Jesus Loves Me Daycare
342 Pauline Ave. /PO BOX 628
Ray City Ga 31645
Dear Parents,
It’s that time to renew all of our parental agreements with all currently enrolled families here at Jesus Loves Me Daycare. We are very blessed to have such wonderful families such as all of you to work with during the year. Each one of the children are special to us and we love and care for them. Thank you so much for trusting Jesus Loves Me to care for your precious ones.
As of now Jesus Loves Me Daycare will not have any price increases this coming year. All tax forms will be ready by the end of January for currently enrolled families. Holiday schedule for closing days are included in the packet.
Plus, this year we have had many changes in the classrooms this year with diaper bags, blankets, book bags, and etc. due to new state regulations on childcare centers. We want to thank all of you for your cooperation and understanding as we have implemented the changes throughout the center.
Please contact me if you have any questions concerning the packet at the center.
Please sign the colored form front and back of the packet and return to the director as soon as possible.
Blessings and Smiles,
Sandra Cersey
Jesus Lves Me
Daycare & Preschool
Each child is deeply loved, nurtured, and respected as a very special person uniquely created and loved by God.
1 John 4:7
Parent Handbook
Policy and Procedures and Contract Booklet
Our Purpose
Jesus Loves Me Daycare & Preschool is operated and centered on Christ’s love for all children. We desire to hold a special place in the lives of the children and families we serve here at the center. We believe the children will learn of God’s love for them as well as for one another while they grow spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically.
An outreach Ministry of A New Covenant Church Ray City, Ga
Revised December 2012
Our Goals:
· To provide opportunities for learning in a Christian environment.
· To provide a POSITIVE learning experience for each individual child
· To provide learning opportunities through active play, music, individual and group time.
· To provide ways of helping children develop social skills
· To provide a safe, clean, healthy and fun environment for children and staff.
· To provide nutritious meals and snacks.
· To provide a ministry of love to children and families in our community
· To provide assurance to parents that their child(ren) are safe and loved at Jesus Loves Me Daycare and Preschool.
Jesus Loves Me Daycare Center welcomes all children and is committed to providing developmentally appropriate early learning and development experiences that support the full access and participation of each and every child. We believe that each child is unique and work in partnership with families and other professionals involved with the child to provide the support every child needs to reach their full potential.
Registration and tuition are due upon registration and are non-refundable.
When a child is dis-enrolled for any reason by the parent or the center the registration fee will apply each time the child enrolls back in the center.
Your weekly fees are due on Friday before care for the following week. No Exceptions
Children from the ages of six (6) weeks up to twelve (12) years of age will be served at Jesus Loves Me Daycare Center.
Children will be admitted to the Center regardless of race, gender, religion, or national origin and in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Children of all abilities are accepted into Jesus Loves Me Daycare Center and families interested in having their child attend the program will be given an equal opportunity for admission. A waiting list may be maintained and children will be accepted from the list on a first come first served basis.
Jesus Loves Me Daycare Center is a sponsored by A New Covenant Church therefore the center is Christian based in all teachings. The center uses A Beka (bible based curriculums) for the two year, three year and four year old classrooms. The Center celebrates all Christian Holidays thru out the year. No Halloween will be displayed in the center during the month of October (We do celebrate the fall time during this month). A New Covenant Church of Ray City is a Non-Domination Church. We celebrate all birthdays during the year and parents are welcome to participate in these activities at the center.
Parents are allowed access to the child care setting at any time during the day in all child care areas that pertain to their child/ren in the care of the Center during opening hours.
We are open all 12 months during the year. Care is from 6am-6pm (10 hours per child) Monday thru Friday, with the exception of the following holidays; New Years Day and the day after if New Years Day falls on a Thursday, Martin Luther King Day, Good Friday before Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day and the day after if Independence Day falls on a Thursday, Labor Day, Thanksgiving (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday), and Christmas (Dec.24-25). If a holiday falls on a Saturday then the Center will be closed on Friday before; if the holiday falls on a Sunday then the Center will be closed on Monday after the holiday. Holidays are posted in the foyer on the bulletin board for all to view.
Weekly Fees
Weekly fees are payable on Friday evening by 6:00pm for care of children for the following week. Weekly fees are always pre-paid. There will be a $5.00 late fee charge per family per day on payments made after close of the business on the payment date.
Rates are applicable to participants whether children attend one or five days each week. Although Jesus Loves Me Daycare Center is closed for holidays (listed on page 1) and any other days approved by Ray City New Covenant Church, full fees will be paid for these weeks.
If your child requires care in the excess of 10 hours; parents must pay an hourly fee of $10.00(this will be enforced), please pay attention to the time you sign your child in and make sure they are picked up by the 10 hour limit.
Parents must give Jesus Loves Me Daycare two (2) weeks advance written notice to terminate childcare. The rates are applicable to participants whether the children attend the two weeks or not attend. There will be a $25.00 late fee charge added to the outstanding balances if not paid in full before the last day your child attends. Vacation weeks cannot be used for the (2) week termination period or you will be required to pay for the period.
