The Minutes of the Borough of Lansdowne Borough Council Reorganization and Business Meeting

In Lansdowne, at the location 84 South Lansdowne Avenue on January 6th at 7pm, Judge John Perfetti noted that earlier in the day he had been to the Delaware County Courthouse to inspect documentation of the election results from the election held in November of 2013 and found all to be in order. As indicated by the results of he election Judge Perfetti proceeded to swear Mr. Anthony Campuzano into office as Mayor of Lansdowne Borough Delaware County. Mr. Campuzano participated in the swearing in as directed and was sworn into office.

Mayor Campuzano called to order the Reorganization Meeting of Borough Council. Mayor Campuzano led all in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Judge Perfetti proceeded to induct individuals to offices of Lansdowne Borough through the words set inwhat is known as the Oath of Office:

I do solemnly affirm that I will support, obey and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this Commonwealth that I will discharge the duties of my office with fidelity, and that I will not knowingly receive, directly or indirectly, any money or other valuable things, for the performance or non-performance of any act or duty pertaining to my office other than the compensation allowed by law.

And, by way of the Oath of Office, the following individuals did participate and were duly sworn into offices:

Mr. Michael F. Schleigh was sworn into office as a member of Borough Council; Ms. Janet M. English was sworn into office as a member of Borough Council; Mr. Eric Gibson Aubrey was sworn into office as a member of Borough Council; Ms. Magdalena Byrne was sworn into office as a member of Borough Council; Mr. Joseph J. Urban was sworn into office Tax Collector; and Mayor Campuzano swore in Daniel Donegan was as Chief of Police.

With Mayor Campuzano presiding Mr. Craig Totaro called roll of Borough Council attendees and present were: Ms. Janet English, Mr. Robert Radich, Ms. Marianne Saylor, Ms. Magdalena Byrne, Mr. Eric Gibson Aubrey, and absent was Mr. Stephen Wagner.

At this time Mayor Campuzano called for a nomination for a candidate to become the Borough Council President and Mr. Radich nominated Ms. Marianne Saylor and Mr. Totaro called for an oral vote from each Borough Council member and all present voted favorably to Mr. Radich’s nomination and Ms. Marianne Saylor became Borough Council President.

At this time Mayor Campuzano called for a nomination for a candidate to become the Borough Council Vice-President and Mr. Radich nominated Mr. Michael Schleigh and Mr. Totaro called for an oral vote from each Borough Council member and all present voted favorably to Mr. Radich’s nomination and Mr. Michael Schleigh became Borough Council President.

At this time Ms. Saylor called for the suspension of Roberts Rules of Order to allow for a period of Public Comment and Mr. Aubrey motioned to effect his and Mr. Schleigh seconded this motion and all voted in favor and public comment commenced. Resident Sharon Coleman of Glentay Avenue rose and came forward to comment and shared words of confidence in the newly elected officials.

The meeting continued to conduct New Business by entertaining appointments to various offices and positions in the Borough of Lansdowne including; a motion by Mr. Radich and a second of the motion by Mr. Schleigh and a unanimous vote to appoint Mr. Robert W. Scott as the Borough Solicitor; a motion by Ms. English and a second by Mr. Radich and a unanimous vote to appoint NDI Engineering the Borough Engineer; a motion by Mr. Radich and a second by Ms. English and a unanimous vote to appoint Ms. Suzanne McElroy as the Vacancy Board Chair; a motion by Mr. Radich and a second by Ms. English and a unanimous vote to appoint Ms. Barbara A. Henry as the Borough Secretary; a motion by Mr. Radich and a second by Ms. English and a unanimous vote to appoint Mr. Craig Totaro as the Borough Manager; and a motion by Mr. Radich and a second by Ms. English and a unanimous vote to appoint Mr. Joseph G. Bartley as the Borough Treasurer.

And then Ms. Saylor made a motion to adopt Resolution 2014-1, a resolution setting council committee structure and assignments which was seconded by Mr. Aubrey and unanimously adopted.

And then a motion was made by Mr. Radich and seconded by Ms. English to approve bills for the period and the motion was approved unanimously.

And then a motion was made by Mr. Schleigh and seconded by Ms. English to reappoint Betsy Riffert to the Board of Health for a five-year termexpiring 12/31/2018 and the motion was approved unanimously.

And then a motion was made by Mr. Aubrey and seconded by Mr. Schleigh to reappoint Michael Mills to the Park & Recreation Board for a three-year term expiring 12/31/2016 and the motion was approved unanimously.

And then a motion was made by Mr. Aubrey and seconded by Mr. Schleigh to reappoint Ronald Ford to the Park & Recreation Board for a three-year term expiring 12/31/2016 and the motion was approved unanimously.

And then a motion was made by Mr. Radich and seconded by Mr. Schleigh to reappoint William Patterson to the HARB for a three-year termexpiring 12/20/2016 and the motion was approved unanimously.

And then a motion was made by Mr. Radich and seconded by Mr. Schleigh to reappoint Kathleen Lambert to the Zoning Hearing Board for a three year term expiring 12/31/2018 and the motion was approved unanimously.

And then a motion was made by Ms. English and seconded by Mr. Radich to change the start time of the recurring Business meetings and General Meetings of Borough Council from 7:30 to 7:00pm and the motion was approved unanimously.

And the meeting adjourned at 7:42pm.