• Access to the national and international NCCC business network and expertise.
  • Discounts on the Chamber’s activities for Members.
  • A free copy of all publications of the NCCC.
  • Participation in cultural networking-events, lunches with prestigious speakers, informational seminars and special-interest-lectures.

PATRON MEMBERSHIP(Annual dues EUR 1360.-*) This includes:

  • The services of the Chamber
  • Co-operation in organizing events
  • Mentioning of sponsorship during all social activities
  • Company logo on NCCC-website (homepage) and reference to link of company’s website for free
  • One Voting Member, three (3) free employees from your company and one free YPE member.

CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP(Annual dues EUR 525.-*) This includes:

  • The services of the Chamber
  • One Voting Member and one (1) free Employee from your company
  • Reference to link of company’s website for free

SMALL BUSINESS MEMBERSHIP (Less than 5 employees. Annual dues EUR 250.-*) This includes:

  • The services of the Chamber
  • Reference to link of website for free

YOUNG PROFESSIONAL & ENTREPRENEURS (Annual dues EUR 75.-*) This includes:

  • The services of the Chamber
  • Specific business & social events for young members
  • Reference to link of website for free

PRIVATE MEMBER (Annual dues EUR 250.-*) This includes:

  • The services of the Chamber
  • Reference to link of website for free


The NCCC, which was established before the Second World War, is a proactive, non-government, non-profit, voluntary organization of companies and individuals who contribute to the Canada-Netherlands relationship through their activities in business, cultural, educational and other spheres.


The NCCC's primary mission is to promote stronger economic ties between the Netherlands and Canada. At the same time it seeks to raise the public awareness of this special relationship in all its aspects, not just the economic. Through its various activities the Chamber aims to deepen the network among those from various fields who share these interests and to serve as an effective voice for them.


To provide a forum for ideas, opportunities, and personal contacts which will facilitate stronger economic ties with respect to trade, technology co-operation and investment between the Netherlands and Canada, as well as to provide networking opportunities for those with a more general interest in Canada;

  • To provide information and assistance to Canadian companies interested in doing business in the Netherlands and Dutch firms seeking business opportunities in Canada;
  • To advocate the interests of its membership with the governments of the Netherlands and Canada, and as appropriate, the European Commission;
  • To foster greater understanding between the business and social communities in both countries;
  • To support other interest groups which can help further achieve the Chamber's objectives.


The Chamber represents businesses from all sectors and of every size ranging from multinational corporations to small high-tech start-ups. Membership includes Dutch companies with export markets in Canada as well as those with operations there, not to mention the subsidiaries of Canadian companies operating in the Netherlands. Individuals with other links to Canada are most welcome. The Chamber's fee structure seeks to accommodate the diversity of its membership.

*General terms:

  • Only Voting- and Private Members are entitled to attend the “Annual General Meeting”.
  • Membership fees are per calendar year.Except for Young Professionals, these fees are pro rated if members join in the second half of the year (termination within the first 6 months is not allowed).This will appear as a 50% discount the following year.
  • Membership fees are payable in advance and are exclusive 21% BTW.
  • Membership may be terminated by written notice to the Secretary to the Board before
  • 1 November of each year.
  • Non-members that attend a NCCC event and become a member directly afterwards will get the money charged for the event deducted from their membership fee.
  • Fees mentioned are applicable for 2018.

YES, we/I would like to join the NCCC and obtain:

0Patron Membership EUR 1360.-

0Corporate Membership EUR 525.-

0Small Business Membership EUR 250.-

0Young Professionals & Entrepreneurs EUR 75.-

0Private Membership(for individuals) EUR 250.-


Name : ...... M / F

Address: ......

Postal code: ...... City : ......

Telephone: ......

Email address: ......

Please give us a brief description of your activities in the Netherlands:



Please give us a brief description of your activities in Canada:



I agree to have my name, company name and email address included on a list exclusively accessible to NCCC members (Members Only pages on the NCCC website).

Date: ...... Signature: ......

MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (Patron, Corporate, Small Business, YPE)

Company name : ......

Voting Member: ...... M / F

Title: ......

Post Office Box: ......

Postal code: ...... City : ......

Business Address: ......

Postal code: ...... City : ......

Telephone: ......

Email address: ......

Website: ......

Associated Member(s) for Patron & Corporate membership. (Can be added later)

Name: ...... | ...... | ......

Title: ...... | ...... | ......

Telephone: ...... | ...... | ......

Email address: ...... | ...... | ......

Please give us a brief description of your activities in the Netherlands:



Please give us a brief description of your activities in Canada:



I agree to have my name, company name and email address included on a list exclusively accessible to NCCC members (Members Only pages on the NCCC website).

Date: ...... Signature: ......