Curriculum Vitae

Revised: 1/1/2010

1.  Name: Ceshi Chen, Ph.D.

2.  Office Address: MS355, The Center for Cell Biology and Cancer Research, mail code 165, Albany Medical College, 47 New Scotland Ave. Albany, NY, 12208

Telephone: 518-262-2936 (O), 518-262-2933 (L), 404-274-0622 (C)

FAX: 518-262-3065

3.  E-mail Address: and

4.  Date and Place of Birth: Oct 9, 1972, Liuyang, Hunan Province, China

5.  Citizenship: China (US Permanent Resident)

6.  Professional position:

A.  Jan, 2010 – present: Associate Professor (Tenure Track), the Center for Cell Biology and Cancer Research, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, 12208

B.  Jan, 2006 – Dec 2009: Assistant Professor (Tenure Track), the Center for Cell Biology and Cancer Research, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, 12208

C.  July, 2004 – Jan, 2006: Instructor, Winship Cancer Institute, Emory University, Atlanta, GA.

7.  Education:

A.  Sep 1994 - Jun 1999, Ph.D. in Pharmacology, Shanghai Research Center of Biotechnology & Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China. Dissertation: Studying on production of 2-KLG, a precursor of vitamin C, from glucose by gene engineering. Mentors: Guang-Lin Yin, and Shen-Li Yang.

B.  Sep 1990 - Jul 1994, B.Sc. in Microbiology, Department of Biology, Nankai University, Tianjin, China.

8.  Postgraduate Training:

A.  Apr 2002- Jun 2004: Postdoctoral fellow, Winship Cancer Institute, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. Studying the function of KLF5 transcription factor in prostate cancer. Mentor: Dr. Jin-Tang Dong (Associate Professor).

B.  Jun 1999 – Apr 2002: Research Associate in Department of Pathology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Mapping the tumor suppressor gene at 13q21 in prostate cancer. Mentor: Dr. Jin-Tang Dong (Associate Professor).

9.  Certificates:

A.  17th Annual Short Course on Experimental Models of Human Cancer, Aug 22-31, 2008, The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME, USA

B.  Drug Development & Pharmacogenomics Academy, 2004-2005, Winship Cancer Institute, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA

C.  English as a Second Language Program, 2003-2005, Emory University

10. Manuscript Reviewer:

Cancer Research, Oncogene, Cell Death & Differentiation, Gastroenterology, J. pathology, Int. J. Cancer, Eup. J. Cancer, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Gene, J. Urology, Prostate, Carcinogenesis, FEBS Letters, Cancer Letter, Cell Research, Asian Journal of Andrology, Cell cycle, European Surgical Research, Cancer Science, Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets, Journal of Genetics and Genomics, BMC Evolution Biology, Experimental Biology and Medicine, Journal of Proteome Research

11. Grant Reviewer:

A.  Susan G. Komen for the Cure Grants Program,

Molecular & Cellular Biology & Genetics #3 (MCBG-3), 2005-2008

PDFB#1, 2009

B.  Department of Defense (DOD) Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) MPA-3, 2007; MBG#4, Con-MBG-3, 2008; TRN-CBY-A, Con-Path, 2009;

C.  Natural National Science Foundation of China, Key program, Physiology and pathology, 2007-2009

D.  Albany Medical College, Bridge grant, 2008-2009

E.  Dutch Cancer Society, project grant, 2007

F.  Breast Cancer Campaign, United Kingdom, 2008

G.  Cancer Research, United Kingdom, 2009

H.  Wellbeing of Women, United Kingdom, 2009

I.  Italian Ministry of Health, Italy, Aug, 2009

J.  Florida Department of Health, USA, 2010

12. Honors and Awards:

A.  2009, New Teacher Award, Sosa Academy of Medicine, Albany Medical Center

B.  2008, Research Scholar Award, American Cancer Society

C.  2005, Georgia Cancer Coalition Cancer Research Award

D.  2004, The American Foundation for Urologic Disease (AFUD) Research scholar

E.  2002, Scholar-in-Training Award from American Association for Cancer Research

F.  1998, Di’ao Scholarship from the Chinese Academy of Sciences

G.  1998, Prize of Excellent Paper from the Shanghai Association of Biotechnology

H.  1997, Award for First Class Excellent Graduate Student from the Shanghai Research Center of Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

I.  1990-1994, three-time recipient of the Third Class Scholarship from NanKai University

13. Society Memberships:

A.  Associate Member of the American Association for Cancer Research (2000-).

B.  Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2001-2004).

C.  Shanghai Association of Biotechnology (1996-1999).

D.  National Pharmaceutical Doctoral Association (1996-1999).

14. Grant Support:


A.  American Cancer Society (ACS), Molecular Genetics and Oncogenes (MGO) “The Role of the WWP1 E3 Ubiquitin Ligase in Human Breast Cancer”. $800,000 (direct cost), July 2008 - Jun, 2012.

