PRESENT: Cllr P. Davies (Mayor)
“ E.J. Breeze
“ Mrs J. Crisp
“ Mrs C. Edwardes
“ Mrs L. Evans
“ Mrs S. Mills
“ Mrs A. Morgan
“ G. Morgan
“ G. Rowlands
“ Mrs P. Smith
“ J. Whittal Williams
Town Clerk
At 6.30pm Councillors met with Mr Stuart Mackintosh and Ms Lisa Griffiths PCC officers, to discuss the proposed merger between the Library and Museum. Councillors unanimously voted to exclude the Press and Public (Admissions to meetings Act 1960)
Mr Mackintosh explained that
· £250,000 must be saved from these services over the next 3 years and conversations with community groups will be taking place. He would be grateful if the Town Council could look into waiving the rent/service charges for the building
· The merger will not solve the financial issues but will help towards it.
· Mr Mackintosh is happy to open conversations with interested groups.
· Cabinet will meet at the end of February and will give an idea of how much of the budget must be saved. Clerk asked for costs for running Museum and Library.
· Proceeds from the Library building will go into a central pot.
· Information point, Housing Officer and Registration will be incorporated into the building.
· Plans will be made easier to understand by adding colour and measurements
Councillors unanimously voted to obtain 3 quotes from local Builders so that the works can go ahead as soon as possible.
401/01 APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Cllrs Lady Hooson, Mrs Margot Jones and Peter Rees
Declaration of Interest Forms were distributed and filed with the minutes. Cllr G. Morgan declared a personal interest as an elected member of Powys County Council in matters concerning PCC. Cllr Mrs P Smith declared a personal interest in item 13, Proposed co-location of Library and Museum
401/03 MINUTES The following minutes were read and confirmed:-
Minutes of Council Meeting held on 14.12.15 Cllr Mrs A Morgan wished her name to appear as Mrs A Morgan and not as Cllr Morgan as she did not want to be mistaken for Cllr G Morgan. Clerk explained that she was the only Cllr Morgan present at the meeting, but agreed to alter the minutes. True Record Unanimously agreed
Environment/Planning Panel Meeting held on 11.01.16 True Record
Finance/Town Hall Panel Meeting held on 11.01.16 True Record
Clerk explained that spelling mistakes should be brought up in writing to the Town Clerk prior to the meetings as stated in Code of Conduct.
a) Letter from Mr Andrew Hawkey Re Old Market Hall. - Received
b) Thank You letter from Llanidloes Community Centre Trustees - Received
c) Notification from WG of Section s137 Expenditure Limit for 2016-17 – Received
401/05 TO DISCUSS RENT REVIEW FOR ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC Cllr G. Morgan declared an interest (as a patient) and left the room. The current rental arrangements were discussed and it was agreed that in comparison with other office space in the Town Hall, these offices are paying a very low rent. A Proposal was made by Cllr Davies, “to look at the lease and have a discussion with the tenants as soon as possible”. This was unanimously voted on and will be discussed again at the next meeting
401/06 TO SET UP A COMMITTEE TO ARRANGE A CHARITY CONCERT (Cllr Breeze) It was agreed that Cllr Breeze will Chair the group. The Mayor and Deputy will join him on the committee as well as Cllrs Evans and Crisp. Mayor’s awards will also be discussed.
401/07 TO DISCUSS INCIDENTS WHICH HAVE CAUSED DAMAGE TO THE OLD MARKET HALL Further to recent damage to the OMH it was agreed that Council should meet with Russell George AM to discuss the way forward and explain to him that prevention of lorries from Long Bridge street turning left into Great Oak Street should be made. Cllr Morgan added that there was a need to seek permission from the Assembly Trunk Road Authority to place signs on the by-pass preventing heavy lorries entering the Town from the North and that they must enter from the South thus avoiding the Old Market Hall.
401/09 TO LOOK AT BREAKDOWN OF QUOTATION FROM TRIANO SERVICES AND TO DISCUSS THE WAY FORWARD WITH ALTERATIONS TO THE BIOMASS BOILER SYSTEM Cllr Davies had met on site with a local contractor who had given an estimate of no more than £3,500 for a metal purpose built hopper installed in the Boiler room. (cost from Triano was in excess of £9,000) The cost of supplying and fixing the auger would be extra. Cllr G Morgan wanted his position recorded in the minutes, stating that an Independent Inspector was paid £1000 for producing a report stating there were all sorts of defects with the system. He is not prepared to sign up to something which will not be put right properly expressing concern that if things go wrong he doesn’t want to be up for Corporate Manslaughter and will not be convinced by anyone other than the experts. Cllr Mills read out the paragraph from the Finance Minutes which stated that the hopper should be up and running as soon as possible and then we can face the other issues. Cllr Mrs A Morgan was not happy with the way Cllr Davies spoke to her and left the meeting.