Once your child is enrolled for six months full time care only he or she will be entitled to two (2) week vacation leave from the center in a year; with a full two (2) week written notice given in advance, to be able to take the vacation leave time from Jesus Loves Me Daycare Center without rates applicable. Parents must give a full two (2) week advance written notice, for their child/ren to be absent from the daycare for one (1) week at a time for vacations and etc. NO EXCEPTIONS. Vacation weeks cannot be used for the (2) week termination period or you will be required to pay for the period. Weekly fees are to be paid up to date before vacation weeks are granted by the center. See DirectorJ
If a child is absent from the center for a week or more without any prior notification to the Director, the child will be dropped from full day care status and fees for those weeks will be collected before the child/ren will be allowed to return to the center.
Children may not be switched between the full day care program in one week to part time care the next week.
Part-Time >2 Days only in a week Full Time>3 Days or more a week
Part-time spots are only available if there are spots in the room. Part-time spots can be dropped if the room becomes full with full-time children. There may be only certain days available contact the Director for information.
If daily rates are requested; the child will be dropped from full week care program register and will require reservations for any further care. If full week care is desired in the future, parents must put the child in the center’s waiting list.
Tax Forms (For child care tax emption) will not be given out to anyone during the year until after January 1st of every year. A $10.00 charge will be expected on Tax Forms given out before January 1st. We have until January 31st to get all tax forms out to the parents.
Arrival and Departure
Parents will notify Jesus Loves Me Daycare Center when the child will be absent.
Be prepared at anytime to show ID when entering the building this includes parents and visitors. This is a regular procedure that is done for the safety of all the children.
Parents are responsible for getting children to and from the Center. Jesus Loves Me Daycare Center opens at 6:00am Monday thru Friday. No child may be left before 6:00am. Please sign your child in each day. In all the classrooms we ask that you bring your child in by 10:00am every day. If you cannot get your child here by this time please make arrangements for your child for that day. This helps to keep all the children on a schedule where all them are eating and sleeping at the same times during the day. An adult must accompany children into the classroom. When you drop off your child please do not sneak away. You may think that this will cause him/her less grief about you leaving; however, when they see you have gone, they feel confused and hurt. The best thing to do is:
1-Tell them you love them
2-Tell them where you are going
3-Reassure them you will be back to pick them up and their teacher will take good care of them.
All children MUST be escorted in and out of the building by an adult. PLEASE do not allow your child to walk around outside without you. They are little and cars are constantly coming in and out of the parking lot. Children are not allowed to walk around inside the building or into other classrooms without supervision. Once you arrive to pick up your child, you are responsible for keeping your child(ren) with you at ALL times. Please help us to teach the children there is NO RUNNING inside the building. We teach the children to respect the facility and appreciate your help in this matter.
When picking up your child, please be PROMPT. The Center closes at 6:00pm Monday thru Friday. Be sure to sign your child in and out each day at the sign in table located at the entrance. If someone other than the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) will be picking up the child, they must be named on the pickup card and provide a photo ID.
The teacher in your child’s room will give you a daily sheet that explains your child’s eating times and amounts, nap times and diaper changes. It also has things you child may need or may be low on, and special things that may have happened during their day. Please read over these sheets because sometimes the teacher may forget to remind you of these items orally.
After 6:00pm you will be charged $1.00 per minute per child. After being late 3 times or more parents will be charged $3.00 per minute per child after 6pm. NO EXCEPTIONS
Transportation is not provided by the Center. If a child is staying at the Center after school, the parent is responsible to get the bus to pick up and drop off at the Center with prior arrangements made with the bus driver. We have the Berrien Co and Lanier Co buses that do drop off at the center during school days.
No children will be accepted after 10:00am.
No Smoking is allowed by staff or parents in the Center, playground area, and parking area at any time. It is a misdemeanor for a person to smoke on the child care premises.
Protective Services
Jesus Loves Me Staff is required by Georgia Law to report any suspected sign of child abuse or neglect.
Inclusive Environment
Early childhood educators at Jesus Loves Me Daycare Center use developmentally appropriate practices and consider the unique needs of all children when planning. Staff will make every attempt to make any adaptations or modifications necessary to meet the needs of the children. Schedules, routines and activities are flexible and early childhood educators will work with therapists, special educators and other professionals to integrate individual accommodations, modifications and strategies into classroom routines and activities. Any adaptations will be reviewed with families and other professionals supporting the child.
Confidentiality applies to all verbal and written information about potential, enrolling and previously enrolled children and their families. All staff will be briefed on the need for confidentiality and will be expected to fulfill their obligation to respect the protection of privacy. Written records will be stored in a secure location with access limited to the director and the child’s teacher. No information will be released about a child and the parent/legal guardian during enrolment or transition to another receiving program or school without first receiving the written permission of the parent/guardian. This excludes the responsibility held by early childhood educators as mandated reporters of suspected child abuse and neglect as outlined in Georgia law or when information is subpoenaed by the court.