1Geography 391 Syllabus9/22/2018

Geography 391: Quantitative Methods in Geography

Contact Information

Instructor: Dan Weiss ()

Course Places & Times

Classroom:Saunders Hall, Room 204

2:00-2:50, Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Office Hours: Saunders Hall, Room 317

3:00-4:00 PM, Wednesday

Or by appointment

Links to Course Information

Course Website:

UNC Blackboard:

Course Description

This course is designed to introduce elementary statistical analysis methods in the context of geography. This course will cover descriptive statistics, hypothesis formulation and testing, sampling strategies, and correlation and regression analysis. For the application of these statistical methods, students will learn how to use numerical computing software to process example datasets drawn from physical and human geography. Through the course students will gain a basic understanding of quantitative methods used by geographers and gain experience describing and solving research problems from a statistical perspective.

Course Objectives

  1. To learn the concepts, definitions, and applications of basic descriptive and inferential statistics used by geographers in research.
  2. To introduce basic statistical measures for quantifying spatial relationships between different data.
  3. To learn how to choose appropriate statistical techniques for describing, interpreting, and predicting geographical variables and data.
  4. To learn how to use numerical computing software for statistical analysis and visualization on large data sets.

Course Textbook

Burt, J.E. and Barber, G.M. (1995). Elementary Statistics for Geographers, 2nd edition. (ISBN: 0898629993)

Course Software

Some homework assignments for this class will be done in the Microsoft Excel and/or S-Plussoftware packages. Microsoft Excel is installed on most lab computers on campus (and probably already installed on your laptop). Toobtain a copy of S-Plus for your laptop, send a request to the software acquisitionoffice ( When your order is complete, you can pick up the CD at the software acquisition office located in the basement of House Undergraduate Library.

Course Organization

Monday & Wednesday: Lecture (see calendar below for topics)

Lecture notes (PowerPoint slides) will be available on Blackboard

Friday:Statistical technique demonstrations using selectedsoftware


Readings from the textbook will be detailed in class and on the course webpage. The lecture content will closely follow the assigned readings, which should be read before class.

Lecture Notes

Lecture notes for this course will be posted on BlackBoard and on the course website.


Weekly homework assignments will consist of problem sets and short lab assignments. Homework will typically be assigned on Monday and will be due the following Monday at the beginning of class. Assignments will loose10% for each day late.

Attendance & Participation

The concepts taught in geography 319 are cumulative in nature and attending all class meetings is strongly recommended. To encourage this behavior, as well as being on time for class, attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class. You will also be expected to participate in class discussions.

E-mail Protocol

Please include “geog391” in subject line of any e-mails you send to me in case the e-mail is intercepted by a spam filter.


There will be 3 exams in this course, 2 during the semester and one final. The final exam period for this course isTuesday, May 6th @ 12:00 PM.

Make-up Exams

Type 1: Excused absences that the instructor is notified of in advance (at least 14 days before the exam). For this type of absence we can simply arrange a make-up time.

Type 2: Unexcused absences due to illness, emergency, or insufficient notification time. For this type of absence we must discuss the reason(s) for the absence and arrange a make-up time IF the reasons are justifiable. However, the make-up exam for this type of absence will be different and more difficult than the original exam to dissuade cheating and to compensate for additional studying time.

Grading Details

1) Homework will account for 60% of the total course grade (300/500 points).

2) Exams will count for 30% of the total course grade (150/500 points).

3) Attendance and participation will count for 10% of the total course grade (50/500 points).


Item / Points / Due Date
Homework 1 / 30 / 1/23/2008
Homework 2 / 30 / 1/28/2008
Homework 3 / 30 / 2/4/2008
Homework 4 / 30 / 2/11/2008
Homework 5 / 30 / 2/25/2008
Homework 6 / 30 / 3/3/2008
Homework 7 / 30 / 3/17/2008
Homework 8 / 30 / 3/24/2008
Homework 9 / 30 / 4/7/2008
Homework 10 / 30 / 4/21/2008
Exam 1 / 50 / 2/13/2008
Exam 2 / 50 / 3/26/2008
Exam 3 / 50 / 5/6/2008
Attendance & Participation / 50