For the club waterfowl order we plan to order again from Metzer Farms unless there are objections. Metzer has a good selection, good communication and prices in line with the rest of the market for the quality. Here is the web address if you are interested in researching the breeds and prices further.

As for the bantam waterfowl…I regret that it appears we are in the same situation as last year. The larger hatcheries that offer them will not promise anything and the smaller hatcheries are in it for breed preservation and sell exclusively or at very high prices. At this time if you are seeking bantam waterfowl you will have to do so on your own via swap meets or other means. If anyone should come across a decent offering for bantam waterfowl please inform me immediately and we will get together an order.

Sallie Goppert 202-0515

Ducks approx $4.50/ea or lower depending on the quantity we end up ordering with the exception of the white crested which is $5.50

Black Indian Runner - Pure Black

Blue Indian Runner - Blue-gray.

Blue Swedish - Hardy, calm breed, good forager.

Buff - Fine multipurpose breed.

Cayuga - Greenish, iridescent shine in the sunlight.

Chocolate Indian Runner - Deep, dark brown.

Fawn & White Indian Runner - White with buff colored patches.

Golden 300 Hybrid - Unexcelled egg layer.

Khaki Campbel - Good egg layer and forager.

Mallard - True flying ducks, same as in wild.

Pekin - Most common white duck, excellent for meat production.

Rouen - Domestic non-flying cousin of wild Mallard.

White Crested - Pure white duck with orange feet and bill, and a large crest of feathers on its head.

White Golden Layer- Another high production breed.

Geese price range is wide depending on breed $9-$55/ea. with the more common being on the low end $9-$15

African Goose- Imposing breed with dark brown stripe down neck.

Super African Goose - Impressive bird with well developed dewlap.

White Chinese Goose - Swan-like, very graceful and talkative.

Brown Chinese Goose - Similar to White Chinese but in shades of brown and black.*

Embden Goose - Most common meat goose.

Canada Goose - Maxima strain, hatched domestically.

Pilgrim Goose - Calm temperment with white males and gray females.*

Buff Goose - Pleasant disposition, beautiful colors.*

Tufted Buff Goose - Unique tuft of feathers on top of their head.*

Roman Tufted Goose - A smaller white goose with a tuft of feathers on top of their head.*

Toulouse Goose - Most common gray barnyard goose.

Tufted Toulouse Goose - Tufted example of the Toulouse Goose.

French Toulouse Goose - Better Toulouse for meat production.

Sebastopol Quiet, friendly goose with curled feathers.*