Address: 109 NE Conifer Blvd, APT F Phone: 979-422-6885

Corvallis, OR, 97330 Email:


·  Texas A&M University, College Station 2012

Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics

·  Renmin University of China, China 2007

M.S. in Agricultural Economics

·  Renmin University of China, China 2005

B.S. in Agricultural Economics


·  Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

·  Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation, Mitigation and Vulnerability Assessments

·  Land Use Economics


Peer-reviewed Articles

·  Mu JE, McCarl BA, Hagerman A and Bessler D (2015) Impacts of BSE and Avian Influenza on U.S. Meat Demand, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 14(6):1130-1141.

·  Mu JE, Wein A, and McCarl BA (2015) Land Use and Management Change under Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies: a U.S. Case Study. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 20(7):1041-1054.

·  Mu JE, McCarl BA, Wu X and Ward M (2014) Climate Change and the Risk of HPAI H5N1 Outbreaks in Birds, British Journal of Environment & Climate Change, 4(2):2231–4784.

·  Mu JE, McCarl BA, and Wein A (2013) Adaptation to Climate Change: Changes in Farmland Use and Stocking Rate in the U.S. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 18(6):713-730.

·  McCarl BA, Feng SJ, Hagerman AD, Mu JE, and Wang WW (2010) Climate Change, Agriculture and the West: A Multifaceted Issue. Western Economics Forum, 9(1):1-10

·  Zheng F and Mu JE (2007) Strategic Policy of Increasing ‘Soft Strengths’ of Agriculture: Experience of Developing International Agricultural Product Brand in Taiwan Province. Research of Agricultural Modernization, 28 (2):185-189

Book Chapters/Reviews

·  McCarl BA, Mu JE, Aisabokhae R, Attavanich W and Musumba M (2014) Land Use and Climate Change. Chapter 8 in The Oxford Handbook of Land Economics. Duke JM and Wu J (edits). Oxford University Press.

·  Jin YH and Mu JE (2012) Avian Influenza Outbreaks in China: Consumer Perception of AI and their Willingness to Pay for Traceability Labeling. Chapter 20 in Health and Animal Agriculture in Developing Countries. Zilberman D, Otte J, Roland-Holst D, and Pfeiffer D (eds.). Springer New York

·  McCarl BA, Hurd BH, Feng SJ, Hagerman AD, Mu JE, and Wang WW (2011) Climate Change and its Impact on Agriculture: Challenges for the 21st Century. Chapter 1 in Global Warming in the 21st Century. Cossia JM (edits). Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

·  Mu JE, Feng SJ, and McCarl BA (2010) Book Review of Economic Analysis of Land Use in Global Climate Change Policy. Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research 2(2): 187-193

·  Hagerman A, McCarl BA, and Mu JE (2010) Economic Impact of a Livestock Attack. Part 3 in Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. DOI:10.1002/9780470087923.hhs696


·  Houston L, and Mu JE (2015) Interactive Learning Modules for Climate Change Education. REACCH Annual Report. https://www.reacchpna.org/files/7814/2430/9840/REACCH14AnnualReport.pdf

·  Antle J, Mu JE, et al. (2015) Representative Agricultural Pathways and Scenarios for Integrated Assessment. REACCH Annual Report. https://www.reacchpna.org/files/7814/2430/9840/REACCH14AnnualReport.pdf

·  Antle J, Mu JE, et al. (2015) Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Winter Wheat. REACCH Annual Report. https://www.reacchpna.org/files/7814/2430/9840/REACCH14AnnualReport.pdf

·  Antle J, Zhang H, and Mu JE (2015) Agricultural Productivity under Future Climate Scenarios. REACCH Annual Report. https://www.reacchpna.org/files/7814/2430/9840/REACCH14AnnualReport.pdf


·  "Integrated Assessment of Climate Change, Land-Use Changes, and Regional Carbon Dynamics in United States"

o  will present at the 6th Annual Northwest Climate Conference, Coeur D’Alene, ID (Nov 2015); the AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (Dec 2015)

·  "Regional Economic Resilience against Natural Disasters"

o  presented at the AAEA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MA (Jul 2014)

·  "Regional Agricultural Pathways and Scenarios (RAPs) and Climate Impact Assessment for the Pacific Northwest Agricultural Systems"

o  presented at the ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH (Oct 2012); the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Beijing, China (Jul 2013); the 4th PNW Climate Science Conference, Portland, OR (Sep 2013); the 4th AgMIP Annual Global Workshop, New York, NY (Oct 2013); the AGU Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (Dec 2013) and the AAEA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MA (Jul 2014)

·  "Impacts of Weather Shocks and Climate Change on Agricultural Land Use under Current and Future Socio-Economic Conditions "

o  presented at Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR(Sep 2014 and 2015); U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA (Sep 2014) and Reston, VA(Oct 2014); the REACCH Annual Meeting, Portland, OR (Feb 2013) and Richland, WA (Mar 2014) and the AAEA Annual Meeting, Washington DC (Aug 2013)

·  "Climate and the Spatial-Temporal Distribution of Winter Wheat Yields: Evidence from the U.S. Pacific Northwest"

o  presented at the AAEA Annual Meeting, Washington DC (Aug 2013) and the REACCH Annual Meeting, Richland, WA (Mar 2014)

·  "Impacts of BSE and Avian Influenza on U.S. Meat Demand "

o  presented at the Department of Homeland Security Annual University Summit. Washington, DC (Mar 2009); the 115th Joint EAAE/ AAEA Seminar. Freising, Germany (Sep 2010) and the AAEA Annual Meeting, Washington DC (Aug 2013)

