Plan Commission Meeting

February 11, 2013

Present: Fred Loomis, Chairman, Commissioners Shirley Mandernack, Gordon Lake, Jim Armes, and John Donaubauer. Excused: John Lichter. Absent: Michael Boozer, Dave Lewis. Also, present: Town Administrator William Morris, Supervisor Ben Harbach, Public Works Superintendent George Stoner and Administrative Assistant, Ann Brumback.

  1. Call to order: Chairman Loomis called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
  1. Pledge of Allegiance: Chairman Loomis led the Pledge of Allegiance:
  1. Approval of minutes of previous meeting: Commissioner Mandernack made the motion to approve, and seconded by Commissioner Armes. Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Comments on Kenosha County Land Use Minutes: MIR Group request was approved by Kenosha County – for 2 year extension on Preliminary Plat which we approve at our Plan Commission on 11-12-12.
  1. Correspondence: None
  1. Citizens Comments: The following citizens spoke:

George Stoner 135 22nd Ave. – Item #7, Conditional Use Permit for Yutka Fence

Teri Franklin 6310 43rd St. – Item #8, WAB-AC, Certified Survey Map approval

Sue Scherer 4700 64th Ave. – Item #8, WAB-AC, Certified Survey Map

Dr. Eugene Ambrose 4716 Green Bay Rd – Item #8, WAB-AC, Certified Survey Map

  1. Action on request by Albert F. & Mary Pat Ruffalo Trustees, 8805 34th Avenue, Kenosha, WI 53142 (Owner), Brett Yutka, Yutka Fence Inc., 6606 34th Avenue, Kenosha, WI 53142 (Agent) for a Conditional Use Permit for a fence contractor's business with outdoor display and storage in the M-1 Limited Manufacturing District on Tax Parcels #80-4-222-073-0220 and 80-4-222-073-0211 located in the SW 1/4 of Section 7, Township 2 North, Range 22 East, Town of Somers. For informational purposes only, this property is located on the on the NE corner of the intersection of 12th Street & 120th Ave.

Chairman Loomis asked for Brett Yutka to present the plan for the Conditional Use. Mr. Yutka explained what he was going to do and responded to Mr. Stoner’s questions.

Discussion followed regarding changes to the Conditional Use Permit as follows:

Item #7:Hours of operation shall be 6:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday thru Friday,

7:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday, and Closed on Sunday.

Item #8:All materials waiting recycling shall be in within the fenced area.

Item #10:Bulk materials i.e. sand and gravel shall be stored with in

fenced area at a maximum of 6 yards at any time and with no site line to I-94.

Item #17:No loading or unloading of trucks on the Town’s cul-de-sac or

Public Right-A-Way.

Item #18:Completion of all improvements by October 1, 2013.

Chairman Loomis asked for a motion. Commissioner Mandernack made the

motion to approve with changes and approval by Town Board, motionwas seconded

by Commissioner Armes. Motion carried 5-0.

  1. Action on request by WAB-AC, LLC (Owner), Bodner Property Management, LLC, 11514 N. Port Washington Road, Suite 1, Mequon, WI 53092, William Bodner, Agent to approve Certified Survey Map on Tax Parcel #80-4-222-274-0403 located in the southwest quarter of Section 10, Township 2 North, Range 22 East, Town of Somers. For informational purposes only, this property is located on the on the west side of Green Bay Road between 45th & 43rd Streets.

Chairman Loomis read the request and stated that we were just approvingThe Certified Survey Map, we were not approving a building or development of any kind at this time. He then asked for a motion to approve. Motion was madeby Commissioner Lake, and seconded by Commissioner Donaubauer. Motion carried 5-0.

  1. Sign approval for Scores Sports Bar & Grill, 1200 Green Bay Road, Rich & Kara Shawhan, agents. The sign will be 1 sided, illuminated, 20’ x 3.9’ and is mounted on the front of the building.

Chairman Loomis read the request for a sign approval for Scores Sports Bar &Grill, then asked if anyone was present to explain the sign. John Klema responded explaining where and how the sign would be displayed and how it worked. He stated the sign would be a message board that they could change, however it would be limited to Kenosha County’s ordinance with limited messages, and would not flash different messages.

Chairman Loomis called for a motion. Commissioner Mandernack made the motion to approve, and was seconded by Commissioner Donaubauer. Motion Carried 5-0.

  1. Adjourn: Commissioner Armes made the motion to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 7:58 pm.

These minutes are not official until approved by the Plan Commission.

Submitted by Ann Brumback, Administrative Assistant