
Members Present: Joan Lowrey, Vince Grasby, Sue Grasby, Therese Blackwood, John Cambridge, Stephen Thomas, Jonathan Pounder.

Clerk Gillian Elliston

  1. No Apologies were received.
  1. Declaration of interests – non declared.
  1. Minutes – the minutes of the meeting held on 25th October were read and confirmed, proposed by V Grasby and seconded by S Thomas.
  1. Progress Reports:

4.1. The steps in the History Garden have been cleaned and repaired. The Story Trailboard has not yet been found, this to be followed up.

4.2 The litter bins to be checked to see if they are being emptied more regularly.

  1. Finance Report: Circulated

5.1. No payments for approval

5.2. Copies of the budget were circulated and some small points noted. We are not having a Christmas Tree in St Hilda's Church Tree Festival this year.

5.3. We have not as yet received the information regarding the precept for next year from the Borough Council but it was agreed that we will keep the precept at £8,000 as previous years.

  1. Correspondence:

The Data Protection registration has been renewed by direct debit.

There are now 5 vacancies for councillors, everyone was encouraged to ask people if they were interested in becoming a councillor.

An email had been received from John Marshall asking for some books to be returned that had been loaned to the Parish Council. They have cemetery records but no-one could recall having these books. We will look in the safe, check the office and ask members of the friends of the cemetery.

  1. Planning Applications:

PROPOSAL: / Change of use to A1 retail (bakery use)

No objection to this application although it was felt that the units had already been used as a bakery.

  1. Headland Festival Group:

The Wintertide Festival had gone well with a good attendance at everything. The dry weather helped and the area had been kept tidy. The Lantern Parade had more children than last year and the fireworks had been a good display. The lights on St Hilda's had been appreciated and it had been suggested that lights could be there for other events. The workshops in the Sports Hall had also been well attended. Funding would be needed if it is to be held again next year and the publicity improved, not enough posters and leaflets were delivered late. No prior warning had been given about road closures. The Festival Group to be congratulated on their work arranging the event.

  1. Neighbourhood Plan.

The working group is still revising the draft plan and the next meeting has been arranged for Thursday 15th December at 2.30pm in the Parish Office. Fiona Riley from HBC will be there to advise about the policies section. All councillors were encouraged to attend.

  1. Councillors' reports and items for future agenda:

A small area of land behind what used to be the Kirkham, bottom of back street to Rowell Street needs attention as it has a lot of dog fouling. This to be reported to the Borough Council. Also a lot of the backstreets have a lot of litter as bins are being left out.

Residents are asking if Cliff Terrace and Olive Street could be residents only parking. The Parish Councillors are against residents only parking as it is not enforceable and could lead to problems for other residents.

  1. Public Question Time:

Several street lights are not working: opposite the Morison Hall and 2 on the seafront.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 31st January 2017 at 6.45 pm in the Croft Room Borough Buildings.