Table 1. Applied Biosystems Catalog Numbers for qPCR probese and primers.(Gene Name, Gene Symbol, Catalog Number).

Table 2. Changes in Cytokine Signaling as Detected by Microarray. Gene name, gene identification number (ID), Male, Female, Fold change in expression, adjusted –value, gene identifier, Affymetrix identification number between Male gonadal and Female gonadal fat.

Table 3. Changes in Insulin Signaling as Detected by Microarray. Differences in insulin signaling as detected by microarray between Male and Female gonadal fat.

Table 4. Changes in Cytokine Signaling as Detected by SuperArray™ PCR. Shaded boxes indicate significant differences by PCR, light blue shade indicates confirmation of microarray with a > 2 fold difference; light green box indicates confirmation of a significant difference by microarray with < 2 fold difference. It should be noted that the majority of genes found to be significantly different by PCR were undetectable by the Microarray analysis, indicating a significant difference in sensitivity between the two techniques.

Table 5. 448 genes were identified as different between the ‘red’ and ‘green’ clusters. After Panther pathway analysis, genes were filtered to include only those with a Panther ID and to exclude those with a difference between the ‘red’ and ‘green’ clusters of less than |2|. The resulting 200 genes are presented with annotations for the gene symbol, the chromosomal location and microarray value for each gene (muscle to fat gene ratio).

Table 6. A pathway analysis was performed using Panther v 6.1 { on the 448 genes that were differentially expressed across clusters (table 2). The P-value indicates the statistical significance of the difference between the number of genes observed on the ‘hit’ list and the expected number of genes.

Figure 1. Scatter Plot Analysis of Microarray Data. Mice (ns = 21 / group) were maintained on a high fat diet. Red represents upregulated genes between Males and Females. Grey represents no difference between the sexes. Green represents dowregulated genes between Males and Females. (1A) Scatter plot of microarray data depicting differences in gene expression between male gonadal (GWAT) and female GWAT. (1B) Depicts scatter plot of microarray data for differences between male inguinal (IWAT) and female IWAT. (1C) Depicts microarray differences between intact females and ovariectomized females (OVX) in in GWAT . (1D) Depicts microarray differences between female and OVX in IWAT.

Figure 2. Venn Diagrams of Sex Dependent Changes in Gene Expression. Venn diagrams depicting differentially expressed probe sets between the Males and Females for gonadal fat (GWAT), inguinal fat (IWAT). Arrows represent the number of probe sets that were significantly up or down regulated (2-fold difference). It should be noted that some genes have multiple probe sets.

Figure 3. Venn Diagrams of Ovarian Dependent Changes in Gene Expression. Venn diagrams depicting differentially expressed probe sets between females and ovariectomized (OVX) females for gonadal fat (GWAT), inguinal fat (IWAT). It Arrows represent the number of probe sets significantly up or down regulated (2-fold difference). should be noted that some genes have multiple probe sets. (number) – indicates number of probe sets commonly regulated with males.