Present: Gretchen Bentler; Chris Swinesburg; Vic Dec; Jedediah Stewart; Chris Reichard; Bob Zelno
LOGO Chris (R) shared some renditions of a Club logo as provided by the University’s Ad Club and solicited feedback from Club members. The project continues as a work in progress.
GCESO. Jed reported that he attended a recent lunch meeting as a representative of the Veterans Club. GCESO is the graduate and continuing education student organization which serves as an umbrella for student organization in the college. The Vets Club is now recognized by GCESO and has invited our participation in a wine tasting and raffle basket event schedule for Sat Apr 5 on campus. The event would be billed as a “fund-raiser” for “grad groups” but Jed questioned our involvement if that were the case. There is still time to consider participation and Gretchen said that she would attend the next meeting scheduled for 12.3.12:00 pm in O’Hara 208 to learn more. It was noted that GCESO plans their events well in advance.
GINO MERLI VETERANS HOME. Chris R phoned the volunteer office with a Dec 7 date in mind. No one has returned his call at of this date.
HOLIDAY PARTY A Vets Club holiday party was suggested and received favorable feedback. A proposed site would be the VFW Post in North Scranton where Chris R has a contact. Beer and laughs are on the agenda and club members would bring food for a buffet. We would invite members of both the veterans club at Marywood and Lackawanna to join us in that we’ve been invited to their events in the past.
VETERANS DAY LUNCH. The event received favorable feedback from Club members and the idea of a “Rallying Point” for veterans on campus came through loud and clear.
WOUNDED WARRIERS Club members will be invited to participate in a Run Walk in Covington Twp in the spring and invited to bring along admissions info from the University for those vets who might be interested in attending.
CLUB WEB PAGES. It was suggested that a calendar on which meeting and events can be posted be added to the Veterans Club web page. Bob mentioned that although we are fortunate to have the page and someone to oversee it, it is indeed “buried” in the internet. Jed mentioned that all one really needs to do is Google: University of Scranton Veterans Club and the page will appear.
OTHER TOPICS/IDEAS. It was suggested again that activities and events planned by the Club be scheduled far in advance and posted on the Veterans Club calendar.
NEXT MEETING. The next meeting is scheduled for Wed 20 Nov; 12:00 hrs, O’Hara 208
Robert P. Zelno
Club Moderator