to the


Publication Ref: CC-02/RORS 30

Subject: Organization of meeting, debates, trainings, press conference and final conference,

Location: Bor District (Bor, Negotin, Kladovo and Majdanpek municipalities)

The Instructions to tenderers is corrected or modified as follow:

Point n°: 4.2 Financial offer

Instead of:

The Financial offer must be presented as an amount in Euro and must be submitted using the template for the global-price version of Annex V to part B of this tender dossier. The electronic version of this document ‘B8 — Budget for a global-price contract’ can be found on the website

Tenderers are reminded that the maximum budget available for this contract, as stated in the contract notice, is Euro 34.900,00. Payments under this contract will be made in the currency of the tender, according to the InforEuro exchange rate for the month when payment is done. The InforEuro exchange rate is published on the website


The Financial offer must be presented as an amount in Euro and must be submitted using the template for the global-price version of Annex V to part B of this tender dossier. The electronic version of this document ‘B8 — Budget for a global-price contract’ can be found on the website

Tenderers are reminded that the maximum budget available for this contract, as stated in the contract notice, is Euro 34.900,00. Payments under this contract will be made in EUR for foreign companies and RSD for Serbian companies.

The Draft Contract - Special Conditions is corrected or modified as follow:

Point n°: 29.5

Instead of:

Payments will be made in RSD in accordance with Articles 20.6 and 29.4 of the General Conditions into the bank account notified by the Contractor to the Contracting Authority. The amount in EUR shall be converted into the national currency (RSD) according to the InforEuro exchange rate for the month when payment is done.


Payments shall be made in EUR/RSD in accordance with Articles 20.6 and 29.4 of the General Conditions into the bank account notified by the Contractor to the Contracting Authority.

In case the contract is concluded in EURO, and payments are made in national currencies, applicable exchange rate must be InforEuro exchange rate for the month of the issuing of invoice or pre-invoice in case of VAT exemption.

All other terms and conditions of the Instructions to tenderers/ Draft Contract - Special Conditions remain unchanged. The above alterations and /or corrections to the Instructions to tenderers/ Draft Contract - Special Conditions are integral part of the Instructions to tenderers/ Draft Contract - Special Conditions.

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