Using On-line Data and Tools for Your Watershed

U.S. EPA, Chicago

June 22, 2009

Presenters and Partners:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

NationalNonpoint Source Expert & Region 5 Agricultural Advisor

77 West Jackson Blvd, Chicago, IL60604

tel. 312-886-0209

Tom oversees the National Nonpoint Source (NPS) Monitoring Program and the Region 5 NPSManagement Program. He also assists on the Agency's Hypoxia efforts.

Cyd Curtis

NonpointSource Coordinator

USEPA Region 5

77 West Jackson Blvd, Chicago, IL60604

tel. (312) 353-6959

Janice Huang

Systems Design and Support

USEPA Region 5, Water Division

77 West Jackson Blvd, Chicago, IL60604

tel. (312) 353-8228

Carmen Masó
GIS Analyst
USEPA Region 5, Resource Management Division, Office of Information Services
77 W Jackson Blvd., Mail Code MG-10J, Chicago,IL 60604
tel. 312-886-1070 (voice)

Carmen creates custom maps for EPA staff in the waste, pesticides and toxicsprograms and co-teaches regional trainings on EPA mapping tools.

Lucy Stanfield
GIS Specialist

USEPA Region 5, Land & Chemicals Division
77 W. Jackson Blvd.,Mail Code LP-9J, Chicago, IL 60604
tel. 312-886-1121

Save the Dunes

Jennifer Nebe
Water Resource Specialist
Save the Dunes Conservation Fund
444 Barker Road, Michigan City, IN46360
tel. 219-879-3564

Jennifer is a water resource specialist for Save the Dunes Conservation
Fund. Since she began working for SDCF's water program in 2006,
Jennifer has assisted with the development and implementation of watershed
management plans for the Dunes Creek and Salt Creek watersheds in northwest
Indiana's Lake Michigan basin. She supports water program grant
administration and implementation activities. Jennifer's contribution to
watershed management planning has focused upon writing sections of the Salt
Creek Watershed Management Plan, coordinating a septic system survey in the
Dunes Creek watershed, mapping and analyzing resources in both watersheds
using GIS, developing outreach materials, coordinating volunteer water
quality monitoring, and modeling pollutant loads under various land use

Prairie Rivers Network

Kim Erndt

River Restoration and Habitat Conservation Coordinator

Prairie Rivers Network

1902 Fox Drive, Suite G, Champaign, IL61820

office: 217- 344-2371

Kim implemented Phase I of the CapacityBuilding in Illinois Watersheds initiative, and she developed the Phase II strategy along with IEPA and U.S. EPA. She now works to help protect stream corridors and wildlife habitat and works to build awareness about Mississippi River water quality issues.

Alison Meanor

Water Resources Advocate

Prairie Rivers Network

1902 Fox Drive, Suite G, Champaign, IL61820

office: 217- 344-2371

cell: 217-714-5821

Alison is implementing Phase II of the CapacityBuilding in Illinois Watersheds initiative. She is organizing a series of workshops to assist agencies and watershed groups with the watershed planning process.

IllinoisLake Management Association

Sarah Denny

Project Manager

Integrated Lakes Management, Inc.
120 Le Baron St., Waukegan, IL60085
office: 847-244-6662
cell: 847-980-2003

At ILM, Inc., Sarah is responsible for all aquaticmanagement projects. She also serves on the ILMA board of directors. Her professional and personal interests are in the health and management of local watersheds.

Dick Hilton

Nippersink Creek Watershed Planning Committee

1648 S. Eastwood Drive, Woodstock, IL60098

Dick assists a volunteer grass roots watershed planning group toactively pursue watershed planning and implementationprojects while developing an awareness of the valueand the need to protect and enhance the naturalresources within the watershed.
As a resident/property owner on a private 830-acreimpoundment of Nippersink Creek in the middle of thewatershed, Dick’s interest is in helping to implement programsand projects that will protect and enhance the naturalresources in one of the few remaining high quality streamsin Northeastern Illinois.

Forthe past 10 years, Dick has been actively involved with the Illinois Lake ManagementAssociation as its administrative assistant.