Allerton Bywater Parish Council Minutes No 144


Minutes of meeting held at Old School, Vicars Terrace, Allerton Bywater

Thursday 11 August 2011


Councillor S Murray / ( Chairman )
Councillor M Weaver
Councillor J A Coe
Councillor K Asprey
Councillor L Tomlinson
Councillor J Taylor
1. Apologies for Absence
Councillor S Bassett
Councillor R Fletcher
Councillor A M Jabin / Ill

2.  Minutes of meeting 14 July 2011 (143)

Minutes of meeting 14 July 2011 (143), these were accepted as being a true record. Proposed by Councillor Asprey, seconded Councillor Coe – accepted by council.

3.  Matters arising from these minutes

Roadside Hedge – Councillor Asprey spoke to the Environment Agency and explained that area is growing quickly. They are to start the work as soon as possible however the issues continue about how the area between the stock fence and the main fence will be maintained.

Allerton in Bloom – Councillor Murray stated that lots of projects have been agreed by Mrs Mitchell with landscape designers who live within the village who have agreed to undertake the work for free. These projects include the Station Road and Park Lane entrances to the village. The area around Park Lane tunnel under the lines area is to be maintained by the tree surgeon. There is some work to be undertaken opposite the Catholic Church and outside of Hollinsgrove. Richard Gill from Leeds City Council has suggested that rather than individuals growing plants they should be sourced from local nurseries or Redhall. There is a project Mrs Mitchell has suggested for the roadside between the Murco and Bywater Lodge. The project involves having trees at both ends of the field and planting trees every 20 metres along the roadside. The Parish Council removed the trees from this area to stop blocking the views of the traffic along the roadside. The Parish Council expressed concerns about this project being undertaken given the trees being removed due to resident’s safety previously.

Richard Gill has suggested that the planters need to be sited on solid bases and also that the barrels need to be stained and moved to provide features outside the Victoria Hotel and the Anchor Inn, where they would be more in keeping with those areas. Extra planters will be required once we know the exact route the Judges will take.

St Aidan’s Site – Councillor Weaver spoke to Councillor Parker who has said he will request an update.

Youth and Adult Centre – Councillor Asprey stated that he had spoken to Councillor Wakefield about filling the goal mouths of the football pitch. This work has already been undertaken. The CISG and the Parish Council have provided money to pay for football bibs, nets and footballs also bicycle maintenance kits. They have also bought storage equipment for the Brownies.

Power of Wellbeing –Councillor Murray stated that no update has been received from the YLCA.

4.  Declaration of Interests

Members were informed interests could still be declared as agenda progressed.

5.  Finance Report

i.  Balance to date / Petty Cash / £ / 77.13
Current account / £ / 5,034.71
Instant account / £ / 17,920.81
14 day account / £ / 10,413.73
Total / £ / 33,446.38
ii.  Reconciliation of accounts
Has been carried out by Councillor Asprey.
iii.  Audit of stamp book and petty cash
Has been carried out by Councillor Asprey.
iv.  Consider any requests for donations and approval.
v.  Payments for approval
All payments for approval, list attached to these minutes.
Councillor Asprey gave an update on the budget. There is a slight overspend on the budget for this month however it is expected that there will be an under spend over the next few months.

6.  To close meeting for 10 minute public involvement, then reopen meeting

Not minuted

7.  Reports from:

Council Surgery
Councillor Asprey stated that a resident on Park Lane attended to state he was concerned about road works on Park Lane. There is to be work on a gas main however this is under the paths, Leeds City Council have given permission for this work to be undertaken.
Councillor Asprey stated that there are two plaques in the Methodist Church which relate to the colliery. He has spoken to Paul Leonard about these remaining in the village and being placed in the library. However Councillor Asprey also intends to speak to the Miners Welfare about these being relocated there should the first option not be viable. The Parish Council considers that these should remain within the village as they are part of the Villages History. Councillor Asprey proposed that they remained within the village, this was seconded by Councillor Taylor and was agreed unanimously.
Councillor Tomlinson stated that the first council surgery at the church went well and she received positive comments from Councillor Wakefield.
There were some concerns about people walking through the church on the day but this was resolved by locking the main doors, which will have to done for future surgeries, entry is through the new annexe only.
No update.
Planning Sub Group
All plans are up to date.
Allerton In Bloom
Councillor Asprey gave an update on Allerton in Bloom budget. There was £4189 available to spend this year and we have overspent by approximately £500. There is money which was allocated for elections and the chairman’s emergency fund; this could be reallocated however this is a decision for the Parish Council.
Councillor Murray stated that the removal of the trees between Bywater Lodge and the Murco will require some money to remove the roots and level the area. The Parish Council agreed to the expenditure required to complete the work in this area.

8.  Planning applications / planning matters

No issues.

9.  Walkways, Recreation and small schemes within village

No issues.

10. Police Matters

Councillor Weaver stated that there was an attempted break into properties in Manor Park last night. Councillor Coe stated that The Boat Inn has also been broken into. Also there was an attempted break in at the Barbers Shop on Main Street.

The Travellers have moved from Park Lane and the car park has now had a concrete barrier positioned behind the gate to prevent entry.

11. Highway Matters

Councillor Asprey has spoken to English Partnerships about the broken and damaged bollards at the centre of the Millennium Village site. Residents are using the area to park on this area due to the damaged bollards and incorrect spacing which allow cars through. They do not want to put in more bollards and have asked for Parish Council views on how to prevent this.

Councillor Asprey suggested that the area is fenced to enclose the area to match existing fencing to the playground. Alternatively to dig a trench and put in a flower bed however this would incur ongoing maintenance. Blocked paved raised Kerbs to prevent entry with cars was also suggested.

Councillor Murray stated that although it would not be popular the cheapest way to resolve the issue was Wheel Clamping, which would only require the signs erecting with the companies details and phone number on and the residents would then police the area by ringing the company to report the offenders. Thereby safeguarding their own children.

Councillors considered this to be too contentious on a new housing estate and decided to put forward the alternative suggestions for a start to try and resolve the situation.

Councillor Asprey asked that the Parish Council write to Yorkshire Housing association and Chevin Housing association, due to the danger to the children using the Play Ground.

12. Correspondence

Attached to these minutes.

13. Matters for Discussion only

Councillor Asprey stated that he has been looking at Parish Council websites. He stated that he has seen sites priced at around £250. However he also stated that some sites have only limited number of people visiting them. The Parish Council are concerned that the site should be easy to update.

Councillor Taylor had been asked to raise concerns from residents in King Edward Avenue about the stables in Ninevah Lane. Local residents are very concerned about noise from the site. Leeds City Council enforcement officers are visiting the site and Councillor Parker is to provide an update on this to Councillor Murray.

Councillor Weaver asked whether there was any public access to computers now the Library has closed?. Councillor Murray stated that there is internet access on the mobile library. The September Allertoner contains details of the mobile library and its services.

14. Date of Next Meeting – 8 September 2011 at 7pm

Signature…………………………………… Date………………………..
