YES in Rock County

Notes 1/18/13

Financial Report:

·  Suicide Awareness Prevention fund $3527.03 plus 2000 = $5527.03

·  $4085.95 in general YES account – mostly money for summit

·  Received $400 from Mercy

·  Received $1000 from CPS/Juvenile Justice

·  Not many people are not using credit card to register for summit – most planning to pay day of – have only received payment for five people so far – may have to send out reminders again this year – last year only one person ended up not paying at all.

·  Genesis sponsored, school district sponsorship will go right to speaker

·  Head start’s not in yet

Review of Options for Fiscal Management:

·  No new information but continue to look at options – still bring Kate Baldwinn from Partners in prevention to talk about potential option

·  Less cumbersome this year for Head Start because of how we are doing registration but still need long range plan due to HS federal regulation barriers – have her come at March or april meeting (get strategic planning

·  Own 501.c3 or connect with another one like Partners in Prevention

·  Takes a year to go through 501.c3 process

·  Anyone willing to research costs – Ruby Project currently going through process need official board, bylaws etc. but also many benefits – writing grants, etc. would need accountant

·  Anyone have a good relationship with United Way – contact them would they be willing what would fees be – Connie knows Steve Kincaid and will contact him

·  Also wondering about Tara Tinder Stateline Community Foundation

·  Sara meeting with an attorney and will learn about the steps, cost etc.

·  Costs a lot less if you have an attorney willing to donate their time

·  Hush Services in same building as Crossroads – still a cost but work well with non profits (Accounting/legal services)

·  If anyone else has other thoughts – olease share or discuss at next meeting

Reminders: Strategic Plan Review to Feb. Meeting

·  Will happen at Feb. 8,2013 meeting – Please be sure to attend

·  Prep for it: year-long calendar – bring what you have

·  In meeting notice – ask people to review strategic plan prior to meeting

·  Should have a few hard copies at meeting

Subcommittee work:

·  Family Support

o  Start getting surveys out at Feb. and get them back by May 3 and then hoping to work with the Data committee meeting to compile analyze/use data

·  Data – Contact Steve Kincaid to see if United Way wants to participate, also should contact Community Action, Marc Perry or Lisa and Gretchen Diepold

o  If anyone knows of or has data about children’s mental health – please give to data committee

o  Looking for other committee members

o  Sally’s daughter may help analyze data if/when needed

o  UW-W might be able to help if we pursue

·  Coalition of Coalitions/Public awareness – May

o  IIs Coalition Café part of plan email?

o  National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Month emphasis Week is May 5-13, 2013 – green ribbons?

§  Do anything at summit such as selling ribbons or making/giving out

§  Green used to be associated with people being in insane so use green to try to change the connotation to a more positive one

§  Tracy will check in to ordering and then they could be sold a long with bracelets, etc. at the summit – pins rather than ribbons – give to participants and sell leftovers if participants wont more

§  Committee creste an informational note to go with it to encourage people with ribbons to wear a certain days

o  Rework of language for strategic plan goal completed – strength based and included activities committee working on.

o  Keep objectives but put activities in a separate document

o  Coalition Café: hard time to find time to get together – may be good to involve Partners in prevention – needs to be part of a work plan – Last one went well – Partners in Prevention take it over?

o  Coalition café a very valuable event more of a community benefit rather than specific to YES strategic planning objectives

o  Who is right person/group to take it over – Would United Way take the lead?

o  Janine still has access to past coalition café materials, participation lists etc

o  YES would love to see it continue and can maybe partner but should be a group that has a broader mission to serve the whole community rather than specific target

o  Marc Perry with CA might be another contact/fit

o  Planning grant for group focusing on early learning and care – Gretchen would be contact – Kate Balsdwin

o  U-Rock or BTC

o  UW-Extension

o  Coalition will reach out to one or more of these suggestions to try to ensure the opportunity does not get lost

·  Clinical mental health services

Now at beginning stages of planning next year’s walk – Walk tentatively scheduled for 9/21/13

·  Education/Training – 5th Annual Summit 1/25/13 at Craig High School

o  Overall using online registration has been better

o  Hoping to bring bracelets etc. from suicide walk to sell – Connie will bring cash, Sally will bring cash box and Connie will bring one – one for registration and one to sell items

o  77 through ABC – online and will get another list on Monday 1/21/13

o  30 with JSD

o  10 volunteers

o  plus committee plus speakers

o  may go over 150 participants

o  Verlene creating agenda –

o  Will give bios to people introducing speakers

o  Finalize numbers, etc – handouts, nametags, food

o  Craig at 3:00 on 1/24 to prepare as much as possible – meet at front door and then will use a conference room or cafeteria – put signs up make packets/stuff folders

o  Banner (Sally is getting) will be ready – need to figure out where to hang it.

o  Danni and Verlene will match workshops with rooms according to number of people signed up for each workshop

o  Sally is making YES display – Tracy will give Sally materials/articles used last year

o  Handouts – still have not received handouts from some speakers –

o  Do we want to do half sheet attendance for attendance verification

o  Tracy will order 200 pins

·  Early learning Updates:

o  No updates this month

Other: For FRC - will be sending Jodi to be on YES – Nancy will continue to be on Home Visiting network – We will miss Nancy but are happy to be having someone so competent joining YES