Maine Society of Respiratory Care Meeting Minutes
Date: 2-12-14
Note taker: Rhonda Vosmus
Attendees: Amanda Albee, Kate Johnson, Flo Pajanen, Jon Lewis, Erin Healey, Matt Grant, Michael Provencher, Daren Rainey, John Higgins, via phone, Bobbie Crocket, excused, Norma Hey, Brian Sadowski, and Peter Brooks
Agenda Item / Discussion / Follow – Up
Opening Remarks
Mike Provencher / Introduced ourselves to each other, as there are several new board members
Board of Directors
Student Liaison / Welcomed Erin Healey from SMCC
Treasurers Report
Kate Johnson / Treasurers Report:
Operating Budget: (see attached as presented)
  • Decrease delegate expense
  • Increased insurance expense
  • Not filing taxes, had volunteer for tax prep, money remains for future costs
  • Lobstergram cost $2,000 annually, discussion revealed review of by laws noting the word ‘published’ not specific to mailed.
  • For this year, 1 snail mail Lobstergram prior to conference, ideally by the end of March. Motioned made by Amanda, Kate seconded the motion, all were in favor.
  • Committee formed, Jack, Keith and Bobbie Crocket to review future status of dispensing
  • Amanda will add to speaker eval as to the perceived value of Lobstergram advertisement,
  • Amanda made motion to accept treasures report, Jon Lewis seconded the motion all were in favor
  • Amanda made a motion to accept the Operating Budget, Jack seconded the motion all were in favor.
/ As discussed
Delegate Report /
  • Amanda is our newest delegate, she has no report at this time

Government Affairs Report
Jack /
  • Next meeting April 1 face to face with our representatives
  • Continued role out of Medicare Respiratory Therapy Part B –RT with BS in health sciences can work under indirect supervision and garner reimbursement
  • Capital Connection letters of support have been helpful in spreading the word and eliciting support for this bill.
  • After a great deal of discussion around supporting our representatives in travel expense, Jack made a motion to amend the budget to reflect $1,000 total for PACT travel and no more than $400 per person, Daren seconded the motion. All were in favor

Education Committee
Amanda /
  • Save the dates email went out to NE states
  • Silent Auction, Tara Innman is the lead, (there is a standard letter for request)
  • Each board member is responsible to get/give 2 items for the auction with proceeds going to the scholarship fund.

Policy and Procedure Manual
Jack and Amanda /
  • Completed!!!

Drive 4COPD
Daren /
  • Discussion around the AARC Connect site and value added to members.
  • Brainstormed ideas of ways to enhance interest in COPD and the Drive 4COPD

Rhonda /
  • Recent ALA meeting noted great interest in the Lung Assoc. advocating for Screening spirometry with campaigns.
  • Soon to roll out A Lung Cancer Campaign
  • Amanda made a motion to donate $50 to Rhonda, who is riding in the trek, as there is language in the bylaws to support a board member trekker, Flo seconded that motion and all were in favor.
  • Great support in advocacy as outreach email to members who connected to their representatives, helped veto the veto of MC and tobacco treatment limited options.

Membership Committee
Norma /
  • Norma plans to continue to meet with the RT school
  • Mike plans to move about the state in the spring advocating for enhanced member ship

Dallas Leadership Workshop
Daren and Kate /
  • Daren and Kate will attend April 13 and 14th

Other and Closing Remarks /
  • An award was given to Jack for years of service to the board, engraved gavel
  • Review of email voting to be formatted as: a motion is made and seconded and the president opens to discussion, then a vote. One must choose yes, no or obstain.