1012 Sligo Rd 207-252-9352

North Yarmouth, Maine 04097


You must sign up on-line to book your puppy at PupStart. You may choose to book several days at a time (you can cancel at any time up to 24 hours prior to the day):

There are more than ten puppies enrolled in PupStart but there is only room for 10, so registrations are first-come, first-served.


PupStart is a day school for puppies, a veritable puppy playschool specifically created and managed for puppies.

PupStart, established in April 2014, can jump-start the training effort - plant the seeds, so to speak –for a well-adjusted, skilled dog.

PupStart does not replace a puppy class: Diana highly recommends that you and your puppy enroll in a quality puppy class as soon as possible – the earlier the better!

Positive reinforcement methods from PupStart will ensure your puppy will look forward to ‘training’ because, from his point of view, it’s packaged as playing games! We all know that we learn a lot quicker and retain that knowledge if the learning process is fun and exciting.

PupStart puppies enjoy interacting with other puppies and playing learning games throughout their day, taking frequent breaks to rest (and grow).


PupStart is for puppies up to 25# and 6 months of age. Why? Read this:


The maximum number of puppies at PupStart is 10. There are generally more than 10 puppies enrolled in the program at any time, so booking your puppy in advance is necessary in order to guarantee his space.

RATE(payable by check or cash or PayPal*; please make checks out to “Diana Logan)

Day rate: $45* (8AM-5PM or as agreed upon)

*on-line PayPal payments incur a $3 additional fee


Note: you can cancel on-line 24 hours or more prior to the appointment.

No charge/full refundif you cancel 24 hours or more prior to your scheduled appointment.

$35 chargeif you cancel within 24 hours of an appointment (you must contact me via e-mail to do this).


“Training is an ongoing conversation with your dog.”

Diana recognizes that every conscious moment a dog has in life is a training moment. Whether we are in ‘training mode’ or not, our dogs are learning something. Diana makes sure that this perpetual state of learning is in a positive direction. Exercises are taught with a smile, consistency and compassion in a way that your puppy will understand and enjoy.

Training new behaviors requires hundreds of repetitionsin order for learning to stick: the extent of time your dog stays at PupStart will determine how many repetitions will be feasible. Young puppies have a short attention span and therefore sessions will be short.


Each puppy gets individual attention at PupStart. Skills worked on will depend on the day and your puppy’s individual in-the-moment potential to learn.

Below is a list of some of the things we work on at PupStart:

Appropriate dog/dog and dog/human interactions

Positive Interrupter

Clicker training

Physical handling

Separation using crates, pens, barriers

Name Game

Eye Contact



Door etiquette

Sit and Down

Food Bowl Exercise (stay)



Heel Position


Sound desensitization

Environmental enrichment (problem-solving games, a variety of surfaces, sounds, toys, balancing and climbing opportunities, etc.)


Diana Logan, CPDT (Certified Professional Dog Trainer; visit recognizes that it is the relationship between a dog and his human that is of the utmost importance. She embraces modern, science-based positive-reinforcement training which enhances this bond and makes it possible to cultivate a relationship that will endure and be mutually beneficial. She has been working with owners and their dogs since 2001 and has been teaching classes since early 2006. She is well-versed in dog behavior science, communication, training methodology and the power of positive training. She continues to attend local and national training conferences to broaden her knowledge and keep her abreast of the latest information and techniques. She not only enjoys working with dogs in a training capacity, but thrives on the connection and affection she shares with each of them. When caring for dogs, whether her own or someone else’s, Diana’s mission is to keep them feeling emotionally and physically safe and satisfied.


The Logan Residence is located at 1012 Sligo Road in rural North Yarmouth, Maine, just a half hour from Downtown Portland, Brunswick and Lewiston. Puppies will spend a good part of the day in and out of the climate-controlled 640 square foot training studio and its small outside enclosure with fun obstacles, kiddie pools, “Straw Mountain,” and plenty of shade and puppy projects. The training studio is a puppy playschool with plenty of tunnels, toys, games and obstacles to keep the puppy mind and body busy. Diana changes the scene frequently so that your puppy gets accustomed to a variety of stimuli and environmental changes.

Additionally, there is a small forest grove and approximately 1 acre of fenced in yard out back for lots of romping opportunity. Puppies have a chance to enjoy doing puppy things and get ample aerobic exercise. When possible, Diana takes small groups of puppies outside of the yard for excursions down to the stream out back and the trails beyond. These field trips provide excellent opportunities for training.

Your puppy may be introduced to the Logan home and the two adult resident Standard Poodles, senior Dory and younger Astro, if appropriate.

Cleaning: Diana does her best to keep the training studio as clean as possible through regular vacuuming and mopping. Non-toxic products are used for cleaning and disinfecting and a central vacuum system ensures that all the dirt and dust leaves the room.


The Logan household is not a boarding kennel and your puppy will not get relegated to a crate or pen for any extended length of time. However, puppies need lots of rest and will be separated for management purposes and rest time and will get periodic crating and/or penning sessions throughout the day, as necessary, for the individual puppy. Learning to cope when the human and other dogs are inaccessible is a big lesson that every puppy needs to learn.Diana makes a huge effort to help your puppy become comfortable while separated. These efforts have long-term benefits.


Socialization is the careful exposure to novelty in a way that teaches a puppy that he is safe in the strange and unpredictable human world. Your puppy will get ample opportunities for socialization at PupStart. Diana’s priority is to capitalize on the early developmental phases of puppies by introducing them to as many experiences as possible and as much training as possible. Please be assured that she will take every precaution necessary while exposing your puppy to new things.


Diana is very careful about choosing what puppies get to play together. Very small puppies can be injured if allowed to play with much larger puppies, some puppies are too shy to be in the thick of it right away, other puppies tend to bully or intimidate… all of this is taken into consideration at PupStart. Emotional safety is just as important as physical safety.



In order to attend PupStart, your puppy must have received his first set of core vaccinations: canine distemper (CDV), canine parvovirus 2 (CPV-2), and canine adenovirus 2 (CAV). OWNER shall provide documentation of vaccinations or titers. Bordatella (kennel cough) vaccination is not required - here’s why:


If your puppy is coughing, sneezing, has diarrhea or is otherwise “under the weather,” he should not attend PupStart. Please contact Diana as soon as possible. If Diana notices that any puppy has started to exhibit any symptoms that might be indicative of a communicable disease, she will contact OWNER as soon as possible as well as all other PupStart owners.


Ticks, fleas, mites, lice…. Yuck! It is your responsibility to protect your puppy from these unwelcome little pests. If your puppy has any parasites (it happens to the best of us!), please contact Diana. If Diana notices any suspicious critters on your puppy or other puppies, she will contact you.


PupStart welcomes your puppy and we value the trust you have in us!