Stow Youth Centre, Fosseway, Stow-on-the-Wold, GL54 1DW
Email: Tel: 01451 832 585
Clerk & RFO - Heather Sipthorp
You are hereby summoned to a Meeting of the FINANCE & GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE
to be held at the above address on THURSDAY 9TH MARCH 2017 at 7.00 pm for the
purposes of transacting the following business
Heather Sipthorp
Clerk & RFO of the Council Dated: 3rd March 2017
Public participation*
- Apologies for absence
- Declarations of interests on items on the Agenda
- Minutes – to sign as a correct record the minutes of meeting held on13th October 2016
- Clerk’s report on matters arising from minutes of above meeting
- Chairman’s announcements
- To approve the February 2017 Statement of Accounts & bank reconciliation
- To review current financial year expenditure in relation to budget (as at end of February 2017) and to decide whether any monies outstanding should be earmarked in end of year accounts or vired to another budget?
- Discuss rate increase for Stow Times effective January/February 2017 edition
- Contract with BT Business Infinity Unlimited is coming to an end do members wish to renew the contract and if so to approve the revised costs
- Grant applications to council
i)Application from Christmas Tree Festival organisers for a grant of £500
ii)Application from Centre 67 – Stow Youth Club for £5000 towards the running of the club
- Date for council’s independent internal audit
- Transfer of equipment protection for Olivetti photocopier in office from Grenke to council’s Zurich policy
- Registration of council with Information Commissioners Office in relation to data control
- Any other business & any items to be discussed at the next meeting
- To discuss outstanding holiday and time off in lieu in relation to Clerk & Deputy Clerk (in Private Session)
- Date of Next Meeting– To be discussed
- Meeting Closed
*Public participation (up to 15 minutes) – If you wish to speak about any concerns you wish to draw to the Council’s attention, you may speak for up to 3 minutes, when directed to do so by the Chairman.
Rules dictate that members of the public may not take part in the Town Council Meeting unless invited to do so by the Chairman and that Councillors can only make decisions on items included on the Agenda.