Idaho Master Naturalist—Upper Snake Chapter

2010 Syllabus

Updated Jan 07, 2010

**All classes are Tuesdays at 7 pm. There are 15 meeting dates (3 hours/each) for a total of 45 hours of core education

Apr 6: Introduction to the Idaho Master Naturalist Program

Justin Naderman – Introduction to Idaho Ecosystems

Discuss IMNP website, pass out file boxes, sign-up sheet for T-shirts, and sign-up sheet for refreshments

Location: Idaho Fish and Game

Apr 13: Conservation Education – Gregg Losinski – IDFG Regional Conservation Education

Location: Bonneville County Extension Office

Apr 20: Geology of Southeastern Idaho- Prof. Paul Link – ISU- Geology Department-

Location: Idaho Fish and Game

Apr 27: Citizen Science – Dr. Shane Roberts – Regional Wildlife Biologist

Location: Idaho Fish and Game

May 4: Non-game species – Rob Cavallaro - Regional Wildlife Manager

Location: Idaho Fish and Game

May 11: Desert Plants – Wendy Velman - BLM Botanist

Location: Idaho Fish and Game

May 18: Insects – Wayne Jones –Bonneville County Extension Agent

Location: Idaho Fish and Game

May 25: Conifers – Wendy Velman – BLM botanist

Location: Idaho Fish and Game

Jun 1: Big-Horn Sheep – Hollie Miyasake – IDFG Biologist

Location: Idaho Fish and Game

Jun 8: Market Lake – John O’Neill – Wildlife Biologist_

Location: Idaho Fish and Game

Jun 15: Tour Ashton Hatchery – Doug Engemann – Hatchery Manager

Location: Meet at Fish and Game then drive to Ashton Hatchery

Jun 22: Justin Naderman – Retired IDFG Wildlife Biologist – Overview of Upper Snake Region – Part I)

Location: Idaho Fish and Game

Jun 26: Saturday Field Trip with Justin Naderman – Kelly Canyon

Jun 29: Justin Naderman – Retired IDFG Wildlife Biologist – Overview of Upper Snake Region – Part II)

Location: Idaho Fish and Game

Jul 3: Saturday Field Trip with Justin Naderman – Island Park

Jul 6: Chet Work- Conservation Management –The Nature Conservancy

Location: Idaho Fish and Game

Jul 13: Introduction to Birding – Theresa Mathis – Wildlife Biologist - BLM

Location: Idaho Fish and Game

Jul 17: Saturday field trip with Theresa Mathis – Market Lake

Jul 20: TBA –call Gene if need to cancel the room at 5257290 .

**Field trips and service projects will occur at various times. We will inform you of these as they arise.

Note: Highlighted in green means that the instructor and date is already confirmed