
1. Sub-Chapter I applies only to made up articles, of any textile fabric.

2. Sub-Chapter I does not cover:

(a)Goods of Chapters 56 to 62; or

(b)Worn clothing or other worn articles of heading 6309.

3. Heading 6309 applies only to the following goods:

(a)Articles of textile materials:

(i)Clothing and clothing accessories, and parts thereof;

(ii)Blankets and traveling rugs;

(iii)Bed linen, table linen and kitchen linen;

(iv)Furnishing articles, other than carpets of headings 5701 to 5705 and tapestries of heading 5805.

(b)Footwear and headgear of any material other than asbestos.

In order to be classified in this heading, the articles mentioned above must comply with both of the following requirements.

(i) they must show signs of appreciable wear, and

(ii)they must be presented in bulk or in bales, sacks or similar packings.

Exim Code / Item Description / Policy / Policy Conditions
I. Other made up Textile Articles
6301 / Blankets and travelling rugs
63011000 / Electric blankets / Free
63012000 / Blankets (other than electric blankets) and travelling rugs, of wool or fine animal hair / Free
63013000 / Blankets (other than electric blankets) and travelling rugs, of cotton / Free
63014000 / Blankets (other than electric blankets) and travelling rugs, of synthetic fibres / Free
630190 / Other blankets and travelling rugs:
63019010 / Jute blankets including blankets of blended jute / Free
63019090 / Other / Free
6302 / Bed linen, table linen, toilet linen and kitchen linen
630210 / Bed linen, knitted or crocheted:
63021010 / Of cotton / Free
63021090 / Of other textile materials
Other bed linen, printed: / Free
63022100 / Of cotton / Free
63022200 / Of man made fibres / Free
6302 29 00 / Of other textile materials / Free
Other bed linen:
63023100 / Of cotton / Free
63023200 / Of man made fibres / Free
63023900 / Of other textile maerials / Free
630240 / Table linen, knitted or crocheted:
63024010 / Of silk / Free
63024020 / Of wool or fine animal hair / Free
63024030 / Of cotton / Free
63024040 / Of man-made fibres / Free
63024090 / Other
Other table linen: / Free
63025100 / Of cotton / Free
63025200 / Of flax / Free
63025300 / Of man-made fibres / Free
63025900 / Of other textile materials / Free
63026000 / Toilet linen and kitchen linen, of terry towelling or similar terry fabrics, of cotton
Other: / Free
63029100 / Of cotton / Free
63029200 / Of flax / Free
63029300 / Of man-made fibres / Free
63029900 / Of other textile materials
/ Free
6303 / Curtains (including drapes) and interior blinds: curtain or bed valances
Knitted or crocheted:
63031100 / Of cotton / Free
63031200 / Of synthetic fibres / Free
63031900 / Of other textile materials
Other: / Free
63039100 / Of cotton / Free
63039200 / Of synthetic fibres / Free
630399 / Of other textile materials:
63039910 / Silk shower curtains / Free
63039990 / Other / Free
6304 / Other furnishing articles, excluding those of heading 9404
Bed spreads:
63041100 / Knitted or crocheted / Free
630419 / Other:
63041910 / Bedsheets and bed cover, of cotton / Free
63041920 / Bed spreads of silk / Free
63041930 / Bedsheets and bed covers of man-made fibres / Free
63041990 / Other
Other: / Free
630491 / Knitted or crocheted:
63049110 / Silk belt / Free
63049120 / Woollen cushion cover / Free
63049190 / Other / Free
630492 / Not knitted or crocheted, of cotton:
63049210 / Counterpanes / Free
63049220 / Napkins / Free
63049230 / Pillow case and pillow slip / Free
63049240 / Table cloth and table cover / Free
63049250 / Terry towel / Free
63049260 / Towels, other than terry towel / Free
63049270 / Mosquito nets / Free
63049280 / Cushion covers / Free
63049290 / Other furnishing articles / Free
63049300 / Not knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibres / Free
630499 / Not knitted or crocheted, Of other textile materials:
63049910 / Silk cushion covers / Free
63049990 / Other / Free
6305 / Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods
630510 / Of jute or of other textile bast fibres of heading 53 03:
63051010 / Jute bagging for raw cotton / Free
63051020 / Jute corn (grains) sacks / Free
63051030 / Jute hessian bags / Free
63051040 / Jute sacking bags / Free
63051050 / Jute wool sacks / Free
63051060 / Plastic coated or paper cum polythene lined jute bags and sacks / Free
63051070 / Paper laminated hessian jute / Free
63051080 / Jute soil savers / Free
63051090 / other / Free
63052000 / Of cotton
Of man-made textile materials: / Free
63053200 / Flexible intermediate bulk containers / Free
63053300 / Other, of polyethylene or polypropylene strip or the like / Free
63053900 / Other / Free
63059000 / Of other textile materials / Free
6306 / Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds; tents; sails for boats, sailboards or landcraft; camping goods
Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds:
63061100 / Of cotton / Free
63061200 / Of synthetic fibres / Free
630619 / Of other textile materials:
63061910 / Jute tarpaulins (including DW tarpaulin) / Free
63061920 / Blinds or awnings of coir / Free
63061930 / Venetian or Austrian blinds / Free
63061990 / Other
Tents: / Free
63062100 / Of cotton / Free
63062200 / Of synthetic fibres / Free
630629 / Of other textile materials:
63062910 / Of jute / Free
63062990 / Other
Sails: / Free
63063100 / Of synthetic fibres / Free
630639 / Of other textile materials:
63063910 / Of cotton / Free
63063990 / Other
Pneumatic Mattresses: / Free
63064100 / Of cotton / Free
63064900 / Of other textile materials:
Other: / Free
63069100 / Of cotton / Free
63069900 / Of other textile / Free
6307 / Other made up articles, including dress patterns
630710 / Floor-cloths, dish-cloths, dusters and similar cleaning cloths:
63071010 / Of cotton / Free
63071020 / Of man made fibres / Free
63071090 / Other / Free
630720 / Life jackets and life-belts:
63072010 / Of cotton / Free
63072090 / Other / Free
630790 / Other:
Dress materials hand printed:
63079011 / Of cotton / Free
63079012 / Of silk / Free
63079013 / Of man made fibres / Free
63079019 / Other / Free
63079020 / Made up articles of cotton / Free
63079090 / Other


