/D May 1998 Page 6


May 1 - 3, 1998

Camperdown Travelodge- Sydney

Attendees: Rohan Grant; Peta Roberts; Rob Woodward; Rohan Holtkamp; Mike Zupanc; Tim Cummings; Lee Scott; Keith Lush; Ian Jarman (HGFA Exec. Dir.); and Craig Worth (Ops Mgr and Minutes Secretary). Brian Webb observer, attended the second half of the meeting. Apologies: Shaun Keane

Friday 1st. - Commenced 9:10 a.m.

The meeting commenced with Rohan Grant welcoming the new Board members.

Peta Roberts raised the matter of electing office bearers. She pointed out that according to the Constitution there is a need to elect office bearers following a postal ballot. As the agenda showed that elections will be conducted on the third day of the meeting, her concerns were that decisions made prior to the election of the new office bearers may be somehow not binding.

Peta suggested that the Constitution may need to be amended to allow the current practice of electing Board members at the end of the Board members other than at the beginning of the meeting.

The matter was passed over until a later date. (As the constitution simply states that Office Bearers shall be elected after the completion of the postal ballot there appears no definitive direction as to when the election of office bearers should take place after the postal ballot. The practice of electing office bearers at the conclusion of the first meeting following the postal ballot seems in no way to contradict the constitution and is preferable given that new board members need some time to find their feet within the Board and associated management issues)

Minutes last Board meeting - Business arising

Actions included in the previous Minutes were tabled.

Actions not completed included:

HGFA Forms were not formatted for the web page by the Operations Manager (awaiting further discussion at this meeting).

The previously proposed incentive scheme was to be reworked by the Executive Director and is to be presented for discussion at this meeting.

All other actions were completed.

Tele conference - Business arising

Legal Costs - GFA Action against CASA (reference Motion 98/1)

The legal action led to CASA removing the requirement for transponder carriage in Class E airspace.

Motion: That the HGFA pay 50 % of the GFAs legal costs ($ 3 069) incurred by this legal action.

Moved: Mike Zupanc; Seconded: Rob Woodward. Carried unanimously.

Motion: That the Minutes of the last Board Meeting and the February Teleconference be accepted as tabled without modification.

Moved: Rohan Grant; Seconded: Mike Zupanc Carried unanimously.

Review of major projects against desired outcomes

World Championships (R Nevins M Zupanc) The successful conduct of the World Championships was reported.

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The written report previously circulated by Ian Jarman was supplemented by chart of accounts recently provided by Richard Nevins which indicated a total deficit of $ 3 054.99. A number of questions were raised in regard to some of the figures provided but it was agreed that the overall success, standard and service levels provided to competitors, the public and the media were consistent with the accounts provided. Ian Jarman provided figures which showed that the total HGFA project costs for this event to be $21,102.00. The benefits to the HGFA were discussed, including the media exposure and influx of overseas pilots which the event attracted. The HGFA will also gain copies of all media footage taken at the event for future use.

Ian Jarmans role as Aussie team coach was discussed, including the degree of cooperation which he gained from team members. The teams inability to adapt to changes in the sport was considered to be a factor in the teams performance.

Motion: The Board sincerely thanks Richard Nevins and the Canungra Hang Gliding Club for their efforts in successfully conducting the World Hang Gliding Championships.

Moved: Rohan Holtkamp; Seconded: Rohan Grant; Carried unanimously.

Media Coverage of the World Championships

Richard Scotts from Sports Momentum addressed the meeting. His described his need to carry out some damage control following the fatality on the first day of the World Championships to reduce the medias focus on the accident. The fact that Sport Momentum had good relations with the media that attended the event helped to control the coverage of the event. Most the of the national television networks attended the event (with the exception of Channel 9) and Sports Momentums own footage which was distributed to the media helped to get good cover of the event. Channel 9 are waiting to focus on the Grand Prix Series later in the year. He stated that he was also very happy with the print and radio coverage of the event.