(The announcementof a$960,000 grant to Dr. Ceshi Chen from the American Cancer Society was covered by FOX23, CAPITAL NEWS 9, WRGB, WTEN, WNYT, the TIMES UNION, theDAILY GAZETTE, the TROY RECORD, the BUSINESS REVIEW, WGY, WROW and Talk 1300)

B.  Department of Defense (DOD), PCRP, PC060010, The Oncogenic Role of WWP1 E3 Ubiquitin Ligase in Prostate Cancer Development. $374,803 (direct cost), May 2007-April, 2010.

C.  The American Urological Association Foundation (AUA) postdoctoral fellowship (Mentor for Dr. Liu, Rong). $60,000 (direct cost), Jul 2009- Jul 2011.


A.  Department of Defense (DOD), BCRP, BC075738, WWP1 targets ErbB4 for ubiquitin-mediated degradation in breast cancer. $75,000 (direct cost), Sep 2008-Aug 2009.

B.  Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Grant, BCTR0503705, The role of KLF5 transcription factor degradation in breast cancer. $249,995 (direct cost), May 2005-Apr 2009

C.  Cancer Research Award, Georgia Cancer Coalition, WWP1 Mediates KLF5 Degradation in Breast Cancer. $38,749 (direct cost), Sep 2005-Sep 2006

D.  The American Foundation for Urologic Disease (AFUD). To determine the KLF5 role in prostate carcinogenesis, $60,000 (direct cost), Jul 2004- Jul 2006

15. Supervisory Teaching:

A.  2006-present:

Postdoc: Yi Li, Rong Liu, Zhi Xu, Dong Zhao

Ph.D. graduate student: Han-Qiu Zheng

Technician: Zhongmei Zhou

Summer undergraduate students: (Kristin Riching, Annemarie Papandrea, John McMahon, Shahreen Virjee

RPI-AMC medical student: Leena Chaudhury, Tripali Kundu

Physician medical student: Aaron Provisor

SUNY Undergraduate student: Katie Swensen, Micah J. Henzel, and Sheetal Chaudhary

B.  2002-2005: Trained and supervised three technicians and one undergraduate student at Winship Cancer Institute Emory University,

Nafiha Islam, undergraduate student, fall semester, 2005

Pooja Sethi and Qunna Li, technicians, 2005

Kristen B. Otto, technician, from 2002 to 2004

Zhongmei Zhou, technician, 2003

Qimei Ran and Xiaohong Cheng: volunteers, 2005

C.  1999-2002: Trained and supervised four undergraduate students at the University of Virginia.

(Hina V. Bhalala, Paul F. Haggerty, Lindsay Paull, William W)

D.  1996-1999: Supervised six undergraduate students from the University of East China Scientific and Technology and from Shanghai University to finish their thesis in the Shanghai Research Center of Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

(Li Shen, Donghui Zhu, Jinsong Wu, Haodi Dong, Min Yan, and Wanli Gu)

16. Class Teaching:

A.  2006-present: Department Journal Club

B.  2008-2009 spring: Signaling Transduction: Ubiquitination (Two sessions)

17. Committees:

A.  2006-present: Medical Student Research Committee (MSRC)

B.  2006-present: Thesis Advisory Committees for Ph.D. students Rong Hu (AMC), Namita Chatterjee (SUNY Albany), Master student Debarati Bhattacharya (AMC), MDDR Committee for Randi Goldman (AMC)

C.  2007-2009: CBCR Ph.D. student exam committee

18. Invited Presentations:

A.  The role and regulation of KLF5 transcription factor in breast cancer, Beijing Cancer Hospital, Peking University, Beijing, Nov 24, 2009

B.  The role of KLF5 transcription factor in breast cancer, Gen*NY*Sis Center for Excellence in Cancer Genomics, University at Albany, Albany, NY, Aug 21, 2009

C.  The E3 ubiquitin ligases as Novel Molecular Targets in Breast Cancer, BIT’s 2nd Annual World Cancer Congress; 2009 Jun 22-25; Beijing, China

D.  The role of KLF5 transcription factor in breast cancer, Capital Region Cancer Research Meeting, Albany, NY, Feb 12, 2009

E.  Identification of E3 ubiquitin ligases for breast cancer target therapy, Cancer Institute, Southern Illinois University, Springfield, IL, Jan 23, 2009

F.  E3 ubiquitin ligases with genetic alterations for prostate cancer target therapy, Daping Hospital, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, China, Oct. 2008

G.  E3 ubiquitin ligases with genetic alterations for breast cancer target therapy, Central South University, Nankai University, and Tianjing General Hospital, China, Oct. 2008

H.  E3 ubiquitin ligases with genetic alterations for breast cancer target therapy, GE Research Center, Niskayuna, New York, USA, Oct 15, 2008

I.  The KLF5 transcription factor in breast cancer, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Albany, Jun 2008

J.  E3 ubiquitin ligases for cancer target therapy, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Hunan Normal University, China, Mar 2008

K.  The ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of KLF5, The first international symposium on the biology of the krupplel-like factors, University of Tokyo auditorium (Tokyo, Japan), Mar 7, 2008.

