Ref: FOIA 2008/177
Date: 13th January 2009
Private & Confidential
Mr F Ayub / Information Governance Department
Royal Infirmary
Princes Road
Tel: 01782 554040
Fax: 01782 746991

Dear Mr Ayub

Request for Information (Freedom of Information Act 2000)

I write further to for your request for information received by the University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust (the Trust) on the 17th December 2008 as detailed below:

“I would like to request a complete list of contractors and consultants that the Trust uses on new builds and refurbishments.”

The Trust is managing your request using the Trust’s procedures for the disclosure of information in accordance with the legal responsibilities of Freedom of Information Act 2000.In order to address your question(s) I consulted with Trust senior colleagues.

UHNS Response to FOIA Request

Please find below a table detailing a list of contractors and consultants who are engaged by the Trust in relation to any new builds or refreshments as requested.

Consultants and Consultants
Laing O’Rourke Construction North Limited / Envirotech
Ryder HKS / Foy Design Engineering Ltd
Crown House Engineering Limited / Gleeds
Colour / GVA Grimley LLP
Siemens / Hopkins Coats Associates
Sodexo Healthcare Services Limited / Horsley Huber Architects Ltd
Sodexo Limited / Hulme Upright Manning
Affiniti / Insight Technical Services
Ryders HKS / WSP Integrated Building Serivces
SRL / Nifes Consulting Group (Notts)
Healthfire / Oakleaf Group
Mott Macdonald / Poole Dick associates (inc Brown and Clowes)
Currey Brown / Priory Site Services
Alan Brough Associaties / Strategic Healthcare Planning
Burgess Design Associates / Sealy Associates Ltd, S I
Bee Environmental Ltd / Steve Smytheman & Associates
Burton Environmental Services / Stantons Consulting Engineers
Building Services Management / SVM Associates
Christopher Taylor Design Ltd / Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick & Co Ltd
Contract Planning Associates / Townsend & Renaudon
Derek Evans & Partners (Walsall) / Tarpey Barrett Associates
Davis Langdon / Wardell Armstrong
EC Harris / Wood Goldstraw & Yorath
Environmental Essentials Ltd / GMG Associates

Response Queries (Freedom of Information Act 2000).

In relation to the Freedom of Information Act, may I take this opportunity to inform you that the University Hospital of North Staffordshire is fully committed to the Act’s philosophy of openness which allows the public and individuals to ensure that corporate information is managed and used efficiently in order to assist and support business functions and decision making with the aim of delivering high quality and appropriate healthcare.

If you have any queries related to the responses provided please in the first instance contact my office. Of course, you have a right to challenge this response using the Trust’s internal complaints procedure. If having exhausted the Trust’s complaints process you are still not satisfied, then you are entitled to approach the Information Commissioner and request an assessment of the manner in which the Trust has managed your request.

The Information Commissioner is an independent officer, appointed by the Crown and reports directly to Parliament. The Commissioner can request all the documentation relating to this request to ascertain whether the Trust’s decision was fair and meets the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:

Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF or via

If following review of the responses I can be of any further assistance please contact my secretary Jackie Knowles on 01782 554040.

Yours sincerely

Cathryn Parton

Information Governance Manager