·  "Climate Change and the Risk of HPAI H5N1 Outbreaks in Birds "

o  presented at the AAEA Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA (Jul 2011) and the Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (Dec 2011)

·  "Land Use and Management Change under Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies: a U.S. Case Study"

o  presented at the AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (Dec 2011) and the AAEA Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA (Aug 2012)

·  "Adaptation to Climate Change: Changes in Farmland Use and Stocking Rate in the U.S."

o  presented at the SAEA Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas (Feb 2011) and the Camp Resources XVIII, Wrightsville Beach, NC (Aug 2011); The AgMIP North American Regional Workshop, Ames, IA (Sep 2012)

·  "Economic Impacts of Wildfires on U.S. Agriculture and Forestry Sectors"

o  presented at the AAEA Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA (Aug 2012)

·  "Climate Change Impacts on the Severity of Avian Influenza Outbreaks Using Hurdle Models of Count Data with Extra Zeroes"

o  presented at the SAEA Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL ( Feb 2012)

·  "Avian Influenza outbreaks and poultry production mitigation strategies in the U.S"

o  presented at the 115th Joint EAAE/ AAEA Seminar. Freising, Germany ( Sep 2010)


·  "Regional Economic Resilience against Natural Disasters" (with Chen Y), under review

·  "Climate Change, Weather Events, and Future Socio-Economic Scenarios in a Semi-Reduced Form Model of Agricultural Land Use" (with Antle J and Abatzoglou J), under review

·  "Regional Agricultural Pathways and Scenarios (RAPs) and Climate Impact Assessment for the Pacific Northwest Agricultural Systems" (with Antle J and others)

·  "Climate and the Spatial-Temporal Distribution of Winter Wheat Yields: Evidence from the U.S. Pacific Northwest" (with Antle J and Abatzoglou J)

·  "Valuating Willingness to Pay for Labeled Poultry Meat in Beijing" (with Jin Y)


·  Mendenhall Research Fellow, U.S. Geological Survey 2014-Present

o  Working on the LandCarbon project

o  Assessing economic impacts of climate change impacts land-use changes

o  Calculating carbon dynamics through land-use changes using integrated assessment approach

·  Postdoctoral Scholar, Oregon State University 2012-Present

o  Working on the Regional Approaches to Climate Change for Pacific Northwest Agriculture (REACCH_PNA) project

o  Assessing climate change impacts and adaptation on cereal production in Pacific Northwest using an integrated approach of bio-economic models

o  Examining and projecting climate change impacts on land-use decisions and crop yield distributions in Pacific Northwest in STATA

o  Conducting integrated climate change impacts assessments for regional agricultural production systems

o  Attending conferences and workshops for integrated assessments of climate change impacts on agriculture in developing countries

o  Integrating the land-use model to a regional trade-off analysis simulation model (TOA-MD) to assess economic impacts of climate change in SAS

o  Developing two learning modules of climate change for online courses and extension service

·  Co-Principal Investigator, Texas A&M University 2010-2011

o  Evaluated impacts of climate change adaptation and mitigation policy on land-use changes and management as well as greenhouse gas emissions using a partial-equilibrium economic model (FASOMGHG) in GAMS (paper published)

·  Research Assistant, Texas A&M University 2008-2012

o  Worked on the Animal Disease and Climate Change Project Funded by Homeland Security

o  Analyzed economic impacts of climate change on avian influenza (AI) outbreaks using dynamic econometric models in STATA (paper published)

o  Estimated land use and livestock management adaptation responses to climate change employing panel data and statistical models in STATA (paper published)


·  Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University 2007-2012

o  Instructor: STATA Programming for Applied Econometrics (Ph.D. level), I taught linear and nonlinear models of cross-sectional and panel data.

o  Guest Instructor: Homeland Security (graduate level), I taught one class on economic issues and implications for policy design, focusing on topics of food safety information and demand, Avian Influenza impacts on poultry consumption in China and on production in U.S.

o  Teaching Assistant: Managerial Economics in Agribusiness (MS level), Environmental and Resource Economics (undergraduate level), I wrote quiz questions, graded homework assignments, and held office hours


·  Reviewer: Climatic Change, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Agricultural Economics, Foods, Applied Economics, Agricultural Systems, Ecological Economics, Climate, Journal of Integrative Agriculture

·  Moderator: Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA 2012)

·  Abstract Reviewer: Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA 2014, AAEA 2015)

·  Membership: American Economic Association (AEA), Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA), European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE)


·  Open Oregon State (with Laurie Houston), 2014-2015

·  LandCarbon Project (with John Antle), U.S. Geological Survey, 2014-2016,$150,000

·  Pachyderm project (with Laurie Houston) , 2012-2013, $ 3,000

·  Carbon Sequestration Project, U.S. Geological Survey, 2010, $20,000 (with B. A. McCarl)

·  The Graduate Student Association (GSA) Travel Grant, Texas A&M University, 2010, 2011

·  The Graduate Student Research and Presentation Grant, Texas A&M University, 2010

·  The Best Masters’ Thesis Award, Renmin University, 2007

·  Fellowships for graduate studies, Renmin University, 2005-2007


·  Economics of Climate Change (http://extension.oregonstate.edu/eesc/pachyderm-showcase)


·  Programming: STATA,GAMS, Tableau, Matlab, SAS, R, RATS,VB, Microsoft Office

·  Language: Chinese (native), English (proficient)

·  Citizenship: People’s Republic of China
