WORKPLAN for 3 project year

Outcomes and Activities / M1 / M2 / M3 / M4 / M5 / M6 / M7 / M8 / M9 / M10 / M11 / M12
5. / Working office for academic mobility management
5.5. / Training of post-graduators on advanced engineer pedagogic modular course / 0xxxx / 0==0
5.6. / Pilot teaching session of students by prepared teachers and post-graduators / 0xxxx / xx0
6. / Trained teachers on usage the MULTICEP complex
6.1. / Development of methodical materials for teachers training on MULTICEP course / 0xx=x / xxxx / xx0
6.2. / Publishing of teaching materials on MULTICEP course and forming of complete set of MULTICEP materials / 0xx / xxxx0
6.3. / Training of pilot group of young teachers on usage MULTICEP course / 0xx0
7. / Application of MULTICEP complex in Russian and Ukrainian Technical Universities
7.1. / Implementation of MULTICEP course in Russian and Ukrainian partners Universities / 0xxxx / 0
7.2. / Preparing of presentation materials on MULTICEP complex / 0xxxx / xx0
7.3. / Development of methodical support system and documents on MULTICEP complex / 0xxxx / xx0
7.4. / Publication the results and final conference / 0xxxx / 0
8. / Dissemination and sustainability
8.3. / Training of technical specialists to operate the MULTICEP complex / 0=0
8.4. / Approbation of a multimedia course for training teachers from other Eastern universities / 0x0
10. / Management of the project
10.9 / PMB Meeting on organization the 3rd year projects activities / 0x0
10.10 / Coordination of 3rd year of the project / 0x0 / 0xx / xxxx / xxxx / =xxx0
10.11 / Соmposition of final project Report

Starting and end date of Outcome: O

Activity carried out in the EU/Candidate Country: =

Activity carried out in the Partner Country(ies): X