L.  Identification of E3 ubiquitin ligases for cancer target therapy, Cancer Institute, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, East China Normal University, Central South University, and Nankai University, Nov, 2007

M.  WWP1 regulates cell apoptosis through targeting p63 for ubiquitin-mediated proteasomal degradation, International Symposium on Protein Modification and Degradation in Beijing (SPMDB). Nov. 4-7, 2007

N.  The role of E3 ubiquitin ligase WWP1 in human breast cancer, Albany, NY, (CBCR annual retreat meeting), Aug 2006

O.  Genome instability and tumor suppressor inactivation in prostate cancer, The 11th International Symposium of SCBA (Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America), San Francisco, CA, July 2006

P.  WWP1 E3 ubiquitin ligase is a potential oncogene in human prostate cancer, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, Feb, 2006

Q.  KLF5: an angiogenic transcription factor in human cancer, Center for Cell Biology and Cancer Research, Albany Medical College, NY, 2005

R.  KLF5: an angiogenic transcription factor in human cancer, Winthrop University Hospital, Long island, NY, 2005

S.  WWP1 targets KLF5 protein degradation in prostate cancer, University of Oklahoma, Health Science Center, Oklahoma City, OK, 2005

T.  The role of KLF5 in human prostate cancer, University of California, Irvine, CA, 2004

U.  KLF5 plays dual roles in human cancer. Winship Cancer Institute, Emory University, 2003

V.  KLF5 is frequently deleted and down-regulated in human prostate and breast cancer cells. (minisymposium). 93nd Annual Meeting of AACR, Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, CA, 2002

19. Bibliography:

A.  Published RESEARCH articles in refereed journals (in English) (total impact factor is 166)

1)  Dong Zhao, Hanqiu Zheng (contributed equally), Zhongmei Zhou, Ceshi Chen*, The Fbw7 tumor suppressor targets the KLF5 transcription factor for ubiquitin-mediated degradation and suppresses breast cancer, JCB, submitted

2)  Hanqiu Zheng, Zhongmei Zhou, Leena Chaudhury Jin-Tang Dong, Ceshi Chen*, Krüpple-like factor 5 (KLF5) promotes breast cell proliferation partially through upregulating the transcription of fibroblast growth factor-binding protein 1 (FGF-BP) in breast cancer, Oncogene, 2009; 28: 3702-13. (IF=7.2)

3)  Yi Li, Zhongmei Zhou, Maurizio Alimandi, Ceshi Chen* WW domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 targets the full length ErbB4 for ubiquitin-mediated degradation in breast cancer, Oncogene, 2009 Aug 20;28(33):2948-58 (IF=7.2)

4)  Rong Liu, Hanqiu Zheng, Zhongmei Zhou, Jin-Tang Dong, Ceshi Chen*, KLF5 promotes breast cell survival partially through FGF-BP-pERK-mediated MKP-1 protein phosphorylation and stabilization, JBC, 2009 Jun 19;284(25):16791-8 (IF=5.6)

5)  Ceshi Chen*, Zhongmei Zhou, Christine E. Sheehan, Elzbieta Slodkowska, Christopher B. Sheehan, Yi Li, Ann Boguniewicz, Jeffrey S. Ross*, Overexpression of WWP1 is associated with estrogen receptor and insulin-like growth factor receptor 1 in breast carcinoma, Int. J. Cancer, 2009 124(12): 2829 (IF=4.6)

6)  Yi Li, Zhongmei Zhou, Ceshi Chen*, WW domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 targets p63 transcription factor for ubiquitin-mediated proteasomal degradation and regulates apoptosis, Cell death and differentiation, 2008, 15: 1941-51 (IF=8.3)

7)  Ceshi Chen*, Yi Li, Zhongmei Zhou, Arun K. Seth, The WW domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 upregulates ErbB2 and EGFR through RING finger protein 11, Oncogene, 2008, 27: 6845-55. (IF=7.2)

8)  Ceshi Chen*, Zhongmei Zhou, Peng Guo, and Jin-Tang Dong, Proteasomal degradation of the KLF5 transcription factor through a ubiquitin independent pathway, FEBS Letters 2007, 581(6):1124-30. (IF=3.3)

