GC EUROPE organizes MI Symposium at the FDI congress in late October:

GC Symposium in Dubai: “Minimal Intervention – from Theory to Clinical Practice”

High-calibre speakers, topical questions and thorough discussions about preparation and prevention: the scientific congress of the World Dental Federation (FDI) is this year being held in Dubai from 24to 27 October. Key topics are future-oriented concepts from adhesive prosthodontics through to foresighted caries prevention. This subject will be examined in depth in a symposium on the first day of the congress organized by GC EUROPE. On 24 October from 14.00 until 17.30, under the heading “Minimal Intervention – from Theory to Clinical Practice”, three internationally renowned scientists will speak about the basic principles and clinical possibilities of Minimal Intervention Dentistry.

As a responsible dental firm, GC took on the role of a trail-blazer in Minimal Intervention several years ago. For instance, the Japanese company with a long tradition has had a special Cariology Group since 1999 for research and clinical validation of remineralization and preventive methods according to the concept of minimal intervention. Whether protective toothpastes containing the caries-protective CPP-ACP complex, multi-step saliva and plaque tests or fluoride-releasing glass ionomer cements – at the half-day symposium during the FDI congress in Dubai, all aspects of MI guidelines and the prospects and indications of MI in clinical practice will be discussed and debated in detail

Less preparation thanks to biomimetic materials

The first speaker will be Prof. Marco Ferrari from Siena University (Italy), who will speak about “Aesthetic restorations made with minimal intervention concepts”. As an acknowledged expert in composite materials and bonding systems, at the Dubai congress he will give a scientific overview of current adhesive techniques and materials and, referring to a variety of clinical cases, will illustrate the aesthetic possibilities available for indirect and direct restorations, including the use of GC Gradia and GC Gradia Direct.

He will be followed by Dr. Hien Ngo, Director of the CACDRC at Adelaide University (Australia), giving a talk on the subject “Minimal Intervention: from theory to clinical practice”. He will explain the basic principles of minimal intervention dentistry and illustrate the medical demand for modern caries management, in which the dentist uses new tools for diagnosis and treats the actual cause of caries. According to Dr. Ngo: “By naturally restoring the mineral balance with new biomimetic materials such as glass ionomer cements, dentists can minimize the extent of preparation and preserve the physical or biological integrity of the tooth as much as possible.”

Double adhesion to enamel and dentine

“Current tooth-bonding strategies and their clinical effectiveness” is the title of the third talk in the GC EUROPE symposium on Minimal Intervention. Prof. Bart van Meerbeek (Catholic University of Leuven/Belgium) will outline the different modes of action of dentine and enamel adhesion and, with the aid of various comparative studies, will summarize his many years of scientific and clinical experience with bonding systems. The eminent researcher will then present the advantages of the combined micromechanical and chemical retention provided by the self-etching single-component adhesive GC G-Bond and will give congress participants helpful practical tips on implementing the concept of minimal intervention.

Minimal Intervention is also one of the themes of the scientific programme of the FDI congress. For instance, Dr. Hien Ngo is not only speaking during the MI symposium, but also on two days of the congress as part of the main official programme: on 24 October in the afternoon he is speaking on “Minimal Intervention Dentistry: a new challenge to dental education”, and on 26 October in the morning his talk is on “Minimal Intervention and the future of glass ionomer”.

Minimal Intervention: new challenge for dentists

The detailed programme and all registration information regarding the FDI congress to be held at the end of October in Dubai as well as the MI Symposium can be found on the internet at To find out more about the forward-looking Minimal Intervention concept of GC EUROPE, go to for detailed information from diagnosis through to prevention and restoration.

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