Class One Timetable


/ Reg.
Hnd. / Phonics through CP
Explain new tasks / Maths /


/ Literacy / Assembly
Guided reading /


/ SV / Handwriting / Focus Project Work (Science/Grow it)
Tues / Reg.
Hnd. / Phonics / Maths / R / Literacy / Assembly
Guided reading / U / SV / Handwriting / ICT / Focus Project Work (Geog/Hist/Cook it)
Wed / Reg.
Hnd. / Phonics / RE/Circle Time/Seals / E / Literacy/Guided reading / Assembly
Guided reading / N / SV / Handwriting / Topic and Intervention
Thurs / Reg.
Hnd. / Phonics / Maths / A / Literacy / Assembly
Guided reading / C / SV / Handwriting / Focus Project Work (Art/DT) / P.E with Luke and
Fri / Hnd. / Phonics / Maths / K / Literacy / Assembly
Guided reading / H / SV / Handwriting / Zumba / Music/Guided Reading/intervention

Class Two Timetable


/ Reg.
Ind jobs / Phonics / Grammar CP
Explain new tasks / Maths /


/ Literacy / Assembly /


/ Handwriting Dance
/ Focus Project Work (Geog/Hist/Art/DT)
Classroom 2
Tues / Reg.
Ind jobs / Phonics/ Grammar / Maths / R / Literacy / Assembly
Guided reading / Intervention / U / Focus Project Work (Geog/Hist/Art/DT)
/ Science
Classroom 1
Wed / Reg
Ind jobs / Phonics/ Grammar / RE / E / Maths / Assembly
Guided reading / Intervention / N / Literacy / Guided Reading
/ Computing
Classroom 2
Thurs / Reg.
Ind jobs / Phonics/ Grammar / Maths / A / Literacy / Assembly
Guided reading / Intervention / C / P.E / Focus Project Work
Classroom 2
Fri / Reg.
Ind jobs / Phonics/ Grammar / Maths / K / Have a go writing / Assembly / H / Music
/ PSCHE / Guided Reading
Classroom 1

*Special cook it / DT / Gardening theme days throughout year.