Denton ISD Pre-K Pacing Guide

5th Six Weeks
Feb 25–April 19, 2013
/ Theme(s):
  • Spring Weather
  • Animals
  • Texas
  • United States
/ New District Assessments 5th six weeks
1st year: 2nd year:

Goals / Essential Questions / Activities
Language Arts
  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Vocabulary &
Sentence Skills
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Follows two to three-step oral directions
  • Demonstrates understanding in a variety of ways
  • Uses complete sentences
  • Combines syllables into words
  • Understands concepts of print
  • Sequence story picture cards
  • Claps a word up to three syllables
  • Combines onset and rime to form a one syllable word
  • Can produce a word that rhymes with a given word
  • Recognizes at least 20 letter sounds
  • Writes letters on request
  • How does listen help me understand others thoughts and ideas?
  • How does listening help me communicate?
  • Why do we have (verbal) directions?
  • How can I communicate my ideas/thoughts so others will understand my thinking?
  • How can pictures with no words tell us a story?
  • How do syllables help me divide words into smaller pieces?
  • What is rhyming?
  • What do good readers do?
  • Why do we write?
  • What role does writing play in communication?
  • Students participate in games such as "Follow the Leader."
  • Provide two-and three-step directions for children to complete specific tasks during transitions such as clearing up and getting in line.
  • Ask children to recall and add details to expand their responses while engaged in group activities, such as read aloud time, show and tell, author’s chair.
  • Teacher demonstrates and discusses appropriate reading behaviors (starting location; left to right movement across print; return sweep; voice/print matching) on materials such as lists, menus, songs, signs, and charts (with print large enough for children to see).
  • Children clap while they say each other’s names.
  • Children recite nursery rhymes that have words that rhyme paying attention to how those words have the same sounds at the end.
  • Children point to or select picture/object that teacher says with a pause between onset and rime.
  • Children name letters in a variety of situations, helping child distinguish one letter from another, making meaningful connections for children.
  • Children write letters for initial sounds heard in wording written on charts, lists, daily news, etc.

  • Counting Skills
  • Adding To/Taking
  • Away Skills
  • Classification and
Pattern Skills
  • Geometry and spatial
sense skills
  • Measurement skills
  • Counts by ones to 30 or higher beginning with any number
  • Identifies, without counting, the number of objects from 1 to 5
  • Recognizes one-digit numerals 0-9
  • Uses concrete models or makes verbal word problems
  • Sort objects that are the same and different
  • Recognizes and creates patterns
  • Names and creates common shapes
  • Recognizes and compares heights, lengths, and weight of objects
  • Why do we use numbers?
  • How do numbers relate and compare to one another?
  • Why do I measure?
  • When do you need to measure?
  • Why do I need standardized units of measurement?
  • Why are geometry and geometric figures relevant and important?
  • How are geometric shapes and objects classified?
  • Why is data collected and analyzed?
  • What is a pattern?
  • How do I describe a pattern?
  • How can patterns be used to make predictions?
  • Teacher incorporates counting into everyday activities, such as counting songs and physical activities.
  • Children count out loud starting with the number 1 and with a number other than 1.
  • Children play games that involve rapid responses to small sets of objects, such as using cards with 1-5 dots to play “Go Fish”.
  • Teacher can show briefly a set of cubes and have the children say the number represented.
  • Children have opportunities to play games that use numeral cards, numbered pieces, or dice with numerals 0-9.
  • Engage children in looking through print items to locate numerals 0-9.
  • Model simple word problems such as, “There is 1 bear in a cave. If 2 more bears walk in the cave, how many bears are in the cave altogether?”
  • Use fingers to show children how to put together an addition problem (holds up 2 fingers and adds 1 more finger to show 3).
  • Set up a row of objects and ask children to devise a story using the objects.
  • Demonstrate fair sharing between 2 children by dividing 1 long Tootsie Roll into smaller pieces.
  • Use hiding games or scavenger hunts for children to locate shapes.
  • Provide opportunities for children to identify shapes both provided among various shapes on table, and identified in real life settings. Teacher can compare the height of children by measuring each child on a height chart in the classroom.
  • Children are provided with objects of different weights to compare using a balance.

  • Spring Weather
  • Animals
  • Identifies, observes, and discusses objects in the sky
  • Identifies and describes characteristics of organisms
  • Describes life cycles of organisms
  • Recognizes, observes, and discusses the relationship of organisms to their environment
  • How does weather change and why?
  • What helps animals survive?
  • How does the weather affect us and the environment?
  • Who observes the weather?
  • What happens during the life of an organism?
  • Teacher models and provides opportunities (comparing flowers, insects, and animals) and tools (hand lens) for children to make comparisons of living characteristics and non-living characteristics.
  • Children plan investigations of life cycles (plan a classroom or playground garden for observing seeds growing).
  • Children observe, discuss, and record creatures in their natural environment (fish in an aquarium, a worm or butterfly house indoors, ant farm, terrarium for snails/hermit crab, a bird or butterfly garden outdoors).
  • Children engage in discussions about observing various objects in the sky (clouds and their shapes; the position of the sun during recess time).
  • Discusses the night sky and compares the objects with the day sky.

Social Studies
  • Texas/United States Flags and Pledges
  • Identifies flags of the United States and Texas
  • Recites the pledge of Allegiance to the United States
  • How do other cultures act
differently from us?
  • Where do you see flags?
  • What colors do you see on the flags?
  • What shapes do you see?
  • Children paint/draw the United States flag and the Texas flag on plain paper, and discuss the features of the flags, label and display the flags.
  • Teacher models the Pledge of Allegiance with the children, remembering to say the words slowly and clearly.