Camden LA Heads and Deputies Curriculum Conference 22/9/10
Aims• To review progress made over 2009-10 and to share LA team priorities for
• To provide up to date information on curriculum review and change in the
light of scrapping of Rose
• To engage participants in workshops based on local examples of good
9:30 – 11:00
Welcome - Tim Coulson
Introduction - Jon Kurta
2011 Outcomes - Ann Short
EYFS Achievements and Priorities - Jean Millar, Una McCall
KS1 & 2 Assessment & APP Update
Introduction to APP Speaking and Listening
Curriculum: post-Rose work with QCDA, National and Local priorities
Training opportunities - Jon Kurta
Curriculum Development at Argyle - Laura Wynne, Jemima Wade
Workshop 1 11:25 – 12:30
A Improving the outcomes in EYFS through partnerships with parents
B Speaking and listening across the curriculum
C Improving Boys Writing at KS2
Workshop 2 1:30 – 2:30
D 'Mathematically Speaking'
E Disciplined Curriculum Innovation: How Do We Know It Works?
F Improving the outcomes in the EYFS : Maximising Speaking and Listening
opportunities across the 6 areas of learning.
G Planning for PSHE, citizenship and SEAL-fitting it all in
Plenary 2:45 – 3:00
Next steps in developing curriculum: SIPs prompt sheet and impact measures – suggestions for school SLT discussion.
3:00 – 3:45 SEN Mainstream Funding Briefing
- Andy Knowles, Alison Farmer, Peter Gray, Kate Frood
Workshop 1 11:25 – 12:30
A Improving the outcomes in EYFS through partnerships with parents
This session will explore why parent partnerships are important in the EYFS;
what do they look like; what are the barriers to involving parents and how to overcome these; and sharing good practice in parent partnerships.
Jean Millar, Una McCall
B Speaking and listening across the curriculum
In this session we will work to build a shared understanding of the 4 areas of the APP speaking and listening; examine and explore good practice and available materials and signpost support available for implementing speaking and listening across the curriculum.
Maria Novak, Leonie Holt, Lucie Polya
C Improving Boys Writing at KS2
Leading literacy teachers have explored the link between visual texts and a written outcome in order to raise attainment in writing. In this session they will share their plans and outcomes using books where the story depends on the interaction between the written text and image. We will look at the pedagogy of using visual texts with older children as well as the impact of these approaches on all children particularly boys.
Tracy Goldblatt, Hilary Horton + Lead Literacy teachers
Workshop 2 1:30 – 2:30
D 'Mathematically Speaking'
This session will consider a case lesson study of the use of APP Speaking and Listening and review activities that focus children on talk and reasoning in a range of mathematical contexts.
Sami Miller, Rachel Posner + Rob Fellows (Brookfield)
E Disciplined Curriculum Innovation: How Do We Know It Works?
This session will introduce the QCDA evaluation tool for curriculum development based on 3 questions devised to provide a framework to help SLTs implement the process. These support materials have been designed to promote reflection and to avoid the potential paralysis that could result from the current climate.
Bernie Barry + Sue Bush (Torriano Juniors)
F Improving the speech, language and communication outcomes for children in the Early Years Foundation Stage.
This session we will considerhow speechlanguage and communication underpins learning in theEYFS. We willshare outcomes from a localschools use ofthe ECAT and CLLD programmes to support the development of communication language and literacyand suggest next steps for schools wanting to develop this area.
Joy Donaldson, Leonie Holt
G Planning for PSHE, citizenship and SEAL-fitting it all in
This session will offer an approach to delivering PSHE and citizenship including SEAL. Participants will find out about the new Camden scheme of work; explore how the scheme fits into the primary curriculum; consider ways to assess PSHE and citizenship; and find out about Ofsted’s view of good practice in PSHE and citizenship
Gill Morris