2013 Fitch Grad Night Party Committee Meeting

March 5, 2013

Attendees: Mary Pratt, Lisa Wisniewski, Kristen Venditti, Mike Doyle, Bill Yalen, Charlie Marques, Maria Marques, Susan Pochal, Deb Hurley, Kelly Jengo, Lori Kiely, Bethany Traverso, and Ellen Haluga.

Minutes from last meeting – Lori Kiely made motion to accept the minutes from previous meeting held on February 5, 2013, Bethany Traverso seconded. All were in favor and minutes were accepted.

Treasurer’s report – Susan Pochal presented Treasurer’s report. Mary Pratt made motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report, Kelly Jengo seconded, all were in favor and Treasurer’s report was accepted.


·  Falcon Beads – Lisa Wisniewski reported 15 left – sold 85 – discussed selling beads at March 8th event

·  Bingo – rescheduled to March 22nd – tickets still on sale – last day to purchase – March 19th.

·  Winter Cabaret Concert – last concert is March 10th – Pianist Jack Madry – will need baked good donations – we made $155 in February.

·  Bowling – March 1st – 49 people participated – Betsy turned in money via our mailbox and was given to Susan at the meeting.

·  Dancing with the Stars – March 8th – Bake sale/refreshments – need help – Lisa Wisniewski organized basket portion – just need help and baked good donations for concessions.

·  Five Below – March 9-10 – get flyers out – Mary made a ton of copies – please take and distribute

·  Wendy’s – March 20th – Bethany arranged – 5-8 pm – 15% of sales comes back to us – no need to bring a flyer – get the word out

·  Mr. Falcon – March 16th – need help with concessions – just doing candy, chips, and beverages as this is mainly a kids’ event

·  Fashion/Talent Show – April 6th – Dee Dee Muse Bowen is chairing with Kristen Venditti taking on administrative duties. Committee has been meeting. Sign-ups are complete. Talent Try-outs and rehearsals are set. Next committee meeting is Saturday, March 9th at 11 am at Kristen’s house.

·  Annual Pawcatuck River Duck Race – April 27th – Mary Pratt has duck sponsorships for anyone who wants to buy or sell these. We sell ducks sponsorships for $5 each and $2.85 of each stays with us for the Grad Party. We’ll also sell at all of our events. Grand Prize is a trip to Walt Disney World for a family of four or $2500 cash. It doesn’t cost us anything to participate.

·  Community Tag Sale/Vendor Fair – Ford Drive 4 UR School – April 27th @ the high school. More on the Ford Drive 4 UR School at next meeting. School needs a copy of Valenti’s insurance certificate. Will need some volunteers to help with test drives (Mike Doyle put in claim for mustang J ) as they are also doing this event at Stonington High School on the same day. As for the Tag Sale portion, we would be selling space to people – not looking for donations for us to sell and be stuck with items not sold. People would rent the space, bring their stuff, sell, and remove their unsold items. Our profit would be upfront in the rental of the space. DeeDee Muse Bowen is taking this on as well. The Grad Party could also sell refreshments, sell hot dogs, etc… Rob Guess volunteered to head up the Grad Party refreshment portion. We’ll need to get the word out . The school would not give permission for a car wash at the same time so this portion has been squashed for now.

·  Golf Tournament – A lot of help is needed with this which is our biggest fundraiser and the one that will make or break us. We will need help contacting sponsors from previous years. Will need donations for raffles – baskets, golf items, gift certificates. We’ll also need day of volunteers for registration, sell raffle tickets, etc… May 17th, 11 am – dinner. Looking for 33 teams of 4. Also need cart sponsors. Would like all our sponsors in place by April 15th so we can get what we need printed done. May 1st is registration deadline.


All in attendance helped stuff envelopes – registration packets to go out in the mail for students to sign up for Grad Party. If needed, they can split payment and pay $20 in April and $20 in May. Mr. Arcarese will determine scholarships.

Bethany Traverso made the motion to adjourn the meeting and Ellen Haluga seconded, all were in favor and the meeting was adjourned. Attendees continued stuffing and addressing envelopes. Bethany Traverso to mail.

Next meeting is Tuesday, March 19, 2013, at 7 pm in the Media Center at Fitch.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary K. Pratt