Cllr Davies explained that once the hopper and pipe work is installed with the boiler running to full capacity, the RHI payback will commence again and then the serious issues in item 7 will be prioritised. Cllr Whittal Williams was in favour of having the hopper made and installed with the proviso that if the hopper doesn’t work, then the manufacturers won’t be paid. The majority of Councillors were in agreement. The hopper would be a minimum 5 ton hopper to hold 4 weeks supplies. Cllr Davies was adamant that by carrying out the works in this way, the cost will not be anywhere near £25,000. It was proposed by Cllr Davies “that further to Councillors receiving details of the hopper and an exact price for the supply, via e mail, the hopper will be ordered. The majority of Councillors voted for the proposal with Cllr Morgan voting against and Cllr Edwardes abstaining. The other items will be looked at again at a future meeting
401/10 TO RECEIVE BURIAL BOARD ACCOUNTS The accounts and Bank Reconciliation were received with Councillors pleased to see the new layout. Clerk said that she had spoken to the Town Clerk from Llanfair last week who had explained that they have increased their costs in line with PCC. Clerk has passed on contact details to the Clerk for Burial Board.
401/11 TO RECEIVE VALUATION OF TOWN HALL CUTLERY - The cutlery weighed 14 kilos in total but it was found not be solid silver. Although stamped 1908 it was actually made between 1920 and 1940 and is therefore worth only £80 in total
401/12 TO DISCUSS DEVELOPMENTS WITH DAY CENTRE SERVICES (Cllr Mrs Margot Jones) Cllr G Morgan gave some relevant points with Clerk also adding points as supplied by Cllr Jones.
· The group met with PAVO 2 weeks ago as PAVO have been looking for funding but can only come up with “Befriending” but with limited funding.
· There is no money or information coming from PCC, there should have been a consultation event but that has not yet happened.
· There have been no dates set for the proposed closure.
· Cllr Graham Jones met with the Portfolio Holder and handed in a petition of 2,000 signatures to Jeremy Patterson last week. He asked what does PCC proposed to do with these vulnerable people but didn’t get an answer.
· There will be repercussions for all services in the locality with support required for Carers.
· A business Plan will be written with the help of PAVO to fight to keep the service.
· Most of the funding made available in County Council’s budget for all Day Centres to assist voluntary groups to attempt to continue the service, had been given to Welshpool Town Council leaving little left in the pot for other groups to make a bid
All Councillors were very concerned and agreed to help keep this issue on the Agenda. Cllr Smith reiterated the support for Carers.
P2016/0029 Listed Building Consent for internal alterations to cellar and ground floor at 11 Great Oak Street, Llanidloes Powys - No Objection
P2016/0060 Erection of extensions and alterations to dwelling including erection of replacement garage at The Glen, Gorn Road, Llanidloes Powys – No Objection
Proposed housing development on Gorn Road - An e mail from a resident on Gorn road with concerns of access from the site to or from Rhos Y Maen Uchaf was read out. Councillors agreed that comments from this Council should be included to PCC to ensure proper access is included in the development
Chq No
100322 Petty Cash 96.00
100323 Mr Simon Edmunds 202.50
100324 D.W. Jerman 1375.00
100325 Llanidloes Community Centre 5000.00
100326 SLCC 187.00
100327 PC-Q 20.36
100328 Inland Revenue 833.44
100329 Smith of Derby(Clock) 253.20
100330 Border Janitorial 21.72
100331 Mick Walmsley (Biomass) 927.00
100332 PCC (Pension) 512.10
100333 PCC (C Tax) 4,698.32
100334 Sonia Pritchard (travel) 58.50
100335 Petty Cash 80.24
Total £ 14,265.38
401/16 COUNCILLORS QUESTIONS - Answers to be found by the next meeting if possible
Cllr Smith expressed concern with dumping of rubbish in Short Bridge Street. There is a Green bin there which belongs to the Kebab house and people are fly tipping around it and rubbish is building up. Cllr Davies will approach the Landlord at the Royal Head to see if an arrangement can be made to keep the green bin at the rear of the Hotel.
Clerk was asked to chase up the Post office over vans and security vans parked on the road and causing traffic issues. It was agreed that this is a Spar issue.
Gwaelod y Bryn – Cllr Morgan informed the County Council’s officer responsible for Contaminated Land had requested that steps be taken now to measure what gases (if any) were being discharged from the site and whether there was further movement (subsidence) taking place on the site. Instruments to assess these two issues had been installed on the site by the County Council and would remain on site for the next 3 months. It was essential to obtain these results before a planning application could be prepared and submitted.
Football Club Lease – Cllr Morgan has recently received a plan from Mr Colin Edwards, PCC asking if Town Council would be prepared to take over the path between Idloes terrace and the houses at Well Lane. Councillors unanimously agreed that this should be included on the lease.
Cllr Davies – parking outside the Hospital with cars parked along the pavement. We need an update from PCC over this and some issues we brought up some months ago over double yellow lines.
8th February - Panel Meeting – It was agreed that the first of the Charity Concert meetings would take place at 6.30pm (before the Panel meeting)
22nd February - Full Council Meeting
Meeting closed at 8.55 pm