/ Free
6308 / Sets consisting of woven fabric and yarn, whether or not with accessories, for making up into rugs, tapestries, embroidered table cloths or serviettes, or similar textile articles, put up in packings for retail sale
63080000 / Sets consisting of woven fabric and yarn, whether or not with accessories, for making up into rugs, tapestries, embroidered table cloths or serviettes, or similar textile articles, put up in packings for retail sale
6309 / Worn clothing and other worn articles
63090000 / Worn clothing and other worn articles / Restricted / Subject to Import Licencing Note No.(1) of the Chapter.
6310 / Used or new rags, scrap twine, cordage, rope and cables and worn out articles of twine, cordage, rope or cables, of textile materials
631010 / Sorted:
63101010 / Woolen rags / Restricted
63101020 / Cotton rags / Restricted / Permitted for import in completely mutilated form without a licence subject to the condition that mutilation must conform to the requirement specified by Customs Public Notice or Trade Notice.
63101030 / Gunny cuttings / Restricted
63101090 / Other
Other: / Restricted
63109010 / Woolen rags / Restricted / Permitted for import in completely mutilated form without a licence subject to the condition that mutilation must conform to the requirement specified by Customs Public Notice or Trade Notice.
63109020 / Cotton rags / Restricted
63109030 / Gunny cuttings / Free
63109040 / Synthetic rags / Restricted / Permitted for import in completely mutilated form without a licence subject to the condition that mutilation must conform to the requirement specified by Customs Public Notice or Trade Notice.
63109090 / Other / Restricted

Import Licencing Note :

(1) Units in the Special Economic zone will be allowed to sell worn clothing in the Domestic Tariff Area to the extent of 15% of the cif value of imports made in the previous year.