Full-day training session led by Gislaine Bellocq


"Using artwork, exhibits, and museums visits in the French class: what activities for language learning?

The Cultural Services of the French Embassy, in collaboration with the Museum of Natural Science in Houston are pleased to invite French teachers of all levels to participate in a 9 hours training session led by Gislaine Bellocq, Thélème International, France (www.theleme-international.fr) on "Using artwork, exhibits, and museums visits in the French class: what activities for language learning? The sessions will take place:

On Friday, November 1st, 2013

From 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.


on Saturday, November 2nd,2013

From 9 a.m. to 4 a.m.


The Museum of Natural Science in HOUSTON

Please note that this is a 9 hours training workshop and that there will be no possibility to split it. The two days will complete each others. The teachers who will register and not attend one of the two days will not be able to receive the certificate of completion (useful to obtain the credits for professional development).

On the occasion of the presence of the exhibit Scenes from the Stone Age: The Cave Paintings of Lascaux at the Museum of Natural Science, this professional training will immerse French language teachers to examine the art and science behind the cave paintings of Lascaux, the world’s premier examples of prehistoric art made by our ancestors nearly 20,000 years ago.

The 9 hours training will allow teachers to Learn about the evocative imagery and techniques used by Lascaux’s artists through a movie screening of Lascaux, the prehistory of art, an Alain Jaubert film. Teachers will also attend a Tour of the exhibition with Museum French speaking staff and French specialist Gislaine Bellocq.

This professional development session will prepare educators with essential content knowledge and teaching strategies to connect students to Lascaux in the classroom and at the Museum.

The number of workshop participants will be limited to 40 people. They will receive certificates of event attendance at the end of the two days for 9 CPE credits. Pre-registration required online

Note this professional development session will be lead entirely in French.

Ghislaine BELLOCQhasbeen a teacher for many years, in France andalso abroad in Spain and Morocco, where shedevelopeda variety ofworkshopsfor children and adults.As the author ofa number of books, Ms. Bellocq iscurrently focusing her research on the relationship between language and the visual arts,leading trainings for teachers in the field.She is particularly interested in thetransversal relationship between art and language (what each field brings to the other) and how this can lead to new approaches to teaching and learning the French language.

Practical Information

The cost of the two days training will be of 20 dollars per person. (Includes : 9 hours training, screening of documentary in the Imax theatre, diner for the evening session, snacks for Saturday session, refreshments, tour of the exhibit, curriculum for the exhibit, evaluations of the program, certificates for CPE credits). Does not include (parking passes, lunch on Saturday, accommodations).

Teachers who do not live in Houston and decide to stay overnight in town will have to arrange and pay for their accommodation.

This training is supported by the Cultural Service at the Consulate General of France in Houston and the Cultural Services of the Embassy of France.