Your dedicated police team

We are your local Safer Neighbourhoods police team and are tackling the issues that matter to you by working with partner agencies to find lasting solutions. Please contact us with any concerns you have, or visit the above website for more information.

You said

We listen to the concerns of the community and our priorities are set by local people who sit on a neighbourhood panel. You said the following priorities were important to you:

  • Burglary
  • Drugs
  • Anti Social Behaviour

We did

We have done the following to tackle these priorities:

Priority 1: Residential Burglary

Onthe North End Ward there have been 12 reported burglaries. This is the time of year where we usually see an increase due to winter nights drawing in.

We still recommend to register your electrical goods with their serial numbers. This is a police Web-site that stores all your information. Please see the links below to obtain further advice. Please consider that the warmer months are now approaching us and we need to be mindful regarding open windows and doors etc.

Hammersmith and Fulham council have produced a new website.

There will be plenty of information available on the website below

Priority 2: Drugs

There have been recent reports that there have been males loitering, drug dealing and using in West Ken Estate/ Gibbs Green and Cheesemans Terrace. The North End ward are currently looking into this, if any residents are experiencing these types of issues please contact the police so we can deal with the matter accordingly.

Priority 3: Anti Social Behaviour

North End SNT continues to liaise withresidents and local authorities who assist identifying possible ASB hotspots which helps us with patrols so we can target certain areas looking for these individuals. Please dial 101 if you see or witness Anti Social Behaviour occurring and await police arrival to deal with issue do not confront these individuals. We are also concentrating on a drinking dispersal zone to tackle the street drinkers of Normand Park and the local estates.

West Kensington Estate has had pockets of ASB issues in the west Kensingtonestate; however officers have been quick to respond and are patrolling the area. The North End Team worked a complete month of nights and dispersed 39 people under dispersal zones powers that were causing the residents many issues. There were over 15 arrests and numerous people were dealt with regards to drug offences by a way of a fine or a warning.


There have been a number of warrants carried out recently which have had some good results. One warrant resulted in two people arrested for immigration offences. The second warrant in the West Ken Estate resulted in four people being arrested for Possession with Intent to Supply - Cannabis. A large quantity of cannabis, cash and drug paraphernalia found at the property.

The third warrant in Gibbs Green resulted in cannabis being found at the property, one person given a warning for that.

From the period of July to September around 18 people have been dealt with for various drug offences resulting in Warming’s, Fines and Arrests.

We are currently handing out community protection notices (CPN) to people who cause ASB to the local residents. A CPN is a fine of a £100 and is also a deterrent to move people on from a hotspot area for drugs and ASB. One person has already been fined and arrested for breach of this.