Report of the Chiddingstone Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 21st March 2012 at 8pm in Chiddingstone Causeway Village Hall. Members present were: Cllrs Peter Benton, Mike Cottrell, John Glendinning, Paul Vicary and Howard Williams.
Amongst matters discussed were the following items:
i. District Cllr Paddy Cooke successfully submitted a bid to Sevenoaks District Council’s Big Community Fund on behalf of the Parish Council for a grant of £3,000 towards the refurbishment of the War Memorial at St. Mary’s Church, Chiddingstone. The Diocese have recommended approval for the work, which will involve cutting back the existing eroded stone and fixing new Wealden Sandstone panels, duly engraved with the names of those who lost their lives in World War I. We are delighted that this work will be undertaken at long last.
ii. Allotments: there has been a high demand for the plots, and we have only two plots remaining. If you are interested please let me know. They are let at a very reasonable £25 per annum plus an annual water charge. Please contact me for more information.
iii. Planning: the following planning applications have been approved:
SE/11/03253/FUL: Lakefields Farmhouse, Ide Hill Road, Bough Beech - insertion of new velux windows on the south elevation roof. SE/12/ 00081/CONVAR: Kilnwood, Coopers Corner, Ide Hill - variation of previous approval to reposition garage. SE/11/02549/FUL: Hilders Farm, Ide Hill Road, Bough Beech - erection of new bungalow for staff. SE/12/00102/HOUSE: 9 Dukes Meadow, Chiddingstone Causeway - erection of ground and first floor extension to front. SE/11/03290/FUL SE/11/03291/LBCALT: Keepers Cottage, Somerden Green, Chiddingstone – erection of single storey extension on south and east side of house. SE/12/00127/HOUSE: Sharps Place, Baileys Hill Road, Bough Beech – permeable hard surface to existing drive and parking bays. These and other planning applications can be found on the Parish Council’s website, or on the Sevenoaks District Council website
iv. The Parish Council has arranged for the bulk refuse freighter to visit again on 28th April, 30th June and 1st December at: Chiddingstone village (09.45-10.30), Bough Beech Wheatsheaf carpark (10.45-11.30), and Chiddingstone Causeway Richards Close (11.45-12.30).
v. Please come to our Annual Parish Meeting on Wednesday 2nd May in Chiddingstone Village Hall at 8pm. There will be an interesting local speaker and refreshments will be served.
vi. The next Chiddingstone Parish Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday 18th April in Chiddingstone Village Hall at 8pm.
Louise Kleinschmidt, Parish Clerk
2 Bothy Cottages, Threshersfield, Chiddingstone, Kent. TN8 7NE
Tel: 01892-871651. Email: