Microbiology eGuide Assignments

It is important that the material in the eGuide be reviewed before the class date designated in the assignment table. The quiz must also be submitted before the corresponding laboratory session. Read the material carefully before taking the quizzes. If there is a problem submitting the quiz online, print the quiz and bring it to your laboratory class. The program allows the quizzes to be taken more than once, but we will record your first quiz grade for all of the quizzes except microscope light path1 and enumerating microbes simulation2. The site works best with the browser Internet Explorer on a PC. Internet Explorer is essential for the enumerating microbes quiz to work properly.

It is your responsibility to complete the quizzes. Don’t leave the quizzes until the last minute – you are responsible for completing the quizzes on time even if there are computer malfunctions, the site is down, there is a power outage or any other problem. So do the quizzes early so that if there is a problem you can address it. If you are having trouble with the site on your home computer you will need to use one at school that works – try using a PC.

Most of the quizzes are multiple choice, but two are different.

1.  One of the microscopy quizzes1 (light path quiz) is a cumulative quiz. The first question must be answered correctly before proceeding to the next question. Any wrong answer requires the quiz to be started from the beginning. You must complete the quiz to get credit for it. So keep trying.

2.  One of the enumerating microbes quizzes2 (plate count simulation) requires the student to complete a virtual viable count exercise. The quiz attempt is only recorded when the quiz is successfully completed. Keep trying this one until you are successful. For this quiz you have two format choices. One is the graphics presentation (with flasks) and the other is a table presentation. If you find the graphics presentation confusing, try the table format. You must use Internet Explorer for this quiz.

The eGuide may be accessed at


You will need to register for the Micro eGuide, so that your quiz attempts can be recorded. To register:

Open http://microeguide.com

Select “Graphic Table of Contents”

Select “Website Options” from the menu on the left column

Select “Registration”

Select “Student” from the center of the page

Enter information

Before taking quizzes, you will need to login. This may be done two ways.

1.  Login is located in the Website Options menu - in the left column menu near the registration links.

2.  You may also login at the quiz pages. Look at the upper right hand corner of the quiz page. The computer will tell you if you are logged in. If you are not logged in it will say “Login to Record Grade”. Clicking on this message will link you to the login page.

Check the record of your quizzes on-line. It is a good idea to check your record often. This record is the one that will be used to determine your eGuide points in class.

1.  To see which of the quizzes you have taken have been recorded on the computer select “Website Options” from the menu on the left column.

2.  Select “Report”

3.  If your details and name do not show up, you need to log into the system.

4.  If there are problems you should contact your instructor by email immediately.

The date on the table is the date of the laboratory exercise that the Micro eGuide module must be completed before. Note that some days you are required to complete multiple modules each with their own quiz (so you need to take multiple quizzes on those days).

Table of Micro eGuide Assignments www.microeguide.com

Date / eGuide Section / eGuide Module / Quiz
Laboratory Safety / Good Lab Practices / yes
Clean Up / yes
Emergency Procedures / yes
Protective Procedures / yes
Equipment: Microscopy / Introduction / Two quizzes1
Operating Guide (general, oil immersion, and phase contrast)
Instrument Diagram
Laboratory Skills:
Slide Preparation / Wet Mount / Yes
Flaming the Loop (link to through Wet Mount) / No
Making a Inoculating Loop
(link to through Flaming the Loop) / No
Equipment / Bunsen Burner / Yes
Laboratory Skills:
Slide Preparation / Simple Smear / Yes
Direct Stain / Yes
Equipment / Water Bath / Yes
Laboratory Skills:
Aseptic techniques / Introduction / No
Plate Streaking (instructions and gallery) / Yes
Broth Transfer / Yes
Pipette Transfer
(instructions, types of pipettes, and pipette aids) / Yes
Equipment: Spectrophotometer / Background / One quiz
Operating Guide
Instrument Diagram
Laboratory Skills:
Enumerating Microbes –viable counts / Introduction / Two quizzes2
Dilution Arithmetic
Practice Problems
Simulation (this is a quiz and may be used to practice diluting an enumerating skills)
Plating (introduction, spread plate and pour plate)
Enumerating Microbe / Turbidity / No
Pipettor / Introduction / No