Richard stated that the scheduling of the Paragliding World Cup affected their ability to gain substantial coverage of the event as it is difficult to get TV producers to cover more than one event at a time especially from the same sport. Given that the PWC schedule overlapped with the HG Worlds and the Grand Prix filming in 98 it is obvious that greater exposure for future PWCs in Australia should be attainable and a priority. Some footage that went to air during and following the World Hang Gliding Championships was then shown to the Board.

HG Grand Prix TV promotional series

Richard Scotts stated that Sports Momentum sees this time to be ideal to introduce the sport of hang gliding to the media and the public. The Grand Prix event was a learning experience to his organisation, as it was for the HGFA; the filming of the event being a pioneering concept. He stated his delight with the filming of the event using the three disciplines (giant slalom, freestyle and match racing). Despite the equipment costs during filming he feels that the future of exposing hang gliding to the public is good, with the product he has been able to produce being different to anything previously produced. This belief has recently been supported by the Executive Director of Channel 9 Sport and international media contacts. The end product will be more than was initially anticipated with the likelihood of more than one program being developed. The final production will depend on the end product and television network demand. He sees the Grand Prix as an excellent marketing tool for hang gliding. Other uses for the vision may come up in the future as the program/s go to air. Sports Momentum has approached twenty-six sponsors to date and Richard is optimistic that a sponsor will be forthcoming. Once this occurs the sponsors logo can be implanted into the footage. Sponsorship is being sought from companies such as four-wheel drive vehicle manufactures, surf wear product companies, beer brewers and watch manufacturers. Interest to date has been promising and formal responses are anticipated in the next few months.

Some samples of the edited program to date were shown. Richard stated that the aim now is to establish a sponsor and look at the possibility developing another series next year. With success of this series Richard feels that it may be possible to bring paragliders into future production using either acrobatics or accuracy landing events.

Lee Scott stated the need to inform members of the progress of the production to date via Skysailor.

Ian Jarman presented figures to date on the grand prix series showing a total expenditure of $80 030. However, the anticipated minimum expenditure was budgeted at $65000; the budget overrun being a result of camera damage during filming the event and unanticipated pilot retainer fees (the total cost of camera damage being $27000, the majority of which was absorbed by Sports Momentum).

Discussion followed regarding areas that must be addressed should the promotion reap the anticipated increase in the number of inquiries from people wishing to take up the sport. Suggestions included: establishing a national free-call inquiry number; providing an information package for enquirers; establishing a list of preferred instructors (by determining which instructors can provide an appropriate promotional package for prospective pilots).

HGFA Financial and membership position as at 31/3/98

Operating figures to date for FY97/98

Comparison against budgets

Membership trends & statistics

Ian Jarman presented figures indicating that the HGFA members total 2893 at 28/4/98. This figure shows a continuation of the downward trend of last year. It was noted that the hang gliding numbers have changed little, though there is a slight decline since 30/6 last year; paragliding numbers have continued to increase; and microlight numbers have continued to decline at a significant rate.

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A Profit and Loss Statement was circulated and discussed. The anticipated deficit shown results from several budget overruns including: the World Championships, the Grand Prix Series, the CASA Regulatory Review Program and the GFA amalgamation project meetings scheduled for the last months of the FY.

Financial summaries shown indicated a continuation of decline in HGFA asset values, approximately $500 000 at June 30 1998 is expected.

ASAC & Presidents report (President - Rohan Grant)

Rohan Grant provided a verbal report on Australian Sport Aviation Confederation matters. Of note was the withdrawal from ASAC of the Sport Aircraft Association of Australia and the Royal Federation of Aero Clubs of Australia. The Australian Ultralight Federation have currently limited voting rights in ASAC, without FAI affiliation. Mike Alves, the new ASAC part time employee, is still settling into his role. As he is part time and is unable to represent us in Canberra, the CASA Regulatory Review has placed added pressure on the time of HGFA employees and President. Dick Smith is taking a stronger and more pragmatic role in his role as CASA Board Member.