9)  Ceshi Chen*, Zhongmei Zhou, Jeffrey S. Ross, Wei Zhou, and Jin-Tang Dong, The Amplified WWP1 Gene is a Potential Molecular Target in Breast Cancer, Int. J. Cancer 2007, 121(1): 2834-41. (IF=4.6)

10) Sun X, Zhou Y, Otto KB, Wang M, Chen C, Zhou W, Subramanian K, Vertino PM, Dong JT. Infrequent mutation of ATBF1 in human breast cancer. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2007 Feb;133(2):103-5. (IF=2.4)

11) Ceshi Chen, Wei Zhou, John Petros, Henry F. Frierson, Jr., Robert L. Vessella, Peng Guo, Xiaodong Sun, Xue-Yuan Dong, Pooja Sethi, Jonathan W. Simons, and Jin-Tang Dong, The Oncogenic Role of WWP1 E3 Ubiquitin Ligase in Human Prostate Cancer, Oncogene 2006: 26(16): 2386. (IF=7.2)

12) Xue-Yuan Dong, Ceshi Chen, Xiaodong Sun, Peng Guo, Robert L. Vessella, Ruo-Xiang Wang, Leland W. K. Chung, Wei Zhou, Jin-Tang Dong. FOXO1A is a Candidate for the 13q14 Tumor Suppressor Gene Inhibiting AR Signaling in Prostate Cancer. Cancer Research, 2006, 66(14): 6998-7006. (IF=7.7)

13) Diansheng Zhong, Aki Morikawa, Lizheng Guo, Cecile Colpaert, Li Xiong, Aziza Nassar, Ceshi Chen, Neil Lamb, Jin-Tang Dong and Wei Zhou, Homozygous Deletion of SMAD4 in Breast Cancer Cell Lines and Invasive Ductal Carcinomas, Cancer Biology and Therapy, 2006 Jun;5(6):601-7. (IF=2.9)

14) Ningxi Zhu, Lubing Gu, Harry W. Findley, Ceshi Chen, Jin-Tang Dong, Muxiang Zhou. KLF5 interacts with P53 in regulating surviving expression in acute lymphoblastic leukemia, JBC, July, 2006, 281(21):14711-14718. (IF=5.6)

15) Ceshi Chen, Michael S. Benjamin, Xiaodong Sun, Kristen B. Otto, Peng Guo, Xue-Yuan Dong, Yongde Bao, Zhongmei Zhou, Xiaohong Cheng, Jonathan W. Simons, and Jin-Tang Dong. KLF5 Promotes Cell Proliferation and Tumorigenesis through Gene Regulation in the TSU-Pr1 Human Bladder Cancer Cell Line. 2006, Int. J. Cancer, 118(6):1346-55. (IF=4.6)

16) Xiaodong Sun, Ceshi Chen, Robert L. Vessella, and Jin-Tang Dong. Microsatellite Instability and Mismatch Repair Target Gene Mutations in Cell Lines and Xenografts of Prostate Cancer, 2006, Prostate. 2006 May 1;66(6):660-6. (IF=3.7)

17) Ceshi Chen, Peng Guo, Xiaodong Sun, Xue-Yuan Dong, Pooja Sethi, Xiaohong Cheng, Jun Zhou, Junxiu Ling, Jonathan W. Simons, Jerry B. Lingrel, and Jin-Tang Dong. KLF5 is a Target of the E3 Ubiquitin Ligase WWP1 for Proteolysis in Epithelial Cells, 2005, JBC,16; 280(50):41553-61. (IF=5.6)

18) Ceshi Chen, Xiaodong Sun, Qimei Ran, Keith D. Wilkinson, Jonathan W. Simons and Jin-Tang Dong. Ubiquitin-Proteasome Degradation of KLF5 Transcription Factor in Cancer and Untransformed Epithelial Cells. 2005. Oncogene, 24(20):3319-27. (IF=7.2)

19) Xiaodong Sun, Henry F. Frierson, Jr*., Ceshi Chen* (Contribute equally), Changlin Li, Qimei Ran, Kristen B. Otto, Brandi M. Cantarel, Robert L. Vassella, Allen C Gao, John Petros, Yutaka Miura, Jonathan W. Simons and Jin-Tang Dong. Frequent somatic mutations of the ATBF1 transcription factor in human prostate cancer. 2005 Nat. Genetics, Apr;37(4):407-12. (IF=25.6)

20) Ceshi Chen, Yinfa Zhou, Zhongmei Zhou, Rosalie Uht, and Jin-Tang Dong. Regulation of KLF5 involves the Sp1 transcription factor in human prostate epithelial cells. 2004, Gene, 330: 133-42. (IF=2.9)