Town Clerk’s Office,

City Hall,


7th March, 2005.

To Each Member of

Kilkenny Borough Council.

A Chara,

You are hereby summoned to attend a Monthly Meeting of the Kilkenny Borough Council convened by direction of Councillor M. Brett, Mayor, to be held in the Council Chamber, City Hall, Kilkenny on Monday 14th March, 2005 at 7.30 p.m. for the transaction of the business as set out hereunder.

Mise, le meas,

D. O’Brien



1. Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on 14.02.05 (enclosed).

2. Matters brought forward by direction of the Mayor.

3. Planning Policy and Enforcement.

4. Fix date for presentation of draft L.A.P.

5. Phase 3 of Sustaining Progress (2% increase from 1.12.04).

6. Report on Parade Toilets (enclosed).

7. Road Works Programme 2005 (enclosed).

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8. Right-of-Way at Fair Green (report enclosed).

9. Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. J. Coonan

“That Kilkenny Borough Council put in place a planned phased and

structured Cycle Lane System together with a properly planned City

Bus Transport System.”

10. Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. A. McGuinness

“That the service road to Pearse Street and Lord Edward Street be cleaned and gates erected to prevent further indiscriminate dumping.”

11. Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. M. Fitzpatrick

“That Kilkenny Borough Council calls on the Minister for Health to introduce breast cancer checks nationwide.”

12. Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. J. Cody

“That the Kilkenny Borough Council calls on the Minister for Health to introduce checks for all men over 50 to prevent prostate cancer”.

13. Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. S. Ó hArgáin

“That the Council notes with concern, the continuing problems of extremely heavy traffic in the Old Callan Road, Kilkenny and the unacceptable speed of many of these vehicles. It further notes the

considerable problems caused for residents by the parking of commercial vehicles at the junction with the main Old Callan Road. The Council will consider the placing of speed ramps in the area to

restrict the speed of vehicles, particularly in the part of the road off the main road. The Council will also support the placing of double yellow lines at the aforementioned junction to ensure safe access to and egress from the estate”

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14. Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. J. Coonan

“That the long standing Action Area Plan proposed for Upper Patrick Street be commenced as a matter of priority by Kilkenny Borough/Co. Council”.

15. Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. M. Noonan

“That Kilkenny Borough Council become a signatory of the Aalborg Charter for Sustainable Towns and Cities and in doing so become the first City or Town Council in Ireland to make a meaningful commitment to the principles of sustainable development.”

16. Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. B. Manning

“Kilkenny Borough Council request the executive to issue an up-to- date report on the progress made in implementing the recommendations in the Cunnane Strattan Reynolds Recreational Report in respect of 2003 – 2005.”

17. Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. S. Ó hArgáin

"Kilkenny Borough Council notes the continung high rate of violence against women in our community, and recent reports of continuing rises in both reported and unreported sexual and physical attacks on women.

This Council commends the work being done by Kilkenny Rape Crisis Centre and the Amber Womens Refuge. The Council condemns the ongoing failure of central Government to provide adequate funding to maintain these services and demands that an ongoing plan for such funding be initiated by Government immediately."

18. Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. M. Noonan

“That Kilkenny Borough Council welcomes the Fair Trade Campaign in Kilkenny and thereby resolves:

To promote awareness of fair trade issues, and make publicity and

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educational information available to local people concerning the worldwide impact of unfair trade and the opportunities that fair-trade provides to promote sustainable development.

To investigate the councils own purchasing policies such as those of it’s

suppliers and contractors and implement fair trade where possible.

To promote issues and practices amongst local businesses, commercial and other organizations.

To develop a strategy to make the council a fair trade council.

To support the Kilkenny Fairtrade City Campaign.”

19. Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. A. McGuinness

“That Kilkenny Borough Council requests the OPW to provide styles or gates in the fence which runs along the river at the Lacken Weir, Maudlin Street, Kilkenny. That arrangements be made for the residents to access the river with their boats to the rear of the houses at the end of Maudlin Street, Kilkenny and that seating be provided at an appropriate height so that those who enjoy this amenity can view the river and the castle without having to look through a four foot mesh fence.”

20. Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. J. Cody

“Kilkenny Borough Council fully accepts the signed statement provided by Councillor John Brennan, Seamus Pattison T.D., Phil Hogan T.D., John McGuinness T.D., Liam Aylward M.E.P., Senator Fergal Brown, Former Councillor, Martin Carroll and other who were also in attendance, that at a meeting on 12th December, 2002, Ms. Mary Harney T.D. then Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, made a clear and unambiguous commitment to the workforce of Comerama, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny, regarding their entitlements under new redundancy payments legislation. /……..

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Kilkenny Borough Council notes that on the basis of Ms. Harney’s

assurance the Comerama workforce agreed terms and dates for their

redundancy which caused them to lose approximately €900,000 because Ms. Harney’s commitment were not honoured.

The Borough Council calls upon the current Minister for Enterprise,

Trade and Employment, Mr. Micheál Martin T.D., to enter into immediate negotiations with ex-Comerama worker’s representatives with a view to agreeing a mechanism to address their loss.”

21. Correspondence.