The implications of the proposed CASR Part 149 were briefly discussed. It was agreed that Kieran Tapsell needs to be asked to examine the proposed Part, particularly Subpart 15 which requires an internal quality assurance system.

Action: Operation Manager to ask Kieran Tapsell to check the proposed Part 149 and advise appropriate feedback to be passed back to CASA.

Operations, Safety and Regulations (Craig Worth)

The previously circulated report from the Operations Manager report was briefly discussed.

Operations Managers travel program for the coming six months was circulated.

(Name withheld) appeal following the decision of the HGFA Disciplinary Tribunal was raised. Following brief discussion the following persons were nominated for appointment to the HGFA appeals tribunal: Brian Webb, Kevin Magennis, Tove Heaney; Rob Fakes or Karen Lederer.

CIVL meeting & Comps Committee activities ( M Zupanc)

Mike Zupanc provided a verbal report in support of his previously circulated written report.

The proposal to host the Nationals in West Australia was discussed. This discussion included sanction requirements and the recent trend of declining participation in WA. The WA organisers are keen to have a response to their proposal as soon as possible to allow organisation to be made.

Zupy stated that the Comps Committee are seeking Board direction in regard to the future direction of HGFA Competitions.

Various issues were discussed, including: the number of AAA and AA competitions per season; encouraging less formal comps; endeavouring to reduce competition entry fees; and

introducing sub classes into competitions.

Discussion into the classes for hang gliders led to a suggestion that the standard or floater class should be expanded to include gliders such as Missions, Stings and XTs and further to this the concept that classes should be aimed at pilot experience rather than glider type was also raised.

The suitability of sites for various levels of competition should be considered and Clubs asked to host competitions accordingly.

Concerns at the low numbers of Aussie pilots competing overseas was raised. Discussion followed regarding the funding of pilots wishing to compete overseas. The Comps Committee propose that the cut-off for funding should be at number fifteen on the National Ladder.

Motion: That the existing level of funding per person remain as per Motion 96.9 and that funding be generally restricted to the top 15 on the national ladder. Pilots outside the top 15 can apply for funding and that such applications will be considered on a case by case basis.

Moved: Mike Zupanc; Seconded: Rohan Holtkamp; Carried unanimously.

[Note: Motion 96.9 refers to a min of $1000 per team pilot in conjunction with AIS team funding. In the current environment of no AIS funding the individual team member funding is more likely to be to a maximum value of $1000 per team pilot. (Executive Director)]

Motion: That subclasses be introduced into HGFA competitions.

Moved: Mike Zupanc; Seconded: Lee Scott; Carried unanimously.

Motion: That the bid to hold the Australian Open Hang Gliding Championships in West Australia received from the Western Soarers HGC be accepted.

Moved: Lee Scott; Seconded: Keith Lush; Seven for, one against - Carried.

Sites & NSAC (Rob Woodward)

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A brief verbal report was provided by Rob Woodward into the past and present circumstances of the NSAC. The HGFA has contributed $16 000 to date to the project. A government grant of $250 000 has been spent along with other funds that have been invested. A $150 000 loan is outstanding. The venture has been valued at $30 000. The lease over the land expires this year and the land can either be bought for a further $30 000 or the venture wound up. The HGFA would need to invest a further $5000 to keep the venture alive. The APF have agreed to put more money into the venture, the MAAA are yet to decide.

Motion: That the HGFA invest further in the National Sport Aviation Centre up to a maximum amount of $ 5 000 subject to commitments to invest in the venture being forthcoming from the other parties involved.

Moved: Rob Woodward; Seconded: Tim Cummings; Seven for, one against - Carried.

Mt Tamborine

Ian Jarman gave a brief report on the Canungra Site. The lease has been signed with the Beaudesert Shire Council and the Canungra HGPC. The loan of $20 000 will now be made to the Club and to be repaid via allocation of Canungra Club members regional levies over the next 5 years.