be used as a confirmation email to a PI once the PI has received an email from OSP that their proposal has been submitted. You would reply to the PI with this email making sure you include the proposal submission email from OSP.

Congratulations Dr. Enter PI Last Name!

As indicated in the email below, OSP has submitted your Enter Proposal Information (e.g. NIH R21) proposal. I have logged into Cayuse to verify that your proposal was submitted. However, please log into eRA Commons to review your proposal, the proposal may not show up immediately in eRA Commons, so please continue to check.

There are 2 things you should be checking in eRA Commons:

1.  Verify that your proposal has not received any errors or warnings and has passed through the validation process.

2.  View the pdf of your entire proposal in eRA Commons to ensure that all pdf files appear correct and did not lose formatting during the system to system file transfer. Please pay special attention to the science files and figures. You as the PI are the only one who can verify the science is correct.

If you find issues with your application, or it receives submission errors, any necessary corrections must be submitted by Enter date and time (e.g. 8/21/2015, 5:00 pm EST). It is important that you log in to eRA Commons as soon as possible to view the proposal.

Please notify me when you have viewed your proposal and verified that everything is okay.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please let me know.

Thank you,

From concept to completion, the Emory Investigator’s Guide provides links to online research administration content and tools for each stage if the grant life cycle.

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