Article Template2

(Size: 8.5 point) Please Click Here and Write Your Short Running Title

Template for Submission of Articles

to the Journal of the Korean Chemical Society (2012)

** Instruction for Using Template **

Please use Articles template for submission to theJournal of the Korean Chemical Society. This template should be used only for preparing Articles for submission to theJournal of the Korean Chemical Society.

Please read the instructions below mentioned on how to use the template.

1. There are two ways to work with your manuscript within this template.

1)Please type your manuscript directly into the template.

2)If you have already prepared your document in a MS Word file, please copy and paste your manuscript into the template.

2. Please create a new line and insert the graphic where desired to insert figures, schemes, tables or charts within the text. If your artwork is larger than the width of the column, you must resize the artwork in your graphics program and then repaste it into the template (maximum width for single-column artwork, 3.3 in. (8.5 cm); maximum width for double-column artwork, 7 in. (17.7 cm)). The resolution of your graphic should be minimum 600dpi.

3. Delete all sections from the template that are not needed, including these instructions.

4. Save it as a MS Word Document.

5. Proof a printout of the manuscript to ensure that all parts of the manuscript are present and clearly legible.

6. Please read "Template" given below for working your manuscripts.

Title (Type: 13.5 point Times New Roman)

Please Use Appropriate Title for your Manuscript.

Author Name (Type: 10.5 point Times New Roman). If there are above two authors for manuscripts, corresponding author must be asterisked(* ): e.g., Myung Ho Hyun, Gil Dong Hong,† and Yunjeong Kim*

Author Address (9.5 point Italic type). Zip code and email address should be included.

The Affiliation should be the institution where the work was conducted.

If there are above two affiliation, symbol must be included (Please use these symbols †, ‡, §, #, ¶ ).

(Received Date; Accepted Date (to be inserted bythe journal after your manuscript is accepted))

ABSTRACT. (size: 9.5 point) The abstract should briefly state the problem or purpose of the research,indicate the methodology used, summarize the principal findings and major conclusions.

Key words: (size: 9.5 point) Provide 2~5 significant keywords to aid the reader in literature retrieval. (e.g., Red, Orange, White)

Article Template2

(Size: 8.5 point) Please Click Here and Write Your Short Running Title

(size: 8.5 point) TEXT: Articles should state running title appearly at the top of the journal page.

INTRODUCTION (11 point boldface type)

(size:10 point) The introduction should state the purpose of the research and should include appropriate citations of previous and relevant works.

The reference number should be on the right-top of relevant contents. (e.g., Nowadays, much attention has been focused on organic reactions catalyzed by ionic liquids.19)

Figures: Please insert your Figures within a single-column width (8.5cm). The smallest letter is 1.5mm. Please use the Times New Roman or Arial for Figure letters. If there are chemical structures in Scheme, JACS format should be used Chemdraw Program.

Tables: If table width is above a single-column width (8.5cm), please highlight the position of tables in the contents and attach tables in the back of your manuscript. Please use a type size of 9 point for Table letters.

X-ray crystallography data: For papers dealing with X-ray crystallography, crystallographic data (in CIF format) should be deposited with one of the two databases below before publication.

For organic and metal-organic compounds:

Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC)

12 Union Road, Cambridge CB2 1EZ, UK

Tel: (+44) 1223-336-408 Fax: (+44) 1223-336-033


For purely inorganic compounds:

Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe (FIZ)

D-76344, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany

Tel: (+49) 7247-808-205 Fax: (+49) 7247-808-666


Each structure deposited will be given a deposition number (CCDC-. . . , or CSD-. . .), and the number should be supplied at the Experimental section with the following standard text: Crystallographic data for the structures reported here have been deposited with CCDC (or FIZ) (Deposition No. CCDC-xxxxxx (1) or CSD-xxxxxx (1)). These data can be obtained free of charge via or from CCDC, 12 Union Road, Cambridge CB2 1EZ, UK, E-mail: (or FIZ, D-76344, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany, E-mail: ).




Acknowledgments. If you have any acknowledgments, please provide it. If you don't, please delete here.


References: All references and explanatory notes should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are mentioned in the text, and a complete list of notes and literature citations should appear at the end of the manuscript. Examples of bibliographic references are given below.

1. Tem, C.; Whitesides, G. M. J. Am. Chem. Soc.1990, 112, 6409.

2. Charl, R.; McDonagh, A. F. In The Porphyrins; Dolphin, D., Ed.; Academic Press: New York, U. S. A., 1979; Vol. 6, p 258.

3. Czad, D. D.; Armarego, W. L. F. Purification of Laboratory Chemicals; Pergamon Press: Oxford, U. K., 1988; p 19.

If References have DOI number, please provide it. References that are not readily available (e.g., private technical reports, preprints, or articles in press) but are necessary for a complete review of the paper must be included with the manuscript for use by the reviewers. Consult a current copy of the Journal of the American Chemical Society and the Handbook for Authors of Papers of the American Chemical Society Publications for specific examples of style and general recommendations. Chem. Abstr.1992, 116, 106092K.