Courseonclinical, epidemiologicalandpublic health research Course ID: MF-9230

Autumn 2014


PM – Per Magnus

HS – Hein Stigum

GU - Giske Ursin

LLH – Lise Lund Håheim, Course organizer

Course curriculum

Magnus P, Bakketeig LS. Epidemiologi, Gyldendal Akademisk,2013.

Rothman KJ. Epidemiology. An Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2002.

Veierød, Lydersen, Laake. Medical Statistics in clinical and epidemiological research, 2012. – for DAGs and power calculations

Other relevant literature for theory and analyses:

Aalen OO red. Statistiske metoder i medisin og helsefag. (2006)

Altman DG. Practical statistics for medical research. (1991)

Rothman K, Greenland, Lash. Modern Epidemiology.(3rdedition,2008)

TimetableAutumn 2014


Wednesday, 5th November

09:00Registration. Introduction to the course. Introduction to causality. LLH

10.00Group work:Framing research questions. LLH

11:00Plenary session:Presentation and discussion of group work. PM


12:30Lecture:Research question and study design. PM

13.30Group work:Choice of study design. PM

14.15Plenary session:Presentation and discussion of group work. PM


Thursday, 6th November

09:00Lecture:Power calculations, sample size. HS

11.00Group work:Power calculations, sample size. HS


12:30Lecture:Reference population and study population. PM

13.30Group work: Choice of study population. PM

14.15Plenary session: Presentation and discussion of group work. PM


Friday, 7th November

09:00Lecture work: Systematic errors: Selection bias, information bias, confounding, and effect modification. GU

11:00Group work: Choice of study variables and data collection. GU


12:30 Plenarysession: Presentation and discussion of group work: Choice of study variables, methods of measurement, and data collection. PM

13.30Lecture:Choice of measures of association. PM

15.15Plenary session: Information on homework: Completion of research plans and research protocol. PM



Wednesday, 19th November

09:00Lecture:Causal graphs (DAGs) including group work. HS


12.30 Lecture:Causal graphs (DAGs) including group work. HS

14:00Lecture:Overview of design and measures of association. HS


Thursday, 20th November

09.00Lecture:Validity of tests, diagnostic methods and screening. LLH

10:00Group work with plenary discussion:

Validity of tests, diagnostic methods, and screening. LLH

11:00Lecture:Infection epidemiology, epidemics. LLH


12:30Lecture: Genetic epidemiology. PM

14:30Group work: Cohort studies PM

15:30Plenary session: A real life problem; a cohort study. PM


Friday, 21st November

09:00Lecture:Randomizedcontrolledtrial including group work. LLH

11:00Plenary session: Discussion of group work. LLH

11:15Lecture:Systematicreviews. LLH


12:30Lecture: A real life problem; case control study. PM

13:30Group work: Case control study. PM

14:00Plenary session: Discussion of group work. PM

14:30 Lecture: Strategies of analyses. PM

15:30Plenary session: Summary of the course, course evaluation and home exam. PM, LLH
